Tamar Trial 2024 Regs and Entry Forms


In memory of Pete Cooper 1950 – 2021

Entries for the Tamar Trial 2024 are now open.

Regs and Entry Forms can be downloaded below;

Tamar Trial 2024 Entry Form (345 downloads) Tamar Trial 2024 Car Regs (304 downloads) Tamar Trial 2024 Motorcycle Regs (580 downloads)

For Online Entry, we are using Google Forms this year. The form can be found here.

Entries close on Friday 4th October at Midnight.

Launceston & North Cornwall Motor Club welcomes you to the 77th Tamar Trial to be held on Sunday 13th October 2024 catering for motorcycles, combinations, and cars.

The 2024 route will see competitors tackle sections around the Tamar Valley to begin with before crossing into West Devon, with our mid-trial rest stop this year at the Fox & Grapes in Lifton who are always extremely accommodating to us, before competitors head towards the coast and North Cornwall for the afternoon hills. Angel Steps, Park Impossible, Crackington are all planned favourites that will be familiar to competitors. We plan on some new hills too, including returning to a venue not used since the mid 1990s as we aim to make the trial appealing to all classes and competitors.

The start venue will again be at Proper Ansome Café in Launceston and the finish returns to the Wilsey Down pub, only a couple of miles from the last sections.

We hope you will join us on the 13th October and we look forward to offering you a good day’s trialling in a beautiful part of Devon and Cornwall.