Motor Traders 2023 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for the Motor Traders Car Trial 2023 are now available to download below.

Motor Traders 2023 Regs (2664 downloads ) Motor Traders 2023 Entry Form (2510 downloads )

The trial will take place on Sunday 9th July 2023 by kind permission of John Werren and family at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin, Nr. Launceston, PL15 8LL (MR 190/285880).

Entries Close on Wednesday the 5th of July 2023.

Newsletter June 2023

I think they call this month “flaming June”, I spent many of my childhood years wondering who this “June” woman was and what terrible thing had she done, eventually the penny dropped and I was feeling somewhere between stupid and relieved , another lesson learned.

It’s been quite busy on the club front what with the Northgate Sporting Trial, then all hands to the pump at the Launceston Steam Rally, along with yet more events following closely.


From our chairman

Another month flashes by but in general a glorious month weather wise, long evenings for us to enjoy and luckily the sun shone on our events in May.

The Northgate Sporting Trial ran on Saturday 8th May, a disappointing entry really but nonetheless a competitive and enjoyable day. We did discuss at our committee meeting whether running a day before (or after) another event actually hinders our entry rather than improve, we’ll see if a similar impact is felt on the upcoming Spry Sporting Trial on 17th June.

We had a Tamar Trial 2023 sub meeting on 16th May, pleasingly Jan Cooper has taken the mantle on from Bob Slatter after over 20 years of service as Secretary of the meeting, although Bob was still there in support of the handover. We’ve got the basis of our route planned and will be working hard on hopefully securing some new sections over the next few months.

Last weekend we had the Launceston Steam and Vintage Rally with the club having a display for all 3 days, including a casual drive around the ring on each afternoon where the announcer read out a bit of history on the club as well as each vehicle and a special mention for Zak! We saw a steady stream of people with Sunday being the busiest day people and vehicle wise. It’s hard to know what impact these events have in terms of bringing people into our sport but I think as a committee we are unanimous in agreeing that getting the club’s name out there can only be a positive thing.

Thank you to everyone that attended and provided their vehicles for display it is very much appreciated. Huge thanks to Andrew and Lorraine, Darren, Lisa, Ashley and Zak for organising everything and being there for all 3 days.

A busy month coming up with the first of our Testing Trials (near Lifton) on 11th June – still time to enter, entries to be made through Lisa. The Spry on 17th June and then Joe’s Social Run on the following Sunday, the 25th. So plenty of club events going on in the summer for whatever your motorsport taste.

Simon Riddle


Forthcoming Events

June 11th  We have the Testing Trial at Kelly, Lifton, regs are available on the website or you can contact Lisa Gregory on the club facebook page to register your interest, a fun event against the stopwatch and catering for all ages on 2, 3  or 4 wheels. Get a shift on though as it’s an imminent event and entries close on Wednesday 7th June

June 17th  and its another sporting trial, this time it’s the Spry Sporting Trial to be held at Higher Frankaborough Farm,  Broadwoodwidger. I think it’s a paper entry for this, wax crayon or quill will be fine. Any need of assistance contact Mike Wevill 01566 784451.

Both the above events can only run if there are sufficient people to marshal so please show your support and lend a helping hand.

25th 0f June is all set for the Social Run, starting at 2.00pm in the Cattle Market car park , Race Hill, Launceston. This is a free to enter event, on arrival you will be asked to sign on and collect your route which is approximately 50 miles of glorious Cornwall & Devon countryside, various points of interest along the way and finishing at  Strawberry Fields, Lifton. Those arriving before 5.00pm can indulge themselves in a cream tea (jam first) or whatever you fancy from the menu, they close at 5.30 pm so don’t hang about. It would be appreciated if you could text Joe Caudle 07495 358904 and let him know you are coming to give us some idea of numbers wishing to participate.

The Northgate Sporting Trial was held at Ashleigh Lifton on the 13th of May as part of the sporting trial weekend which was co-hosted by Camel Vale MC on the Sunday. It was a select entry of 7 on the day, held in glorious weather , marshals were grateful for the shade of the trees on such a warm day. Thomas Bricknell held a “master class” of trials driving winning by a very clear margin, but in all a very enjoyable event, the club extends it thanks to those who marshalled on the day and in particular the land owners.


Launceston Steam Vintage Rally

This is a three day event held at Altarnun, Launceston so for both the organisers and those participating it’s a bit of a marathon. Special thanks to Jan Cooper for inviting us along and giving us ample area to show off the various vehicles in attendance. Three very warm days in lovely sunshine so the umbrellas were in absentia. Each day we were invited to show off our vehicles in the main ring where the compere gave the crowd a commentary on the various vehicles and on the third day gave a potted history of the club.

It never ceases to amaze the number of times someone comes on the stand and says “I didn’t know Launceston had a motor club” despite the number of shows we have done over the years including our centenary celebration in the town square, but it’s good that people do make the effort to come and say hello. Thanks to everyone who helped on the stand and those who brought their vehicles to show what a friendly eclectic bunch we are.


Birthday Celebrations
Adrian Booth celebrated his 75th birthday on Monday 8th May this year among friends and family at a convivial off-the-grid gathering on the slopes of Bodmin Moor. Launceston & North Cornwall Motor Club were well represented with Joe Caudle, Simon Riddle and Dave Symons to mention but a few. The weather didn’t dampen proceedings. On the moor, even the mist tastes sweet. Adrian’s sister, Jill, manage to organise a cake with a picture of the main man behind the wheel of his famous Series 1 Land Rover. One or two of us may have been towed by this device and many more have benefitted from Adrian’s engineering expertise over several decades. We had thought to get together some of the cars Adrian has developed for his friends over the years but we will surely make this happen dreckly, weather and competition wear and tear permitting. Adrian must be close to celebrating 60 years of motorsport soon, so maybe we can mark that involvement with another celebration, maybe very dreckly.


Very impressed with our Competition Secretary Mike Wevill on his 400-mile bike ride across Scotland, he completed the ride and raised in excess of £500 for the RNIB, I saw him a couple of days after the ride and he looked well and wasn’t even walking like John Wayne, proving that age need not be a barrier if you really put your mind to it.

I took the 2CV to the steam rally merely as something different for people to look at, I thought it best to leave it on the trailer as there’s no brakes at the moment and I didn’t want someone to get the idea that it would be fun to tow it around the show ring and creating a bit of excitement on the downhill bit. I must admit I’m looking forward to driving it although on trials sections I don’t expect it to have the climbing ability  of the Dellow but with the superb suspension system it will float over the bumps as if they don’t exist.

All for this month, newsletter contributions to or even financial contributions to the 2CV restoration fund (bloody lottery let me down again!)