Launceston Trial 2021 Regs and Online Entry

The regulations and entry forms for the Launceston Trial 2021 are now available to download below.

Launceston Trial 2020 Motorcycle Regs (2519 downloads ) Launceston Trial 2021 Car Regs (2375 downloads )

As with last year, the online entry system is available for this event and can be accessed here Due to Covid 19 restrictions, we can’t accept postal entries for this event.

This single venue classic trial for both motorcycles and cars is held in Lew & Eastcott Woods, Near Lewdown (approx. 10 miles from Launceston), and will take place on Sunday the 30th of May.

Newsletter April 2021

So we are gradually travelling back to normality in the world of motorsport, Easter Saturday saw had several members of our club out marshalling for the MCC ”Pop Up Trial” . As mentioned in last month’s newsletter this was somewhat of an experimental event with signing on and route etc. all done remotely, there was even an app for recording the score on the hills on your mobile phone although old fashioned score cards were still being used as well. Each section had its hand sanitising point and marshals were reminded to socially distance.

The entry for the event was lower than expected but it proved the system could work, given that this was the first event to run in this format I think the MCC should be applauded for taking the initiative. Obviously there was little of the social enjoyment side of things, cars did not have passengers which must have seemed somewhat strange for the driver to do his/her own navigating and the real downside was no one to blame but yourself if you took a wrong turning. We were treated to Geoff Westcott putting on a nice display on our section as he grappled with the outfit snaking around the trees in the woods, very entertaining.

I’m not sure technology will completely take over for long distance trials but as a taster it was thought provoking, personally I think both the old established method can run along side the new, I think they call it progress .

Talking of progress we had another zoom committee meeting earlier this month, this zoom thingy is now feeling almost normal, in olden days you had to go out on cold nights and physically meet people, often at a thing called a “Pub”, now you do it from the comfort of your own home, it’s not all bad but the pub did have a wider selection of ales. All the usual topics were discussed, finances, membership, events, AGM etc , will cover the events later.

So it’s over to our Club President Robin Moore

The Ramblings of R.H.T.

Well, that’s a new title to start with. Thirty years ago my monthly piece for our newsletter was headed, “Did You Know”, and recently I have been sorting through many of my old copies and it made me realise that much of what I have previously written may not have been seen by our present day readers. Either, because they are of a younger generation, or, that circulation of the newsletter was less at the time. With the advent of email there appears to be a far wider readership, so perhaps it would not be out of place to reprint some of my previous offerings.

Apart from the years of the two World Wars , I cannot recall the MCC Lands End being cancelled for two consecutive years, and disappointment is very much of an understatement for all concerned. As I have previously written , it is very much a red letter day, something not to be missed. To put it mildly, I think we are all somewhat depressed with the restrictions imposed by Covid, and the question remains of what the new normal will be. Will it ever be like we were used to, or will that become part of history? Therefore I thought it might be appropriate to re print a piece I submitted for the newsletter almost 30 years ago, and which first appeared in the magazine of the Wolseley Hornet Special Club 60 years ago, written by member Tony Reed I hope it lifts the gloom a little for you.


Editor’s Note

It is good to see an old LNCMC newsletter first which I first cobbled together nearly thirty years ago in 1992 and courtesy of the Reluctant Publishing Company Ltd.

Reproduced here in authentic form warts and all, time constraints do not allow for digitally reworking !

Tony Read’s Hornet when we first met in 1960.

This Sallow Bodied Hornet Special has its original Devon registration number but the Pico
headlights are incorrect and never original equipment. The car now resides in Italy and Tony
Read is deceased.

Thanks to Warin Kelly for the contribution below which must surely warrant a Caption Competition.
Send in your ideas for an amusing caption and receive an amazing prize in return………

Future Events

Saturday the 8th of May , Northgate Sporting Trial to be held at Ashley Farm, Lifton, with thanks to Paul Webber for use of his land. The reg’s and entry form are up on the club website, don’t forget we will be needing marshals please, as always Mike Wevill would love to hear from you 01566 784451.
Sunday the 30th of May is the date for the Launceston Trial to be held at Eastcott and Lew Woods, although a fixed venue it will be run on classic trial regulations, entry forms and reg’s will be up on the club website shortly.
I ventured out in the Dellow last Saturday in order to marshal for the “pop up trial” it was a tentative if somewhat sedate journey after the last outing when things went somewhat pear shaped, pleased to say the journey there and back was uneventful, long may it continue, although I feel I know something of how the driver in the photo above felt .

All for this month J.T. contributions to

Northgate Trial 2021 Regs and Entry Form

We’re pleased to announce the return of our events after a year-long hiatus due to a certain virus that you may or may not have heard of.

The first event we’re putting on is the Northgate Trial 2021. The Trial will take place on Saturday 8th May at Ashley Farm, Lifton (MR201/395842) by kind permission of Paul Webber.

The Regs and Entry form for the event are available to download below.

Northgate Trial 2021 Regs (1629 downloads ) Northgate Trial 2021 Entry Form (1583 downloads )