Newsletter March 2025
John Turner has been hard at work on this month’s newsletter. After six and a half years, he is stepping down as the newsletter editor, so please make sure to give his last edition a read.
Welcome to the Launceston and North Cornwall Motor Club Website.
We use this website to keep our members up to date on our upcoming motorsport events and the general happenings in the club.
We use this website to keep our members up to date on our upcoming motorsport events and the general happenings in the club.
President: Warin Kelly
VIce President: Pat Gomm
Chairman: Simon Riddle
Vice Chairman: Andrew Rippon
Treasurer: Jan Cooper and Pam Wevill
General Secretary: Lorraine Rippon
Competition Secretary: Mike Wevill
Email –
Membership Secretary: Simon Oates
Motorcycle Secretary: Andy Beveridge
Awards Officer: Nigel Cowling
Social Media Secretary: Lisa Gregory
ACTC Reps: Andrew Rippon
Club Safeguarding Officer:
Elizabeth Barnecutt Brown
Tel: 07826 066883
Newsletter Editor: Richard Simpson