Launceston Trial 2022 Regs and Online Entry

The regulations and entry forms for the Launceston Trial 2022 are now available to download below.

Launceston Trial 2022 Car Regs (1596 downloads) Launceston Trial 2022 Motorcycle Regs (1582 downloads) Launceston Trial 2022 Car Entry Form (1516 downloads) Launceston Trial 2022 Motorcycle Entry Form (1658 downloads)

As with last year, the online entry system is available for this event and can be accessed here

This single venue classic trial for both motorcycles and cars is held in Lew & Eastcott Woods, Near Lewdown (approx. 10 miles from Launceston), and will take place on Sunday the 20th of March.

March Newsletter

You can read this month’s newsletter here.

ACTC Trial of the Year Award

The club has won the award for the best ACTC trial for the Tamar Trial in both 2019 and 2021, so two years consecutively, as of course due to covid it was not run in 2020! Such a great achievement would never of course been possible without all the hard work done by in particular Nigel Cowling, Pete Cooper, Bob Slatter and Simon Riddle together with all the other officials, marshals, land owners etc. I think the club can justly feel very proud, congratulations to all involved.

Best regards
Andy Prosser – General Secretary.

Lawrence House Museum Award

Lawrence House Museum recently received a Highly Commended Award for their Museum Pop-up in the 2022 Cornwall Heritage Awards. The award recognises the efforts by Lawrence House Museum to maintain a presence in Launceston during the time their building is closed for repairs.  As the first pop-up exhibition was to mark the Club Centenary we contributed to this recognition.

Our Club Chairman Joe Caudle who also works with Lawrence House Museum was at the ceremony to receive the award.

2022 AGM and Updated Club Rules

We would just like to remind our members that there is the club AGM on Thursday 10th March, 7.30 pm at the White Hart Hotel, Launceston.

We will be updating the club rules during that meeting. The updated rule list can be found below.

Club Rules 2022 (1197 downloads)

If anyone has any issues with the proposed rules they can email Andy Prosser at

A 2/3rd majority at the AGM will be required to ratify the new rules.

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