Testing Trial 2021 Results

We now have the final results for the testing trial 2021. You can download them below;

Testing Trial 2021 Results (1506 downloads )

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Thank you to all the Competitors who took part & hope you enjoyed the day. Good to see all the little smiling faces.

Congratuations to Gareth,Greg & Kayleigh as major award winners & a really good effort from Callum Williams. Well done Tristan in the Taster event.

Special thanks to the Marshalls.

Hope to see you all next year.  MJW

David Ayers 2021 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for The David Ayers Trial 2021 are now available to download below.

David Ayers 2021 Regs (1547 downloads ) David Ayers 2021 Entry Form (1401 downloads )

The Trial will take place on Sunday the 12th of September.

Completed  Entry Forms should be posted (together with payment) to the Secretary of the meeting.

Signing on (Driver and Passenger) and Scrutineering declaration will need to be completed online before the day of the meeting.

Signing on for Officials/Marshalls will also be online.

This event for Trials Formula Cars is a qualifying round in 3 national championships and will be held by kind permission of the Langley Family at Trevilla Farm, Marshgate, Camelford PL32 9YN. Map Ref. 190 145911..

There will be 8 sections on steep ground that will be attempted by the competitors over 3 rounds. The layout of each section may be altered between rounds. Each section is marked 12 to 1. The winner of the event will be the person with the lowest score. The cars are divided into classes based on their construction with awards for the winner in each class.

We are always in need of Marshalls to observe each section so if you are interested and available please contact Warin Kelly on 01822 870393.

 Due to Covid there will be no catering this year so please bring your own lunch

Entries for the event close on Tuesday the 7th of September.

Testing Trial 2021 Regs & Entry

The regulations and entry form for the Testing Trial 2021 are now available to download below. We’re not using the online entry system for this event.

Testing Trial 2021 Car Regs (1458 downloads ) Testing Trial 2021 Motorcycle Regs (1738 downloads ) Testing Trial 2021 Car Entry Form (1357 downloads ) Testing Trial 2021 Motorcycle Entry Form (1372 downloads ) Testing Trial 2021 Taster Entry Form - Cars Only (1306 downloads )

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The event will take place on Sunday 22nd August 2021 at Smithson Farm, Kelly, Lifton, Devon (MR201/414816) and will consist of a number of observed tests. Marks will be awarded for completion of each test or section correctly as well as times taken where appropriate. There will be a number of tests and rounds dependent on time and size of entry.

Taster Entry Details

Bring your own road going car, receive instruction & guidance & then attempt 6 tests twice in a mini competition.

Also open to 14 to 17 year olds – subject to parental consent & being accompanied at the event by a passenger with full RTA Licence who is experienced as a Car Trial Driver.

The Taster does not require club membership nor a MotorSport UK RS Competition licence.

Numbers will be LIMITED so please phone in advance to be sure of an entry [there may be places available on the day].

Newsletter August 2021

It’s August, yes August !! Another year is flying by and I for one haven’t done half the things I had hoped to do, yes there has been this big thing going on in the world, not just the Olympics, which has cramped our style a little but somehow time flies by. Talking of the Olympics I was very pleased to see that Plymouth boy Tom Daley and diving partner Matty Lee had a superb gold medal win, Tom can now concentrate on his knitting, the WI halls will be jostling to get him there to do talks and share his patterns.

Anyway back to club matters, a bit of good news after last month and hearing of the situation with the Lawrence House Museum, they have apparently secured a property/shop to use as a “pop up” museum so all the hard work of creating the club’s history in a series of posters will not be wasted. I am not privy as to the exact location yet but once I know I will broadcast it in all the usual ways.

Past Events

Motor Traders Trial.  21 entries for this event so well worth putting on, Nigel “can do “ Cowling laid out six hills for all to attempt several of the competitors were “double drives” which as always puts a bit of a strain on the vehicle with clutches and radiators usually being the first to overheat. Ashley Ruby being the youngest driver was getting to grips with things before the car had other ideas but I’m sure he will soon be showing his dad Darren how it’s done. It was first time out for Kayleigh Seward who after a nervous start was getting the hang of it but the car had other ideas so it was retirement for her as well, but I have a feeling she will be back. By 1.30 pm the rain was really letting us know it was time to go home so it was a case of “up sticks and away”.

Overall winner of the Motor Traders Cup was David Robinson, class awards went to John Sandercock, Allan Taylor, Philip Thomas and Gareth White. Judging by the smiley faces everyone enjoyed themselves so a good day out indeed.

Spry Sporting Trial.  Eight cars started the event but two retirements meant only six finished . Roland Uglow was on form with a superb drive and at the end of the day had a completely clear sheet, according to Mike Wevill he thinks it is only the second time this has been done in 40 years! John Cole made the long journey down to West Devon worthwhile by winning the Blue Class. Thanks to Warin Kelly for being Clerk of the Course and Paul Webber for the use of his land.

Now over to our Club President Robin Moore

The Ramblings of RHTM Part 4 of the Graham Paige Story

I have always tried to use a car regularly for what it was designed for, the everyday transport of its owner, and this 1928 car did itself justice in this respect.  Admittedly I had the use of a Morris 1000 van for use with my farming needs, but otherwise it was the Graham Paige that fulfilled family transportation as well as being used for a number of VSCC and other events. Apart from normal servicing it also proved very reliable and gave much pleasure in its use.

I entered two VSCC Welsh Trials at the time, which involved covering a 200 straight line mileage between 9.00am and 6.00pm, obtaining receipts for fuel stops, or, as we did at the time sending a telegram as proof of passage. I can remember stopping outside a small Post Office as we circumnavigated Bath. This road is now part of a one way system , the Post Office has disappeared, and we could not now park in the road whilst the business was done. A far cry from the present day.

This annual event in the calendar of the Vintage Sports Car Club was first run in 1939 and has always had a wonderful atmosphere and has changed little over the years. Centred in Presteigne in Powys, Radnorshire, the Radnorshire Arms in the High Street is the focal point and with this old Welsh town “chock a block” with vintage cars it becomes an image of history for the weekend and a reminder of a time when life was very different. Even the local constabulary turn a blind eye to this annual invasion of vintagents. Also run in conjunction with the main trial is a touring assembly and driving tests, but the Welsh itself with its trials sections is a more serious affair, including the famous “Snatcher” as well as a number of sections on private land.

Quite often Marjorie and I would continue, and extend our time visiting and exploring this beautiful part of the Welsh border country. I remember visiting the   Elan Valley reservoirs, the experience all enhanced by driving the route in a vintage motor car.

Another VSCC event entered was an informal concern at Beaulieu followed by driving tests held nearby at the old WW2 airfield. We also attended other events at Beaulieu, – The Lost Causes Rally where there were a number of American cars in attendance.

It was the only time that I met up with another Graham Paige, whose owner lived in Bridgwater. When going to the New Forest we would sometimes stay for a night at the Burley Manor Hotel and didn’t leave until a visit had been made to John Shuttler at his nearby garage where there were always interesting motors to be found, such as a Sleeve Valve Daimler, and of course, John’s Invicta, for which he was a great enthusiast and held the record for one of these cars at Prescott.  John was always ready for a chat and to share his enthusiasm. I recall another long distance memorable journey in XV4512 and this was a solo trip to watch a VSCC race meeting at Silverstone. I was “self contained” so to speak , taking all my personal needs with me and sleeping in the car overnight. Remember, I have previously mentioned the reclining front seats of this coach built car. I had arranged to travel down the following day to Sherfield English near Romsey, where I arrived in time for breakfast at the White Horse Hotel. My appointment that day was with a gentleman by the name of Brian Rylus at his garage in Sherfield English. Brian had been a previous owner of the Mc Evoy special RC450 with which he had competed at the Gosport Speed Trials. This car I had purchased in 1958 from the Jack O’Lantern garage near Romsey, and Brian, I discovered had quite a number of parts and associated items which he had retained. I spent quite some time with Brian and his wife and they kindly provided lunch for me. We eventually concluded our business and I drove home with the Graham stuffed full of goodies, but that’s another story.

RHTM   to be continued.

Centenary Celebrations  This coming Saturday the 7th is the date set for our display of vehicles in Launceston Town Square, there is a mix of cars and motorcycles which will hopefully be of interest to the passing public. The display will be from 10.00am until 2.00pm, the organising committee will be there from 9.30am to get everyone in place.   

One word of caution to those displaying vehicles, if yours has an incontinence problem please bring a suitable drip tray or sheet of cardboard to catch any drips, we don’t want any backlash from the council saying that we have ruined their lovely cobble stones. Any committee members with a few hours to spare on the day your help will be appreciated.
Ladies and gentlemen,
                                   This is to confirm that we will be holding our AGM at 8.00pm on Thursday 12th August in Yeolmbridge Village Hall.  This will be followed by a committee meeting. For those who may not be familiar with the village please see directions and map below and suggested area to park:-

On the B3254 Launceston to Bude road, heading towards Bude, turn left immediately after the bridge at Yeolmbridge. The Hall is approximately 100m down this road on the right hand side. If there are no parking spaces available on the side of the road continue approximately another 150m past the hall and there will be additional parking available on the left hand side of the road.

After such a long time it will be great to finally hold our AGM and a committee meeting face to face.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Many thanks and best regards,    Andy

Future Events

The Testing Trial due to run on the 15th of August has been moved to a week later, 22nd, also the venue has changed, it is now at Smithson Farm,  Kelly, near Lifton the website details are due to be changed in plenty of time for everyone to find the new venue. We are hoping to run a “Taster Event” along side the testing trial for people new to motorsport, this will depend on interest shown at the centenary day.

David Ayers  Sporting trial is on the 12th of September, more details to follow on the website.

Tamar Classic Road Trial  The date for this is 17th of October, planning is well under way, again watch the website for more details.

The astute ones among you will notice that various things have changed, the AGM was moved to Yeolmbridge because the good folks of Tresmeer are splashing out on some refurbishment of the Village Hall, next time you see it there will be a nice new ceiling with lots of insulation between the hall interior and the outside world in the hope of retaining the heat and generally looking much nicer, there will even be a lick of paint!! No stopping us country folks once we get going!

Hope to see one or two of you on Saturday the 7th ……… all for now.

Contributions gratefully received     billjan299@gmail.com