September Newsletter 2022

Panic, Emergency meeting. At a recent visit with the club treasurer and secretary to Prescott Hillclimb we were all admiring the beautiful cars on display, I turned my back to talk to someone and on turning around again I caught the Treasurer and Secretary writing out a club cheque for a large amount of money for the car pictured below.

Ok so the purchase didn’t come to fruition, it was valued at much more than what is in the club account and it also wouldn’t fit on Mike’s trailer but I have to admit it would have been fun using it on the testing trial.

The Prescott meeting was held in beautiful sunshine which had me running for the shade, I like to see the sun but I’m rubbish at actually being in it, if the school careers advisor had said “Turner why don’t you become an explorer” I certainly would not have chosen the Jungle, more likely the Arctic. Enough digressing the theme of the day was for people to drive their own car up the hill {not timed} so Mike very kindly took Andy and myself for a ride up the hill in his MG and after lunch Mike actually let me drive it up the hill, it was a tentative drive with me thinking, no heroics, this thing is worth too much, but I can now say I’ve driven Prescott, thanks Mike.

Off the Hill
Andy Passengering the Invisible Man

Chairman’s Chat

Since the last newsletter 25 of our members competed in the August Testing Trial. The rain on previous days had dampened the ground sufficiently to allay fears of fire risk. The day was enjoyed by all who took part and thanks must go to the officials and marshals for putting on another good event.

It is my turn to organise a social event and so I have been working out a route exploring the highways and byways of East Cornwall and West Devon. It will provide the opportunity to ride or drive along some in-teresting roads and visit some landmarks and places of interest along the way.

This will be a Touring Assembly on Sunday October 2nd and will start at Race Hill Car Park in Launceston at 2.00pm and should take about 2 hours to complete with the incentive of the opportunity to purchase re-freshments including a cream tea at the Strawberry Fields finish venue. (Jam first)

The overall distance is approximately 50 miles and is all on tarmac county roads. It is suitable for all vehi-cles from classic cars and motorcycles, family cars, motorcycles etc (not commercial vehicles) so come and enjoy a non-competitive Sunday afternoon drive and the opportunity to socialise.

The entry is open to all, not just club members and although you could just turn up on the day advance notice would be appreciated so we have enough directions etc for all. Initially there will be a limit of 20 entries. That may be increased if there is sufficient demand. Please click my chairman’s email link on the club website, message the club via our Facebook page Facebook or send a text to me – 07495 358904

The entry fee is £10.00 to raise money for Launceston Voluntary First-Aid Service.

To receive more details about this event please look for updates on the club website or Facebook.

Joe Caudle

Past Event, August Testing Trial

Results :
Overall car              J Sandercock       Novice             J Cobbledick
Best FWD              A Seward          Class win              J Moores
Overall bike            M Bowden       1st Class award       R Baker
Under 12 award       H Baker Over      12 award               Z Ruby

Once again well done to the Gregory/Cowling team for organising this well supported event and thanks to David Langley at Marshgate for the use of his land.

Next event David Ayers Sporting Trial

We return to Trevilla, Marshgate on the 9th of September for the David Ayers Sporting Tri-al, this is one of our flagship sporting Trials events with a chance of seeing some of the top drivers in the country along with an assortment of very interesting and unique cars. Once again we will be needing marshals to enable the smooth running of this popular event. If you are able to help please contact Mike Wevill 01566 784451

See website for regs and entry form.

Tamar Classic Road Trial

On October the 16th we run what has become our biggest event, in honour of our past chairman and club stalwart it will this year be named the Pete Cooper Memorial, Tamar Classic Trial, the event is also a round of the ASWMC & ACTC so points to collect Plan-ning is at fever pitch, that’s approximately two levels above “dreckly” and all is set for what is hoped is a cracking event, hopefully by then there should even be a drop of rain to soften up the ground, and yes you’ve guessed it we need a large amount of marshals please do give it some thought, no marshals = no event.

Testing Trial Photos
Courtesy of Jonathan Kelly

A bit serious 🙂

Looking determined

Going for it !

Mind that pole !

The two pictures above are what I took at the centenary celebrations in the Town Square August 2021, what a difference a year makes. Last year we were all tuck-ing into pasties and hot tea and coffee to try and keep warm and dry, had it been this year it would have been ice creams and cold drinks. One thing is for certain you can never be quite sure of the weather despite all the best laid plans, alt-hough it was wet we still made a success of it (dry would have been nicer though).

Last month I put in a plea for correspondence about your summer travels, I can only assume that none of you have been anywhere worth mentioning, if you did why don’t I know about it?

All for this month J.T.

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