Motor Traders 2022 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for the Motor Traders Car Trial 2022 are now available to download below. You can also use the online entry section of the website to submit your entry.

Motor Traders 2022 Entry Form (1668 downloads ) Motor Traders 2022 Regs (1904 downloads )

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The trial will take place on Sunday 10th July 2022 by kind permission of John Werren and family at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin, Nr. Launceston, PL15 8LL (MR 190/285880).

Entries Close on Wednesday the 6th of July 2022.

Newsletter June 2022

I don’t know how many of you are really thinking of motorsport or jobs to do in the garage, at the moment there is a big focus on the Jubilee Celebrations with village halls buzzing and street parties taking over neighbourhoods, perhaps it gives people time to reflect and enjoy what they have, away from our little island there is more than enough turmoil to contend with.

The club recently had a stand at the Launceston Steam & Vintage Rally, an ideal showcase for us to show the general public what we are all about, we had a good variety of machines present 2,3,&4 wheeled varieties and several members on hand to talk to anyone interested to know more, thanks to all the committee members for giving up their time, in particular Andrew and Lorraine Rippon for coordinating everything and taking charge, well, except for the erecting of the gazebos which was confusing as always but Lisa sorted it out by reading the instructions, we men aren’t big on reading instructions.

Chairman’s Chat

I hope you are all enjoying the spring weather although the temperature outside today is more conducive to writing this contribution than some fettling in the garage.

Our last event was the Northgate Trophy Sporting Trial and this was unfortunately curtailed due to Roy Hartley having a heart attack.  Thanks particularly to Andy Prosser and other club members for their assistance for Roy and to the ambulance crew for helping them gain access down across the field and difficult terrain.   The ambulance took Roy post haste to Exeter where he underwent  expert care and treatment.  Following his treatment Andy collected him from hospital and reports that Roy is now recovering with his family.  We all wish him well and look forward to seeing him in the not-too-distant future.

 The club is assisting the MCC to run a number of sections local to us and I am liaising with Launceston Town Council and Cornwall Council to arrange the lunch halt.  The competitors will be in the Cornwall Council Race Hill car park from 11.30am onwards.  Pat Gomm is officiating at the time controls in the car park and would appreciate offers of help.  They are then due to pass though Launceston town centre to be waved off by a dignitary.  Hopefully this will give Launceston a view of classic trials vehicles and help to promote our sport.

We are now looking forward to the summer events on our calendar and I hope to see as many of you as possible at those.  There may be more news of social events as well soon.

Joe Caudle  Chairman


The Midland Trials Car Club announced plans to run a festival to cover Heritage ,Historic, Post-Historic & Modern cars & it seemed like a good idea to take part. However, because it was scheduled for a Saturday , when Nigel normally works ,the plan was shelved. I think we have all become a little ‘can I be bothered ‘ over  the last 2 years & the thought of  a three & half hour trip was  off putting .  Then with just over a week to go Nigel comes back with’ I have the day off’, so we are going.

Up at 4.30 & left home by 5.00.   Overtaken by Murt’s van between Taunton & Bristol. Stop at Gloucester services & there was Murt ,Gill & Nigel Hosken at the counter . We took a brief stop for a bacon bap & expresso.

On crossing the car park  I heard ‘ that brings back memories’, so got talking ‘did you compete’, answer ‘No but my family did, named Penhale ‘ . Is that from Holsworthy ?  Yes my Dad was Allin Penhale. Reply –‘ I competed with your brother Richard in Sporting Trials in the 1980’s ‘   What a small world. For course Allin Penhale will be remembered  by members of my age and older as a very successful regular competitor in Classic trials winning many of our Trophies .Richard is now living in Denver having been in  the USA for many years. Photos  of  me & car were  taken to send to Denver .

We then set off for Long Compton with Murt in pursuit & arrived on site at 8.45 where a large number of competitors were already parked. There were many familiar faces ,some from the classic car world & others not seen for a good many years.
The format  was-    3 Trials

HERITAGE ( entry 28)

Basically, 1950’s road going without fiddle brakes& including 11 Dellows & an Allard.
These tackled 6 sections on  the lower slopes  3 times. Familiar faces included Dave & Anna Robinson, Pete Tudor & Roger Ashby


Historics are NTF cars from 1953 to early 1970’s with fiddle brakes & there were 30 side valve Cannons plus  other specials. These guys appear to have an emphasis on having a jolly good time & often dress in period attire –namely flat cap, tweeds & tie. Also look to have a good picnic.Definitely from another era.
Post Historics are NTF cars from early 1970’s to 1978 with mainly BMC A series , Imp ,Renault 16 & Ford crossflow engines & drum brakes.
Again these  classes tackled 6 sections 3 times on the medium slopes

MODERN ( entry 34)

This was the Jacobean Trial  being a round of the BTRDA Championship.
We tackled 6 sections 3 times on the steepest terrain & we ran on 8 psi.

There was a good local contingent  comprising  Murt ,Stewart Stamp, Jason Daniel, Duncan Stephens, Thomas Bricknell, Jerome Fack & myself.

I had 2 bogey  hills which keep my score unnecessarily high but still kept in close contention with Murt & Jason ending just 5 points adrift but well down the field.

 For the record the winners were-
Heritage           Martyn Halliday          Lotus
Historic            Ian Wright                   Cannon
Post Historic     Simon Kingsley          Kincraft
Modern             Thomas Bricknell        Crossle

It was a privilege to take part in such a truly  extraordinary event (117 entries) which was superbly organised by  Josh & Elaine  Veale  & the MTCC team.

It was a pity that with simultaneous running we did not really have  much  opportunity  to watch the older cars in action but I don’t think it could have been any other way.

All that remained was to load up after assisting a transporter  beached on the corrugations of the field & start the long journey home followed by Murt . It was touch & go whether we could make home( 380  mile round trip )on a single tank so stopped for top up & expresso to keep awake  Don’t  know how we would manage such a trip  in the future with an electric tow car  ?
Someone said it was like a Goodwood for Sporting Trials & that was a fair observation . I will probably look to go again another year after all it’s the taking part that matters.

 As usual many thanks to my long suffering bouncer Nigel as without his enthusiasm I would probably have stayed at home.
Mike Wevill.

GasGas 250cc Pampera Mk III For Sale

A rare opportunity to acquire a GasGas Pampera Mk III…recognised as one of the best long-distance trials bikes ever made.  This bike is genuine one owner from new, and has recorded just over 3000 km. The original rear-wheel sprocket is still in place. It is one of the last two Pampera MkIIIs imported to the UK, and was purchased new from BVM of Stroud.

It is all original, except for Renthal trials bars and grips, nearly-new Pirelli trials tyres, security bolts, KTM handguards, and an Iris O-ring chain. Even the original speedo and indicators are still fitted and working. There is a good quantity of spare parts and consumables with the bike, including original type Vee-Rubber enduro tyres. All documentation is present, including the original bill of sale, handbook, sales brochure, and an information pack.

I’m selling because a Beta X-Trainer has replaced both it and my four-stroke trail bike. There is a small ‘ding’ in the front wheel rim (not a problem at MoT-time), and a small hole in the seat cover over the base. Apart from that, just a few little scrapes and scratches.

These machines only rarely come onto the market now.

Offers around £3000. Call Richard on 07812 402021

Future Events
12/06/2022 Testing / Production Trial at Smithson Farm Kelly.

Lisa Gregory is the entry taker and can be contacted through our facebook community page or you can enter online via the club website .

19/06/2022 Spry Sporting Trial. We have a new venue for this, Higher Frankborough Farm, Broadwoodwidger.  Mike Wevill is your contact 01566 784451. Email

10/07/2022 Motor Traders Trial at Waterloo Farm North Petherwin.

MCC 3 Day Trial 24/25/26 June Our club is running hills on Day 2 of this event and as always any offers of marshalling help would be most welcome , contact myself on 07971 249783.

Anyone at a loose end on the 19th of June may want to come along to the Tresmeer Village Hall family  treasure hunt. Starting at 2.00pm at the hall, all clues are done using the What 3 Words app, on completion return to the hall for tea and cakes.

So as you can see we are busy planning events for you the members to enjoy, in particular the Testing Trial is one that caters for all age groups in whatever form of vehicle you have, preferably not an electric one (only joking) as one of our Vice President’s Les Connect is yet to be convinced of the concept. Unfortunately his application to the local Council to turn his garage into a giant fuel store was refused, Les was last seen at a hardware shop in Newton Abott buying a pick and shovel with plans to excavate an underground fuel store under the veg plot in the garden.

All for this month, don’t forget to send contributions to