David Ayers 2022 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for The David Ayers Trial 2022 are now available to download below.

David Ayers 2022 Regs (1673 downloads ) David Ayers 2022 Entry Form (1787 downloads )

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The trial will take place at Trevilla Farm, Marshgate, Camelford, Cornwall, PL32 9YN on
Sunday 11 September 2022.

Map Ref. 190 145911.What3Words Lane Entrance –

We will also be needing marshalls for this even so if you would like to volunteer please email Mike Wevill at j.wevill@btinternet.com.

Entries close on Tuesday 6th September 2022.

We are only accepting paper entries for this event so the online entry system won’t be used.

Newsletter August 2022

Yes frightening isn’t it, August ! Well it’s been a bit of a busy year one way or another and I’ve not even started the Christmas shopping, to be honest being a bloke I’m not supposed to give  it any thought until Christmas eve. Anyway it’s still Summer so make the most of it, what would be really good is if someone could write a piece about any long distance journeys they have done this year, (I went from Lanson to Exeter last week but I don’t think it really counts) so come on put your fingers to the keyboard and let us know what you’ve been up to.
The following account should have been in last month’s newsletter but somehow computer skulduggery lost it so here it is now.

Sporting Trial Festival 21st May 2022

It was pleasant to be mentioned by Mike Wevill in the last newsletter as an attendee at the Sporting Trial Festival held at Long Compton in May, I’m not sure if Mike was being diplomatic or did not know about our woes! I have been on Martyn Halliday’s radar since he started the Historic Trials thing, I had originally intended to use the Coates Special in their events but having prepared it with MCC and ACTC events in mind it had become too heavy to be competitive, in addition whilst I have all the cables etc forthe fiddle brake there was limited room for the operating levers in the car.

When the Heritage class was announced I was straight in there, feeling the Coates was just what it was all about.

We entered the first event, a glossy programme was printed and we had submitted a short resume of the car and a couple of photographs, as I recall the trial was scheduled to take place at Crewkerne.

Sadly, we then all suffered the onslaught of Covid and the event was postponed, we do have a glossy programme though.

Post Covid the postponed event was promoted just after the John Aley Trial, my entry went straight in and a three night stay at the Hollies Hotel was booked for Ruth and I, unfortunately after gaining a silver in the JA the little car expired on the return to Tavistock.

A couple of pistons had melted and an engine overhaul was required, it became apparent that we would not be ready in time for the trial, we utilised the booking went to the trial and gossiped, then spent some time looking at the surrounding area and relaxing.

Those of you who are aware of my exploits in the Coates will know that the little beast has been performing well since the relaxation of the Covid rules, three MCC golds and the resulting Triple, a number of successful entries in ACTC events with a view to undertaking as many as possible championship rounds, and no “Did not Finish” in any event, it was looking good.

I was aware of the Long Compton Trial but had not entered as 2022 was intended to be focused on MCC and ACTC championship events, then I realised the little car was going well and there was nothing on until September, I discussed it with Ruth and we knew we could do the trip and back in a day (we have a pony and a number of cats, so for both of us to be away overnight requires some planning), a single site event so minimal car mileage, let’s do it.

Ruth and I are both hoarders, both our late Mums were hoarders, the result being we have a house full of “stuff”, we are hoping to move to the South West and to downsize and to this end have tried being ruthless, with varying degrees of success. One of the “heirlooms” was my grandmothers bone china tea service, probably dating from 1900, beautiful but not used since our ownership and has been in a display cabinet for the last 20 years.

Too good to chuck out but who would want it, I then thought of a cousin whose daughter is getting into the family history thing, a call was made and she was delighted to be the next custodian of the artefacts. They live in the Milton Keynes area, could they make it to Long Compton, they have no idea what a trial is, just something their strange relative has done for some years, so come and have a day out.

The day arrives we leave on time, M20, M25 and M40 all go well and we are there on time, car unloaded, starts well, Ruth gets us breakfast from the burger bar, we see Nigel Hilling and some other West Country stalwarts, chat to all sorts of people, all is well.

Then the drivers briefing, all ok accept we are required to carry a pen and mark a score card, we drive back to the truck to get a pen, as we pull up the car dies, it never does that!

A quick check, we have fuel at the carb, must be the spark, I change the trigger unit in the distributor, still nothing, then it appears to be flooding, it will start on choke but not run without it, we run it with the fuel pump switched off with Ruth switching it back on intermittently, all of sudden it is ok.

Keeping in number order for some reason is of great importance, having lost some time getting it going we are now out of sequence and get criticised for it, we explain and this seems to pacify the official. On the first of our sections I get the route wrong and lose 6, the marshall takes the mickey, “you’re not on a classic trial now, no need to blast about”, I recognise him as a regular official from most of our other events, on the second section I think we lose 1 or 2 but spin out in some reeds, this definitely needs more thought. On the third section I watch the others and identify the turn where they are all failing, Ruth and I agree our proposed route and all goes to plan, we just have the climb out where it appears no one else has got to. Early in the day it is still damp and we cannot make the last climb but pass the 2 marker of the section, we roll back to get out and to cut a long story short, unbeknown to us something solid in the undergrowth gets caught under the nearside front wheel, turns back with the wheel, gets locked up with the mudguard bracket, totally trashes it and rips out the hydraulic brake pipe!

We clear the section and now only have (the very effective) handbrake, we make the decision that it’s not feasible to continue, take the car back to the trailer, load it up, get a tea and go to watch the sections.

To say we are disappointed is an understatement, all those events where the little trooper has been flogged mercilessly, covered hundreds of miles and never missed and we get stuffed in a field, oh well that’s motor sport! We then spy Cousin and daughter looking for the truck, we go to meet them, show them the now defunct car, get out the chairs we have bought, pass over the china (she is delighted), more teas and we go through a number of old family photos I have that I want Alice to have, the wonderful thing is that they already have some photos and I am able to identify some of the relatives they cannot.

We spend a wonderful sunny afternoon relaxing in the countryside and just talking about family stuff, we have not all met up for possibly a year prior to Covid, we eventually leave when everybody else does and have a good journey home, but it was a long expensive 3 sections.

We seem to be fated in these events; will we do the next one? Almost certainly, as was remarked it is the Goodwood of Trials!

And what is next? Well as I write this, I am working on the ex-Stuart Highwood Marlin that I have entered the MCC 3-day trial with, I am aware that the Launceston Club is playing a big part in officiating at this event and I am very appreciative of the work you all do.

I should also like to thank those in the club who supported the suggestion to put cars like the Coates into class 2.

My normal passengers (is that an oxymoron) are not available so have convinced an old motorcycle friend to accompany me, he is very competitive and in going through the format of the event and instructions he is spurring me on to really go for it, my own thoughts are that more emphasis needs to keep the car going for 3 days! By the time you read this I expect the event will have passed and we will see who was correct.

Best wishes
Roger Ashby.


Motor Traders Trial results held 05/07/2022

Motor Traders Trophy  Phil Thomas
Class awards to Nigel Shute, David Robinson, Calvin Moores.
Novice award   Liam Hartley
U18 award  Patrick Warren.
Many thanks to John Werring for the use of his land.

Our next event is the Testing Trial to be held at  Trevilla Farm Marshgate by kind permission of David Langley. Reg’s for this are on the club website and can also be found on the club facebook page.

We will be back at Trevilla again on the 11th of September for the David Ayers Sporting Trial.  

As always both events can only run if we have marshal’s so if you are able to help it would be very much appreciated, no experience needed, you get them at the events. (:

Tamar Trial.
Nifty Nigel and the gang are well on their way with the preparations for this years Tamar Classic Road trial in October, mutterings were heard of “new sections” and a change of route so watch this space.


Our club were invited to have a stand at this year’s Launceston Show, the weather on the day was hot and sunny so the crowds were out in force. We were lucky enough to have a superb line up of cars and Phil Ridgeman brought his Honda motorcycle along  to add to the interest. Our roving reporter/cameraman Andy Prosser managed to take some snaps in between talking to the many interested visitors to the stand, well done all the club members who gave up their time on the day.

 Chairman’s Chat

The Motor Traders Car Trial was our last event, held at Waterloo Farm.  It attracted a good entry including two members of the Hartley family driving Simon Oates’s Torum Special and the Liege.  Liam Hartley winning a novice award in Torum.  Simon was also busy running the event so special thanks to him for all his support and hard work.

Everyone seemed to enjoy competing and congratulations to Phil Thomas who won the Motor Traders Trophy.  It was good to see a MK2 Escort in competition, particularly in a very period colour.  Patrick Stewart took the under 18 award in it too.

Our next event is a Testing Trial for the Invitation Trophy at a familiar venue that is new for this event.  Thanks to the Langley family it is at Trevilla Farm.  That will be a familiar place to many as we also hold the David Ayers Sporting Trial there and there are one or two sections each year in the Tamar Trial – Langleys is the best known of these.   Entries are now being taken for this event so get yours in now.

Simon Oates was also very busy organizing our stand at the Launceston Show.  Thanks to a last minute demand on my time to provide a family taxi service and carry out modifications to my daughter’s camper van I was in Bovey Tracey so was unable to attend as planned.  I look forward to hearing all about it.  There has also been a recent meeting of the Tamar Committee, Nigel Cowling, Simon Riddle and their team are well on task planning our round in the ACTC championship to be held in October. 

I am still contemplating whether to organize a social run in the early autumn,  Having received no positive feedback I await interest.  It is also pending information from MSUK to determine what, if any, permit is required.

I hope to see you at the Testing Trial later this month, in the meantime stay cool in the unusually hot and dry weather.

Joe Caudle

Tail piece.

The garage is fairly quiet at the moment with only minor tinkering with the Dellow and various scooters, so nothing to report (fingers crossed)
All for this month  J.T. don’t forget those contributions  billjan299@gmail.com