Invitation Testing Trial 2023 Regs and Entry Form

The Regs and Entry Forms for the Invitation Testing Trial 2023 are available to download below. This event is paper entries only so we won’t be using the online entry system for it.

The event is open to all members of the Launceston & North Cornwall Motor Club Ltd and by invitation to members of Holsworthy, Camel Vale and Wind Whistle Motor Clubs. – who are fully paid-up members for 2023. Competitors must be prepared to show the 2023 membership cards on request.

Inivitation Testing Trial 2023 Car Regs (3876 downloads ) Inivitation Testing Trial 2023 Motorcycle Regs (3258 downloads ) Inivitation Testing Trial 2023 Car Entry Form (3030 downloads ) Inivitation Testing Trial 2023 Motorcycle Entry Form (3290 downloads )

The event is taking place on Sunday the 20th of August 2023 at Trevilla Farm Marshgate Camelford Cornwall PL329YN. What three words- STILTED.CURTAINS.DIGNITY and will consist of a number of observed tests. Marks will be awarded for completion of each test or section correctly as well as times taken where appropriate. There will be a number of tests and rounds dependent on time and size of entry.

Entries are open immediately and close finally on Wednesday 16th August 2023.

Newsletter July 2023

Welcome to a bumper edition of the July newsletter, the bad news is that we are already into the second half of the year, fortunately the good news is that there’s still plenty of events ahead for us all to enjoy. I have to apologise to Bob Blackman, Bob sent in the photos and copy last month of Adrian Booths birthday celebrations which I had forgotten to thank Bob for, now sorted. You may recall I mentioned that Mike Wevill was going on his epic cycle ride across Scotland, so here’s his account of it.



It all started after I had completed the South West Coastal Footpath Walk –

‘What are you going to do next then?’. Reply after a few glasses of wine over family dinner was Cycle Lands End to John O Groats. Then on sober reflection I back pedalled so to speak with some justification-

1)I had already cycled Lands End to Bristol on a tandem more than 20 years earlier with my eldest son Richard , there seemed little point in covering same ground again.

2)Even in retirement there are time constraints.

3)The bit from Bristol to Gretna did not seem that interesting.

Therefore, I started to settle for the length of Scotland (400 miles) in 8 days.

Ironically, I fell on a guide book (End to End) in the Oxfam bookshop in Tavistock so my fate was sealed. Initially I had an offer of companionship and support vehicle from a fellow Sporting Trialler – Stewart Stamp. Stewart is about 10 years younger and a serious regular cyclist, furthermore there is much merit in going at your own pace. In the event Stewart was recovering from an operation at the time I could fit in. Then came a breakthrough at another family dinner (more wine) Ben my youngest son announced he had excess holiday to be used up by the end of June  would be happy to drive my car as support vehicle & play Golf each day. I purchase another Guidebook & using a combination of both books formulated a route of approximately 50 miles a day  organised accommodation in advance. I also armed myself with 2 OS maps(scale1:250000). No fancy hi tech aids. I had been generally been cycling about 30 miles a week and got into a 6 week training regime, I eventually got up to 54 miles in a day and approximately 150 miles a week. I now think a little longer training would have been beneficial.

Initially, I had no thoughts of raising money for Charity. But then I thought if I could raise a little I might as well. I set up a Just Giving page; put up posters around town & the village with donations going to RNIB (Royal National Institution for the Blind). I also locked a Sooty collection box to the bike with a poster & parked the bike prominently at stops wearing my bright pink RNIB T shirt. This was quite successful in generating interest & produced useful donations of about £60. Sooty kept smiling and seemed to enjoy the ride.

I marshalled equipment – hot, cold and  wet weather gear and checked the bike over and fitted new brake disc pads. The bike was a relatively new Giant Any Tour 1 with a 625 watt battery giving a up to 75 mile range locally. In no time departure day 17 May was on us & Ben drove to Carlisle. Next morning he dropped me off at Gretna Green to cycle 40 miles to Moffat (nice easy first day) & he played golf at Lochmaben on route.

Friday involved a 50 mile ride to the outskirts of Edinburgh. Uneventful as in the first 35 miles I did not pass a shop, pub or café. But at Carnwath generated much interest & generous response when I stopped at a popular bikers Café. I did get a little lost in the urban run into Edinburgh when I had to deviate from guidebook to the prearranged hotel but still arrived before Ben who had played Golf at Pebbles. Next day was a bit tricky getting out of the suburbs of Edinburgh and over the Forth Road Bridge (This Old Bridge is just for pedestrians, cycles, buses & Taxis) which is 44 metres above the water. A comfortable trip to Perth followed. However on reaching Perth encountered the tricky matter of negotiating city (off guidebook) to find Hotel. It is amazing that on asking apparently local people for  directions I would be told totally diametrically opposed routes. In the event I trusted my instincts crossed the river & headed north. Problem was when I arrived at pre booked confirmed accommodation there was a sign up stating ‘Closed until next week’. I phoned the number & got a recorded response ‘closed no apology’. Easily sorted with modern tech as I was quickly able to fix accommodation at a Holiday Inn Express in northern Perth on route.                                  Part 2 next month……..

Mike at the start of his epic cycle ride and one of his faithful supporters !


For sale 1972 Escort Mk1 ex trials car, as pics, solid + old mot’s  tax exempt £8,000
Contact Ken Bassett 07845 951541


Whilst on the subject of vehicles for sale my attention was drawn to what the unscrupulous will get up to when you are at an auction or a show. There have been instances recently where trackers have been fitted to trailers and vehicles in order that thieves can track you back to your home and then steal your beloved vehicle/vehicles at a time when it suits them, the advice given is to check the underside of a vehicle before setting off for home as a way to deter thieves.

The Flora Classic Trial, Sunday 30th April.

A conversation was struck up between myself and Simon Oates on would I like to drive the Liege in this year’s Flora Trial? Love to I replied , so that was that (have to say it’s one of my faves) as the time grew closer I have to admit I was thinking what have I committed to, all I could think of was Frasiers Wood, and reversing down those 2 sections if failed!

The day arrived and weather ok, Simon picked me up and off we go, arrive at the start, The Star Inn, Vogue, St Day. Right says Simon you can drive the car off the trailer, get used to it, having done so a quick drive around the small paddock, that will do I said, in to control to sign in and get our numbers, say hello to those I know and chat with a few of the other competitors, there’s three in our class so no pressure, 2nd in class and inside the top 10 was my aim.

At the time given or more precisely you can go now along with the other car competitors, we set off for our first section, Simon reading route notes, me thinking “know where were going for section 1 , Gareth White had said a few minutes earlier he knew where he was going “home territory”, so we all followed, turned left, I’m thinking this is wrong or does he know an easier way, at the bottom of the road at the junction he turns around saying in passing “wrong turn” should have been straight on , I know I thought.

A few minutes later we arrive at the first of three sections Carn Climb 1,2,3, these I had either watched or had been on before (1) tyre pressures down ( my navigator decided what psi we would be on for each section) section cleared yes, the trip meter had failed so few marks up already (2) Through  trees then a straight up climb , rev up and go, away we went only for my foot to slip off the accelerator pedal, that will be a 5 then. The Imp faired better, damn, now the nerves hit me. (3) across a field on a track to the corner where an instruction’s read – go along, sharp left , up and out, well that’s the plan, we had already watched one of the quads tip and roll, Gareth W had informed me, not too tight when turning, large hole on passenger side. Ok cheers I said and off we went, get to the turn but car decided it wanted to go straight on, so I stopped before hitting the marker, 5 scored, damn. Oh well early days, next it was on to Dinky’s special test and sections 4 & 5.

The special test was in the quarry, brilliant but not as quick as Simon O last year but still a good time. Dinky’s 4 my first restart on granite stone and Bluebells , this I remembered from last year, note, front wheels in the box, bring up the rev’s and away up over and along and out, clear, YES , Dinky 5 was over the other side through bracken and granite boulders, again going well but car didn’t want to turn, so again stopped before hitting the number 3 marker. Section 6 Old Stoney this one I knew where I was going and what to do, my navigator reading me the route and only for me to say “we passed that a mile back” (funny how certain things stick in your mind) . The section is on a bridleway, restart no problem Yvonne and Norman Tonkin our marshals, on the command “go” off we went , stopped at Norman’s restart rev up and clear , this restart malarky is easy, follow the road back the way we came over flyover and follow instructions to 7 Todpool, Gwennap Pit,  I believe.

This section I’ve seen video of saw knew where the restart was, medium climb on very loose stone & slate, on instruction go only to find restart cancelled, but another clear. Next section (8) Wrinklin Lane restart classes 7/8 , on way to this section we had to go through a ford which I took at full pace sending the water everywhere, much to the annoyance of my navigator, my reply was it’s what you did to me last year. Anyway Wrinklin Lane is up the track and then onto a slate slab ¾ of the way up for the bikes they have to keep right over some nasty stone steps and large tree roots, well as much as I tried we just slid on the restart, whereas the Imp, no problem, so that’s a 7 then. The next section was the last one before the lunch stop has to be my favourite of all the trials I’ve ever marshalled or competed on (9) Dave’s field , special test.

You start in one field, go over the hedge following the taped track over two jumps, turn across the top of the field , turn left over two more jumps, chicane, right turn and back over hedge and stop astride line. The start marshal was a young lady probably 4/5 years old, “go” she shouted , off we go , Simon said welly it , let’s see if we can beat the others, we did well, beat most of the other cars, video proves Simon thought it was a roller coaster ride, after this back to the pub start/finish for lunch stop.

Frasers 1,2,3, are situated on the main Truro to Falmouth road (I believe), wooded area very steep, fun in the wet luckily it was fairly dry, these were the ones I was dreading, or at least the first one, long straight up, kink near top, not fun reversing back down. Line up on the command , go when ready, off we went and up and up we went, surely not, christ I’m out the top, clear, next one camber on bluebells , like a large letter C around the tree ½ way along sharp right onto hard track and out, well, did around the tree fine, didn’t quite get the turning right so straight on into a holly tree, where the windscreen got totally cracked, my defence “you’re doing fine keep going” the navigator shouted, that’s a 4 then, funny thing was , reversed back about a foot and drove straight out the section, asked Norman Tonkin if I had a restart , sorry no, still a 4.

Frasers 3 number (12) one again, I had confidence in going out the top, start at the bottom of woods then around a tree and straight up, and out on the top track, I had a plan, I had a plan, stay tight to poles on my side, looks like more grip, car before me had same idea and cleared it (ok was a class 8 car) my turn, stop on 4 reverse back down, no problem. Out on to Blankednick  1 & 2 (sections 13/14) Blankednick 1 straight down rollercoaster style around bottom keeping river on your left. Have to admit I was the quickest going down, (no questions why please) stopped on the bank with a drop of about three feet on my side, drive on was the comment, well we didn’t go in the river but it was close, stupidly I drove around the bottom and out no problem 11 scored (the nerves shit), I have to admit Blankednick 2 a section last year I did as passenger for Simon in the wet, I did not like one bit this year though ready, up and over the bank I went unfortunately car just slid on , managed to stop before hitting the marker, 6 scored.

Slippery, one of my faves  again I always think this is a classic Lands End section as you turn right you go by the section, you drive down the road, and there in front of you is a small lake normally with a big black Gorilla sitting on it + a few other things, plenty of ducks swimming around too, this year there were two Gorillas both wearing dark red Fezzes on their heads. The section itself up a very stoney lane , third of the way up sharp right over a bank through a few trees along (where my passenger told me off) for saying hello to the marshal (C Barnicoat) and concentrate where I was going. I knew where I was going, down around, up and out, clear no problem. Just like to add we didn’t clear the bank last year when I was navigating, now we did have a problem we couldn’t pump the tyres up as the compressor had stopped working, this made driving fun on this bit of the navigation, my passenger decided to give me the instructions two lines early, luckily I over ruled him as I had an idea where we were going  we were now depending totally on our route instructions.

16 Blackdowns, used a year ago on the Lands End, stoney track/ climb come out in a field overlooking Flambards, again, braincells working so roughly knew where this one was. So off I set up the track Simon giving me advice on how to do the re-start, stop, pull away in own time, we moving , then we weren’t no matter how hard we tried, 4 was the score, but at least I’d got off the re-start. By now we were totally dependant on our route map , I did have a slight detour I knew following  road to section 17 Lanner Green, last section. Again not my finest section (youtube will tell all) but at least I got out of the section, 5 marks dropped.

Back to the finish load up car and into pub for a pint, to carvery and tales of the day with other competitors getting home about 9.00pm. A brilliant day, fantastic event, glad I did it and many thanks to Simon Oates who talked me through” power off, power on” and who did all the tyre pressures for me throughout the day, Simon also learned this navigation bit you can easily lose your place if not concentrating. Result 6th overall and 3rd in class7 , few silly mistakes cost me, but that’s trialling and how you learn. Again thank you Simon for the use of the car, those of you who came to the Launceston Steam 3 day rally would have seen the car, with the broken windscreen, yes that’s what I did.  Only 8 cars started the trial, more need to do it next year.



From our Chairman

June was a busy month of club activities and we were blessed again with good weather for our events. Indeed it was 3 weekends in a row with club events intertwined with a committee meeting and Tamar sub meeting.

Sunday 11th June saw the Carr Cup version of the Testing Trial, again a nice mix of more experienced competitors with a good representation of the younger generations who seemed to all enjoy their day, these low cost entry events are a great way to introduce some new blood and a fun day out for all, long may that continue. Congratulations to all those that earned an award after the 5 rounds. Thanks to Andrew for clerking and Lisa for secretary duties and their army of helpers.

Saturday 17th June, a slightly improved entry for the latest sporting trial, the Spry the week after and a more comparable entry to the Camel Vale event the following day this time. In dry conditions the highly competitive Thomas Bricknell once again taking home an overall award. Thanks again to Mike for his organisation and for Warin as clerk.

Sunday 25th June, Joe’s social run. An enjoyable afternoon in good company followed Joe’s route starting from the town we headed to Kit Hill with its panoramic views, it had turned a little gloomy at this point over head but soon cleared away as we headed over the Tamar at Horsebridge and onto Brentor. Some stopped off at the National Trust cafe at Lydford, before everyone met up again at the finish in the sunshine at Strawberry Fields in Lifton. Thanks to Joe for organising a nice relaxed get together.

July is a little quieter but next weekend is the Motor Traders car trial (PCT) at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin. Again a good chance for novices to come along and have a go and join the more experienced competitors. Cars only on this occasion but there’s a class for pretty much any vehicle. Still just enough time to get an entry in. Hope to see you there.

Simon Riddle


Launceston Testing Trial  11th June 2023

Silage and hay cut from the field at Smithson Farm, Kelly, Lifton and with the kind permission of the Fuller family a trial was set up in the morning for cars and motorcycles. The main aim being to encourage younger entrants into motorsport at club level and for older members to have a “Grand Day Out”. The weather didn’t disappoint with the sun making itself felt throughout the day with the threat of much needed rain at the end of the day. Setting up the sections proved “interesting” with professionally drawn up sections (encapsulated as well) and then the practicality of transferring the plan to the field without hitting your thumb as we knocked the markers in to the rock hard ground! All perfectly executed with Red poles to the right of the vehicles and Yellow to the left – what could possibly go wrong? It’s a great way to start the youngsters off in trialing by teaching these basic protocols. One of the sections also had a Restart Box to give a flavour of what to expect when the younger competitors entered bigger trials in the future.

There was an entry of 8 cars and 18 bikes with riders and drivers of all ages/abilities represented. We had set up 6 sections which were completed 3 times before lunch and after modifications were completed a further 2 times after food. The first round was a little slow as parents and marshals ran around like a Benny Hill sketch in attempts to herd the younger members the correct way around the sections. Better than going to the gym and far more entertaining! We saw highly competitive (is that allowed in school now?) bikes and cars against each other wanting to know if they beat their competitors times.

This wasn’t only restricted to the youngsters with rivalry clear for all to see sometimes resulting with the wrong route taken followed by loud laughter and a few choice words in jest. Ashley Ruby and Rob Holden competed against each other in my Liege, Rob being disadvantaged by his height and long legs and a clutch pedal sticking open. Kath and Emily Shute had a blast in their shared drive and I don’t think they stopped laughing and screaming all day, I hope they’d quietened by the evening Nigel? Zak Ruby and Joe Martin were riding together with best times alternating between them but Joe made a few section errors. Finlay Wilson was on his electric bike and was buzzing around all day and controlled the bike with great poise and lovely balance. 

Daisy Torres was flying through the section with the Benny Hill crew assisting with directions until the last where they were told she didn’t need them – a strong competitive women for the future I think! Just seeing the younger generation coming through with such skills and commitment was fantastic. At the end of the day all the youngsters went to all the marshals to thank them. What a great bunch they all are. A big THANK YOU to all organisers, marshals, parents, land owner and anyone involved in making the trial happen.

Simon Oates

 Bike results  1st overall – Mark Courtney, 1st Class award – Mark Bowder, 1st Under 12 award – Finlay Wilson, 1st 12-15 award – Zak Ruby

Car results  1st overall – Gareth White, Best F.W.D award – John Sandercock, Best under 18 award – Ashley Ruby

Thanks to Jonathan Kelly for the Testing Trial photos.

Please come and support the next field trials and have a go. Sometimes there are spare vehicles, so it’s worth asking before an event, get the family motivated and involvedJ  Have a great day!!

9th July   Motor Traders Car Trial, Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin. PL15 8LL

20th August Invitation Trophy Trial, Trevilla Farm, Marshgate,
Spry Trial photos & Results

Position                                   Class                            Points
1  Thomas Bricknell                1                                  1          Spry Trophy
2   Alan Merton                       3                                  9          Class Award
3   Colin Flashman                  3                                  18
4   Jason Daniel                       3                                  18
5  John Cole                            3                                  20
6  Alan Baker                          2                                  24
7  Mike Wevill                        3                                  40
8  Nigel Shute                         5                                  51
Thanks for attending & hope you enjoyed the hot day.
Again many thanks to the Marshalls .
Next Sporting Trial is scheduled for Sunday 10 th September – DAVID AYERS TRIAL
at Trevilla Marshgate
Regs & Entry Form will be on   Website & facebook page

Mike Wevill Com Sec


The Social Run
The social run I organised took finally place on June 25th having been postponed from October due to a date clash. It started in Launceston and provided a route taking approximately 2 hours to cover 50 miles of the highways and byways of East Cornwall and West Devon. There were opportunities to stop and explore places such as Kit Hill and Brentor together with pubs and tea rooms to obtain refreshments. There were also so panoramic views to enjoy along the way. To make sure everyone remained comfortable there was also the opportunity to stop in a free car park with public convenience!

15 vehicles set off with a wide range of classic, competition and family vehicles.
There were at least 3 generations involved, a great opportunity for whole families to enjoy one of our events. I think no one got lost and the feedback I have had so far has been very positive and as a social event it appears to have been successful.

Thank you to all those who took part and helped to put the event on. Perhaps
there may be another one in the future? – watch this space.

Joe Caudle

Calendar of Events

Sunday July 9th Motor Traders Car Trial at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin
For reg’s see club website or our facebook page.

Sunday August 20th Invitation Trophy Trial at Trevilla Farm, Marshgate , Camelford

Sunday September 10th  David Ayers Sporting trial at Trevilla Farm, Marshgate, Camelford. This is a round of MSUK, ASWMC & BTRDA championships.

Holsworthy Motor Club have their Crackington Trial on Sunday 16th July , see their website or facebook page for details.

Camel Vale MC have an Autotest on  Sunday 23rd July starting at 11.00am see their website for details and entry form.


Tales from Mona the Vampire……A somewhat protracted job on Mona this month (or sometimes things just get a bit ugly)! It started off very innocently, there was play in the off side front wheel bearing of the 2cv so obviously this was now the time to sort it before the rest of the car was assembled and liable to make things more difficult. I had already ordered the bearing so I thought before starting I would search for a suitable you tube video and see how it’s done. Sat down with a cup of coffee and watched this rather smug character sitting on his lawn next to his car explaining what needs to be done and tools needed including the special tool he had made to remove the internal thread nut which holds the bearing,  fine so far, he then proceeds to strip the car (all too easily) with an irritating obsession with dirt and cleaning ,in what appeared to be no time at all the driveshaft and offending wheel bearing was removed, with more cleaning and copious amounts of grease the new bearing is fitted and all is re-fitted and tightened up,easy. Just another clean up and he’s happy, and I’m still awake.

My turn, first make special tool, that whiled away an hour but happy with that, so with suitable jacking and axle stands in place battle commenced, driveshaft removed easy enough , yep I’m on a roll, after some scraping and degreasing I can see the internal nut and my new made tool fits fine, put socket wrench on new tool and put on nut, apply pressure, no movement, go away eat three Weetabix, return to resume battle, still no movement, search for longer spanner , I think nut moved, get even bigger spanner and yes a small amount of movement, spray all threads with oil and try again, the next two hours saw it complete two full turns, so much for Weetabix.

After yet more wasted time  thread of very tight nut is protruding slightly, bang, new tool snaps under the pressure, desperation is creeping in. Weld up tool and then weld it to offending nut/thread, get very large torque wrench and gradually ease it out, after about five  hours it’s out, I’m too knackered to celebrate. Next day with thread file in hand I meticulously go over the threads to hopefully make fitting of the new bearing and nut easier. Bearing goes in nicely, now the internal nut, lots of oil and yet another new special tool, I commence assembly, it goes in about two turns and gets very tight, undo, check thread, more oil and screw in, still only about the same distance with around at least 3mm before it’s home, with great force on torque wrench it slowly goes in, and stops.

I’m in a situation of no going back and forward is nigh on impossible, so more desparate measures, my problem is holding the socket on and trying to apply enough pressure, I need more hands. I come up with the cunning idea of using a G clamp to hold the socket in place allowing me to just work the torque wrench , this works buy still difficult so with the aid of a metre of pipe over the torque wrench I’ve got the leverage needed and eventually I get there, nut done up , slide in driveshaft and all is good, I’d like to see the smug git in the video undo this one.The final battle with it in place, special tool survived !

That’s all for this month don’t forget to send in your copy