The regulations and entry form for The David Ayers Trial 2021 are now available to download below.
David Ayers 2021 Regs (1540 downloads ) David Ayers 2021 Entry Form (1395 downloads )The Trial will take place on Sunday the 12th of September.
Completed Entry Forms should be posted (together with payment) to the Secretary of the meeting.
Signing on (Driver and Passenger) and Scrutineering declaration will need to be completed online before the day of the meeting.
Signing on for Officials/Marshalls will also be online.
This event for Trials Formula Cars is a qualifying round in 3 national championships and will be held by kind permission of the Langley Family at Trevilla Farm, Marshgate, Camelford PL32 9YN. Map Ref. 190 145911..
There will be 8 sections on steep ground that will be attempted by the competitors over 3 rounds. The layout of each section may be altered between rounds. Each section is marked 12 to 1. The winner of the event will be the person with the lowest score. The cars are divided into classes based on their construction with awards for the winner in each class.
We are always in need of Marshalls to observe each section so if you are interested and available please contact Warin Kelly on 01822 870393.
Due to Covid there will be no catering this year so please bring your own lunch
Entries for the event close on Tuesday the 7th of September.