Newsletter April 2021

So we are gradually travelling back to normality in the world of motorsport, Easter Saturday saw had several members of our club out marshalling for the MCC ”Pop Up Trial” . As mentioned in last month’s newsletter this was somewhat of an experimental event with signing on and route etc. all done remotely, there was even an app for recording the score on the hills on your mobile phone although old fashioned score cards were still being used as well. Each section had its hand sanitising point and marshals were reminded to socially distance.

The entry for the event was lower than expected but it proved the system could work, given that this was the first event to run in this format I think the MCC should be applauded for taking the initiative. Obviously there was little of the social enjoyment side of things, cars did not have passengers which must have seemed somewhat strange for the driver to do his/her own navigating and the real downside was no one to blame but yourself if you took a wrong turning. We were treated to Geoff Westcott putting on a nice display on our section as he grappled with the outfit snaking around the trees in the woods, very entertaining.

I’m not sure technology will completely take over for long distance trials but as a taster it was thought provoking, personally I think both the old established method can run along side the new, I think they call it progress .

Talking of progress we had another zoom committee meeting earlier this month, this zoom thingy is now feeling almost normal, in olden days you had to go out on cold nights and physically meet people, often at a thing called a “Pub”, now you do it from the comfort of your own home, it’s not all bad but the pub did have a wider selection of ales. All the usual topics were discussed, finances, membership, events, AGM etc , will cover the events later.

So it’s over to our Club President Robin Moore

The Ramblings of R.H.T.

Well, that’s a new title to start with. Thirty years ago my monthly piece for our newsletter was headed, “Did You Know”, and recently I have been sorting through many of my old copies and it made me realise that much of what I have previously written may not have been seen by our present day readers. Either, because they are of a younger generation, or, that circulation of the newsletter was less at the time. With the advent of email there appears to be a far wider readership, so perhaps it would not be out of place to reprint some of my previous offerings.

Apart from the years of the two World Wars , I cannot recall the MCC Lands End being cancelled for two consecutive years, and disappointment is very much of an understatement for all concerned. As I have previously written , it is very much a red letter day, something not to be missed. To put it mildly, I think we are all somewhat depressed with the restrictions imposed by Covid, and the question remains of what the new normal will be. Will it ever be like we were used to, or will that become part of history? Therefore I thought it might be appropriate to re print a piece I submitted for the newsletter almost 30 years ago, and which first appeared in the magazine of the Wolseley Hornet Special Club 60 years ago, written by member Tony Reed I hope it lifts the gloom a little for you.


Editor’s Note

It is good to see an old LNCMC newsletter first which I first cobbled together nearly thirty years ago in 1992 and courtesy of the Reluctant Publishing Company Ltd.

Reproduced here in authentic form warts and all, time constraints do not allow for digitally reworking !

Tony Read’s Hornet when we first met in 1960.

This Sallow Bodied Hornet Special has its original Devon registration number but the Pico
headlights are incorrect and never original equipment. The car now resides in Italy and Tony
Read is deceased.

Thanks to Warin Kelly for the contribution below which must surely warrant a Caption Competition.
Send in your ideas for an amusing caption and receive an amazing prize in return………

Future Events

Saturday the 8th of May , Northgate Sporting Trial to be held at Ashley Farm, Lifton, with thanks to Paul Webber for use of his land. The reg’s and entry form are up on the club website, don’t forget we will be needing marshals please, as always Mike Wevill would love to hear from you 01566 784451.
Sunday the 30th of May is the date for the Launceston Trial to be held at Eastcott and Lew Woods, although a fixed venue it will be run on classic trial regulations, entry forms and reg’s will be up on the club website shortly.
I ventured out in the Dellow last Saturday in order to marshal for the “pop up trial” it was a tentative if somewhat sedate journey after the last outing when things went somewhat pear shaped, pleased to say the journey there and back was uneventful, long may it continue, although I feel I know something of how the driver in the photo above felt .

All for this month J.T. contributions to

Northgate Trial 2021 Regs and Entry Form

We’re pleased to announce the return of our events after a year-long hiatus due to a certain virus that you may or may not have heard of.

The first event we’re putting on is the Northgate Trial 2021. The Trial will take place on Saturday 8th May at Ashley Farm, Lifton (MR201/395842) by kind permission of Paul Webber.

The Regs and Entry form for the event are available to download below.

Northgate Trial 2021 Regs (1653 downloads ) Northgate Trial 2021 Entry Form (1601 downloads )

Newsletter March 2021

Here we are again, that time of the month and the waiting is over the newsletter has finally arrived in your “inbox”. Motorsport seems to be a bit like buses, wait for ages while nothing happens, then all of a sudden it’s all go. MSUK have given a green light as to motorsport restarting albeit in a slightly tentative manner, the ACU have given the ok for motorcycle combinations/outfits to recommence as of the 29th of March.

The MCC are running their Easter trial on the 3rd of April, it’s a somewhat different event as to what we are used to at Easter but a start it is. The event being restricted to 80 vehicles starts at Minehead , with a 150 mile route it will end at Lewdown, car drivers will not be permitted a passenger, everything such as entries and scoring will be done electronically. It will be interesting to see how car drivers get on without a navigator, which I’m sure will be fine otherwise it might be dubbed as the “lost souls trial”. Our club has been asked to help with marshals in the Eastcott area, as it’s the last of the hills of the day we are looking at late morning to lunchtime, if you are able to help please contact Mike Wevill 01566 784451.

A week later on the 11th of April Torbay Motor Club will be running their trial with the start and finish venue being in Ashcombe Woods. Once again everything will be done electronically and cars will be driver only, for more information go to the Torbay MC website.

We are planning to start running our own events as of the 8th of May with the Northgate Sporting Trial, obviously we are still unsure what restrictions will be in place but all things being well it will run. On the 30th of May we expect to be running the Lanson Trial at Eastcott / Lew Woods as per normal classic trial reg’s . More on both these events in our next newsletter.

There was a committee meeting by zoom on the 25th of Feb, very well attended , as always we chewed the fat on various issues and future plans, although at that point in time not much could be decided upon other that of the previous paragraph. Once Covid restrictions are lifted we need to have a much overdue AGM, it’s one of those meetings which are better face to face.

The Centenary (+1) sub committee had a meeting on Wednesdsy 3rd of March, yet another zoom meeting. This was very productive, we are currently looking at getting large display boards printed which will be on show at the Lawrence House Museum in Launceston showing various photos of the club’s past, we have also got the town square booked for a display of vehicles, 2,3 & 4 wheeled along with the drivers at hand to be able to engage with the public. Joe Caudle has made very good progress with the book on the club but in all honesty this is a mammoth task and unlikely to be in print in time for the celebrations especially as Joe is still wanting more material to add in order to fill some of the gaps, so feel free to send in your anecdotes etc.

I will now pass you over to our club President Robin Moore

Alvis and the other lady in my life Part 10

It is very much of a coincident that I started this potted history of my involvement with Alvis at the same time as the start of the Covid pandemic and the measures taken by HM Government to contain the spread of the virus and conclude the series ten months later, when the tide has turned and for our restrictions gradually eased for out return to something like normal.

I was previously writing about the history of the LNCMC, but was hampered to a degree with my research, by lockdown, and had to change course for a while. Oddly enough, I have recently unearthed much older material that I had written before, also noted that I had made at the time. Those of you with longer memories will recall that I have been contributing articles for this newsletter for many years, and 30 years ago these were titled “Did You Know” ; The editor then , and still is, John Turner, who also continues to print it, although in the past it was printed in A5 size and published by “The Reluctant Publishing Co”.

I sometimes wonder whether or not my musings are of interest to those who receive it, but I do know that Pat Toulmin picks it up and it is forwarded to the Historic Archive Centre based in Norfolk, where they are preserved for future generations, when researching bygone years. Recently I was talking to an old Alvis friend of mine, Robert Moor who lives at St Clements, Truro, and during our conversation he mentioned that he found my Alvis story very interesting. I said how come you have seen it? His reply was that he receives our newsletter electronically each month, because on occasions he has marshalled on one of our club events, and is thereby on the mailing list. Furthermore my articles have found their way to the Alvis Owners Club magazine. Well it’s a small world !

My Alvis Grey Lady TC 21/100 registered KDL 892, an Isle of Wight registration was purchased new by a John Charles Gould of Newport I. O. W but came to Cornwall in January 1959 when purchased by William Arthur Whetter of May, Whetter & Grose, the St Austell Auctioneers. After three more owners it ended up with me, and that was in 1966 when my Alvis story began.

I will conclude by saying “Did You Know” ?

The Alvis slogan was “Master of the Kings Highway”. The company produced the first British front – wheel drive car, the first British production model with independent front suspension, and the first British all – syncromesh four speed gearbox, – and that Major C M Harvey the company’s leading works racing driver for 10 years, is buried in St Keverne churchyard on the Lizard ?

For Sale.

Ford 109E (Anglia 1200?) engine and gearbox. Both items are in need of a full strip down and rebuild, alternatively useful for parts. The engine has its rocker cover missing and a few other bits, but does include the clutch and flywheel, the gearbox is mostly complete except for gearstick. £75.00 for the lot, buyer to collect from J.T. 07971 249783.

Ford Escort “sport” rear axle case with differential, but no half shafts or brake drums . £125.00 Contact John Hadwick 01803 528761.

We have had a request from Paul Stephenson to possibly trace an MG Midget:-

I’m still on the hunt for more history on my 1962 Almond Green Midget.

868 EUW which can be seen on Instagram 62Mk1AlmondGreen

I just want to know more about the origin of the number plate and perhaps clues as to the first owner / dealer etc. There were 13 made. Mine was part of a run of 12 and I now know that NOO 284 was the other car made out of sequence. So 1 of 1.

This car, or what was left of it, was up for sale in 2013 and listed as being from Sturminster Newton. The owner had it as Old English White but was informed that it was originally Almond Green and advised to get a heritage certificate. I understand that he did so it’s curious that the museum didn’t have any knowledge when I asked but that’s another story.

If it exists still then I’d love to get in touch with the present owner and learn more. The registration is still on a white mg so it’s probably listed in club records somewhere as OE White.

Can you help please contact 07740 355555

One of our recent dog walks was to a trials section near us called Fruit Lane, we used this section on a Launceston Trial back around 1998 (ish). The section is accessed past a farm and some houses on the outskirts of Egloskerry, after passing the last house you drop down to the river and follow the track of about 400 yards to the tarmac road, it’s a lovely old track with hedges both sides of it affording lovely views of Badharlick and Egloskerry. At the time of using it the lane was in quite good condition and was used as the opening section as it was not regarded as a “stopper”. Fast forward 20+ years and the difference is quite staggering, the ravages of time and tempest have taken their toll of this lovely lane, it is well rutted just getting to the stream, the other side is even worse with large gouges of some 30 inches deep, as a trialler you try to work out how you would attempt this hill in its current form, unfortunately nobody told the bad weather gods to “rut” in a straight line so they meander left and right, even solo motorcycles would have their work cut out, outfits would just be lost in the abyss with no hope of straddling them. Another one lost I’m afraid, but lovely to walk still.

All for this month. J.T.

Please send your contributions to

Newsletter February 2021

 So here we go again. Late again, but I’ve worked out why, I’m retired so one day is the same as another added to which the “lockdown effect” does the same, so a double whammy I don’t stand a chance! It’s been a month of not much happening in the competitive form anyway. The committee had a zoom meeting on the 28th of January which was well attended, most of the conversation centred around the membership. A £10.00 fee will cover the member and spouse/partner with 2 cards issued, an annual membership fee for passengers will be £1.00, under 17’s free of charge. It’s a bargain so head on to the club website ( on the home page look for event entry/membership, click on membership and you’re away, fill in your details, pay by Paypal (you do not need to have a Paypal account) and it’s all done in a couple of minutes. Joe Caudle will then send your new cards, couldn’t be simpler.

Whilst on the subject of Capitano Caudle he is still waiting for you people to send him anything that could be of interest for inclusion in the proposed club book. It can be a slightly unusual motorcycle or car that you do or have trialled, a story of why you didn’t make it to the finish or like me not even to the start (on more than one occasion). This could be your chance of 15 minutes of fame.
In addition to the list of things that are either postponed or cancelled, the club AGM will happen sometime, but we’re not quite sure when, but once we know so will you. This time of year our Nigel would normally be busy arranging for trophies to be engraved, and frantically polishing those that are ready, not this year though, another non event I’m afraid, there were just too few events last year to celebrate.

A few of us took part in the MSUK Webinar on the evening of the 9th of this month. The talk was basically about promoting motor clubs on social media to gain extra membership and to broaden the scope of those people who might find motorsport of interest even if only from a spectator perspective. Full credit to MSUK, social media is a tool that is being used more and more and as that rather large supermarket says, “every little helps”.

For those of you who may not be aware our club has its own Facebook page, even this newsletter will end up on there, give it a visit, even tick the “like” icon or leave a comment and become a member of the group.

I will now hand you over to our club President Robin Moore

Alvis and the other lady in my life Part 9

My ownership of KDL 892, was a very special period of my lifetime involvement with motorcars, enriched by the friendship of so many other Alvis enthusiasts whom we met along the way. This series of articles covering my involvement with the marque is only part of the story. There is no longer an Alvis in my stable, and although it is 55 years since the last Alvis made rolled off the production line, enthusiasm lives on, and owners are well catered for in regard to maintaining the breed.

When the Alvis Co, ceased car production it was not the end of the story, more like a new beginning. The company perceived there would be a market for spares, maintenance and restoration facilities, and that the demand would be significant. Alvis wisely made the move to form a new company in order to accommodate and provide a reliable and continuing service for their products, and this was done without delay. This venture, to be named Red Triangle Services was set up in Kenilworth just south of Coventry. Management and the workforce from the car division transferred to this new facility, with David Michie being in overall charge. Therefore there was no vacuum created and no overall change, – to all intents and purposes it was business as usual regarding spares, which the parent company continued to manufacture and supply. Servicing, restoration and sales were things that naturally evolved over time as this new enterprise developed. In recent times this has led to an expansion of the premised, with a large showroom added to display a good selection of Alvis cars for sale.

 I have of course not seen these later developments, but I once did visit Kenilworth in the 1970’s when I was using my 3 litre for general use, and I remember receiving a very cordial reception and meeting a number of the very experienced workforce. The spares despatch department I recollect, was extremely busy – a mine of industry, and it opened my eyes to see and learn how this side of things are done, , to ensure customer satisfaction. It is a comforting thought for the Alvis enthusiast to know that this excellent service continues in the present age, when so often it is found to be lacking. I will conclude this potted history of my involvement with “the other lady in my life” in the next newsletter.

RHTM to be continued


The Conundrum.

When I started this what is sometimes looked at as a strange kind of sport things were very simple compared to today. Once you found your chosen vehicle to get splattered in mud, in my case a car, you did whatever modifications and tweaks as you thought necessary, joined your local club and entered an event. The fact that you didn’t have a passenger/navigator was a minor issue, you collared anyone who fancied a bit of motorsport fun and that was it, off you went.

No more, it just ain’t that simple now. First you have to work out what class your chosen fun jalopy can run in, next there’s the tyres jungle, then make sure it complies with all the regs, including appearance etc. Now that you’ve done that it’s join a club time and get yourself a competition licence, in many cases the competition licence is free but you still have to have it. Once you have done this you think you are ready for that big event, all you need now is a passenger. Next hurdle: Does your passenger hold a competition licence and relevant club membership? If not they will have to do so, no longer can you opt to change your lucky accompanying victim at the last moment it all has to be planned well ahead of the event.

These days my own competing activities tend to be with the MCC and the long distance events, so I have been a long standing MCC member, box 1 ticked; I have a comp licence box 2 ticked; but we now come to the rather tricky passenger situation. I have up to four different possible passengers to call on so you would think what’s the problem. Well one of them has a competition licence but not a MCC member, one of them is a MCC member but no competition licence as he doesn’t normally do four wheel trialling. The other two passengers have neither licence nor membership, so in order to what is basically do me a favour they have to get the said documents, one of these two people has no interest in motorsport whatsoever, purely doing me a favour. Ok I am not unique in this situation there must be quite a few people out there in the same boat (or even car). There is also as I said earlier no last minute changes, if your passenger’s wife decides to have her baby two weeks early , or their work shift pattern has been changed, tough, you will not be going on your chosen jolly no matter how well the vehicle is prepared, or how many flasks you have filled.

Yes all the organising committees and official organisations have very good reasons as to why it’s like it is (honest) but for the grass roots competitor it can take some of the fun out of entering, and spontaneity has gone right out of the window. Be organised !

On a lighter note, a little while ago I decided to sell one of my scooters, a chap from Ilminster arranged to come down and view the dream machine, arriving at my place around 10.30 am. Within an hour he was happy with what he saw and the deal was done, scoot loaded into his van and off he trundled. I went indoors, made a cup of coffee and went on line to the DVLA and filled in the necessary change of ownership form, that’s it I am no longer the registered keeper. Around 3.45pm of the same afternoon I get a text message from the new owner, on arriving home he had also gone online and registered himself as the new keeper, insured the bike, taxed it and had been out for a ride and commented on that he was pleased with the performance (performance in regard of this particular machine is not a term I would have used), all done in the space of about 5 hours.

In my younger days I lived in Plymouth and when it was time to either tax your vehicle or perhaps register yourself as the new owner my heart would sink. This meant I had to make the journey to the Tax office at Duke St, Devonport. The office was actually upstairs of quite a large , slightly antiquated building , if you timed your visit badly (on a Saturday morning at the beginning of the month) the queue for this theoretically simple experience could start outside of the building. Somehow when watching a black and white film, set during the Cold War my mind drifts back to this building! Slowly you would make your way up the grubby, cigarette smoke filled stairs, often freezing cold and eventually into what in some ways looked like a great hall. Here you were greeted with a full width counter at which the staff would sit behind with an imposing set of railings running down the middle just to keep public and tax office employees separate. To be fair the staff were usually quite helpful, they just wanted to get you out of the way and to see the end of the queue.

The modern equivalent of this is definitely preferable, although I expect some people might argue.

All for this month.
J.T. please send contributions to

Newsletter January 2021

At the start of a New Year one expects to be optimistic of the year ahead, this year it’s a bit different to previous years the Covid word is evermore in our midst and it is also tinged with sadness at losing one of the club’s long term supporters.

Sadly on the December, the 27th Clive Sandercock passed away. To most of us that knew him he was an absolute inspiration in being positive about life and doing as much as possible despite the barriers that it had thrown at him. In 2014 we attended a big party at Dingles Heritage Fairground to celebrate Clive’s landmark 25 years of having had his Heart and Lung transplant, the event also raised a significant amount of money for charity. Then a year ago he underwent more invasive surgery to receive a kidney. When Vivien and I went to the hospital to visit we didn’t know what to expect, we were somewhat shocked to find him on a walkabout of the hospital looking incredibly fit and cheerfully chatting to all the other patients.

Clive turned out for many events over the years, he was the late Mike Gomm’s intrepid passenger in sporting trials and also performed marshalling and scrutineering duties for the club for many years. But his interests were much wider than just motor sport. Cornish history and walking were just two and the accompanying photo was taken of him impersonating a pixie on Bodmin moor when he and his father Gordon took us on a guided tour of the moor. Clive’s funeral will be on Friday the 15th of January at Altarnun Church 2.00PM. Whilst we will not be able to actually attend the Church funeral many of us intend to be outside to say our final farewell. Our thoughts are with his wife Julie, Mum Pam and all the family.

I will now hand you over to our club President Robin Moore

Alvis and the other lady in my life, Part 8

Annual reunions took place in early November for a number of years following this Golden Jubilee celebration. For the first of these two day weekend events we returned to the Green Dragon in Hereford, with everyone arriving on the Friday evening for an informal get together.

The Saturday usually incorporated a visit to a place of interest, before returning in good time in order to be ready for the formal dinner in the evening. This first reunion was quite a unique occasion as among our number were some talented musicians including a professional dance band pianist, as well as others who played regularly. One such person was a man called Dick Gilbert of Leamington Spa, who played for a Midlands jazz band when he was not racing his Alvis 12/70 Special at Silverstone. I seem to remember that we had quite a quintet on the night and it was a great success. Obviously this had all been planned well in advance.

The following morning happened to be remembrance Sunday and a run out to the Rhydspence Inn near Hay-on-Wye had been arranged for those not departing for home until the afternoon. It is as well to remind ourselves how much less traffic there was on the roads 50 years ago for at the appointed time we all lined up in the near side lane of the fine road bridge that crosses the Wye in Hereford, and we set off in convoy. En route a large lay by had been sorted in advance, and as the hour approached eleven o’clock we drew up together and parked. Car radios were tuned in for the two minute silence and all drivers stood beside their cars. It was quite a moving and unforgettable moment.

The annual reunions that followed were held at Matlock Bath in Derbyshire, which we all looked forward to with enthusiasm each year, although there were a number of other events held during the year when we also got together, such as National Alvis Day. In 2020 it would have been the Centenary of Alvis cars, but like our own club this hasn’t happened and everything is on hold. I can’t help feeling that when we do mark the occasion it will not be quite the same – a bit like missing the last bus home after a good night out.

RHTM to be continued

Polite reminder : Those of you who have not paid your club subs it would be nice if you could do so, last month’s reminder didn’t quite have the effect we were hoping for, you’ve saved loads of money by not going to the January sales (you remember them) so a mere tenner won’t hurt.

Joe Caudle is currently drafting a history of the club, hopefully to be published later this year.

Any reminiscences, anecdotes etc. would be welcome as would scans or photos of any paperwork, awards, photos etc. particularly if they accompany reminiscences. There is a particular gap in the club’s history through the 1930s, and 1940s.

Anything will be gratefully received particularly as Joe says he has plenty of time at present to devote to this! Please send to

So we find ourselves virtually back to where we started as we enter our third Lockdown. At our zoom meeting next week we had expected to be discussing how plans were going for the Lanson Trial but I fear this event could well become just another statistic. Unfortunately a large proportion of the committee along with those helpers who normally come out to support the club no matter what, are in the senior age bracket and justifiably won’t commit themselves until the vaccine has been completed and feel confident mixing in wider circles as it were. The MCC have already cancelled the Lands End Trial so I suppose we just have to make the best of it, but I am only one person and it’s up to the committee to decide. Plans for the 101 years Club Birthday are hopefully safe so there is at least something to look forward to and we will be discussing that, and other events planned for the year.

When I got up this morning I looked at our weather gauge and saw it was -2.5c outside which is not too conducive to spannering in the garage, alas the Dellow is sat with its bum in the air awaiting parts for the rear axle, although I do have a new 2 wheeler project acquired last month to play with. On going in to the office to start the newsletter I turned on the monitor to see if there was anything happening in the bird nestbox and to my surprise a Sparrow was in there having a good tidy up, after a couple of return visits it disappeared but was soon replaced by a Wren doing similar, it makes you wonder, do they know something we don’t ?

All for this month J.T.

Don’t forget contributions gratefully accepted

Newsletter December 2020

 Yes we are well into December and only just getting this newsletter out to you, apologies but I felt I ought to wait until the committee had a Zoom meeting so as I could report all the exciting news to you. First, there is a change in the position of Chairman, Pete Cooper has done sterling work over the years to keep the club active where possible, but the last nine months as we all know has been a bit of a test for everyone. Unlike a lot of people Pete has been working all through the two lockdowns meaning he has had little time for things outside of work and has therefore decided to stand down as chair of the Club. We are all appreciative of the efforts he (and Jan) have put in over the years, he will still be an active member of the committee.

This left our club without a chairman so a metaphoric box of straws was passed around containing one short straw, yes I managed to pull the short one so I am now Acting Chairman as well as newsletter gatherer/editor. Those of you with long memories will remember I used to do this job many years ago and to be honest I was not expecting to be doing it again, but hey ho, as I have absolutely nothing else to do why not. I did say I would only do it as a temporary stop gap but I’m not convinced anyone was listening at that point.

Amongst the items discussed at committee was the topic of the Launceston Trial, it was decided we should do our utmost to run the event, the date of March the 7th is set for it, at the usual venue of Lew Woods, obviously this is on the grounds that the Covid pandemic eases and that Mr Newman is happy for us to use his land. Entries for it will be online and all paperwork is kept to the absolute minimum, Darren Ruby has volunteered to act as Covid officer, fingers crossed for a good event.

The centenary celebration is still very much on the cards, in addition to a display in the Launceston Museum we are planning to take over the square on Saturday the 7th of August for a display of bikes and cars, we are also looking at getting a book published on the history of the club, we have a large amount of memorabilia, photographs etc. which will definitely prove interesting.

I have to remind everyone that it’s that time of year when your subs are due , online payments are preferred via the website but if you are unable to do this a cheque for £10 handed to any of the committee members will find its way to the treasurer whereupon a new membership card will be issued.
It’s now time to hand you over to our club President Robin Moore. Although I do have a correction to make concerning last months article. First paragraph line 7 should read Harry Lauder’s recording, not Lander.

Alvis and the other lady in my life part 7

The focal point the next day was Stoneleigh in Warwickshire close to the home of Alvis in Coventry, where everyone was brought together prior to going to the final venue at the Alvis Works. Stoneleigh was later to become the National Agricultural Centre and home to the Royal Show. Close by was the Massey Ferguson Training and Development Centre which provided the ideal location and required space to assemble the largest gathering of Alvis cars ever, for by this time we were over 400 strong. In addition there was an area close to the “Rally Field” where the works had laid out a demonstration of some of the armoured fighting vehicles, Saracen and the Saladin.

The weather continued to hold good, as it had been throughout the tour, and this was a bonus for everyone as they made sure their steeds were looking their best for the grand cavalcade under police escort when we departed for the short journey to the Alvis premises in Holyhead Road in Coventry. Here once again the vast car park was able to accommodate all the cars. We were ushered into the large works canteen and given a warm welcome as we enjoyed the afternoon tea provided for us. Lovely individual fancy cakes topped with fondant icing and with the Alvis triangle in red.

It was with mixed emotions that we came to the end of this once in a lifetime event. On a “high” that we had been part of this great experience, but tinged with slight morose that it was all over and could not, and would not ever be repeated. As a dear friend often reminded me –“Everything Comes to Go”. We had made many new friendships that remained with us always, although over the last 50 years numbers have inevitably reduced. Those of us that are left are “Playing in extra time”

However, it was also inevitable that reunions would be held so we could all meet up again to celebrate this major event in Alvis history. And so it was, that for a number of years following whilst the memories remained strong and advancing years took their toll we got together annually. I will recall some of the highlights of these reunions in the final part of my Alvis story next month.

RHTM to be continued

The Inside Line Book Review by Richard Simpson

When two-strokes ruled the earth…….

It could be argued that there has never been a tougher sport than 500cc world championship motocross racing. And there certainly has never been a tougher motorsport than 500cc world championship motocross racing.

Unlike most motorsports, it was one where you could not buy your way to success: every rider was there on merit. And unlike virtually every other sport you can think of, each round consisted of almost 45 minutes of maximum physical and mental exertion, followed by a brief period in which machine and rider had to be repaired and readied, before the whole process was repeated with another race just as long, and even tougher given the track would now be rutted out of all recognition, than the first. Relax, even for a moment, physically or mentally, and you would be overtaken, or fall, or both.

Just how tough?

Like riding a bucking bronco, while other competitors throw rocks at you.

No F1-style starting grid, just 40 riders all lined up in a row, and all aiming at the narrow inside line of the first corner 200 metres away. Fail to be first to arrive there and the rear wheels of every machine in front will be firing dirt and rocks at you until you can pass it.
And The Inside Line is former racer Rob Andrews’ new book, which details what it was like behind the handlebars of a 500cc two-stroke monster motocross bike, with a 60 + bhp engine, a foot of suspension travel at each end and an all-up weight of just 220 lb or so. For the record, that makes it lighter and far more powerful than any of today’s motocross machines, and the races themselves were substantially longer and on far tougher tracks than today’s.

Andrews admits that he was never the best of the world championship’s riders, but, as one of the most dedicated, he raced against the best, including a second-place finish in a field containing seven past and present world champions.

He was beset by a variety of problems including the inevitable mechanical failures, manufacturer team ‘politics’, and a bizarre and horrendous injury sustained when he came off second-best in an argument with a plate-glass window in the Tewkesbury branch of Tesco!

Andrews writes vividly of both the raw excitement of the races and the contrasting hard grind of training, travel and machine preparation that it took to get there, all unfiltered by any ghost writer. The days of the ‘wild men’ of motocross were over by the time he reached the top, so sex and drugs and rock & roll are in short supply (although he hints that his first child may have been conceived on honeymoon in the parking lot of a suspension factory in Holland), but the gut-wrenching thrills of the greatest circuit of all: The Citadel, Namur, Belgium; are described in graphic detail.

Injuries and bad luck combined against Andrews, but ultimately the entire sport was doomed. At anything less than the highest professional levels, the average rider would go faster on a cheaper and less-powerful 250 cc machine than a 500. Anyone good enough to ride a 500 faster than they could a 250 would also be good enough to command a sponsorship deal, so in the end there was no-one prepared to hand over their own cash for a 500, and the class went the way of the dinosaurs. From the top of the mountain, the only way forward is downhill.

However, Andrews’ lucid prose and a wealth of spectacular contemporary photography combine to take the reader back to a never-to-be-forgotten, or repeated, era, when dinosaurs, in the form of 500cc two-stroke bikes, really did rule the earth, or at least the track.
You won’t find The Inside Line in bookshops or on Amazon, but you can order it direct from

At £40, it’s not cheap, but I’d defy anyone to name a better sports biography.
Ignominious Rescue !!

It’s amazing how the simplest of ideas can all of a sudden turn badly wrong. Last Monday was a beautiful frosty day so I thought what better day to take the Dellow for a spin, after all it needs to get miles on the clock to get it run in. I had an early lunch and set off into town to do a quick bit of shopping, then headed out of town on the road in the direction of Bude, the car was sounding lovely as we climbed the hill from Yeolmbridge , as I entered Ladycross approaching the school there was an extremely loud bang from the back of the car followed by the rear wheels completely locking up, sending the car into a full 360,then 180 spin coming to a halt in the middle of the road straddling the white line facing the direction I had just come from.

For a moment I was in a bit of a daze trying to comprehend what had happened and at the same time being grateful that the car hadn’t turned over or hit someone coming in the opposite direction. I’m now sat there holding up two rows of traffic, I get out, but the car will not move, it’s all a bit surreal, first try to direct traffic, then in the lull try to push the car but it refuses to move. After a few minutes a couple of guys stop their cars and come to offer assistance, between the three of us we spend the next ten minutes slowly pushing/dragging a reluctant Dellow, if it were a donkey a carrot would have worked miracles, eventually it is moved to the side of the road, I’m now hoping no one drives into it. I thank the two good Samaritans and they trundle off. Club Sec and stalwart Andy Prosser lives some 400 yards back the road so it’s on the phone to him, he’s in town but says “I’ll be there in ten” and he is, farmer Julian is just around the corner so Andy commandeers him and his tractor to get the road cleared (hence photo) which is done by lifting the back end of the car and taking it to his yard. Fortunately Andy also has a trailer in his drive so the car is loaded onto it and taken back to my place where it is now undergoing axle surgery.

In a nutshell the whole diff/planet gears and pin shattered, and no it wasn’t low on oil, it’s all a bit of a mystery, but as Andy says “it’s nothing that can’t be fixed if you throw enough money at it” . As they say you never know what’s around the corner ! As you have probably guessed I am very grateful to those who assisted me, in particular Andy, always the man who can!

Before I sign off I would just like to say get well soon to Alan Merton who is having a bit of NHS TLC at the moment.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year, let’s all hope it’s a better one than 2020.

All for this month.
J.T. Please feel free to send your contributions

Newsletter November 2020

Welcome to dreary November, short days and long nights, but it’ll soon be Christmas and a new year and the days will start to get longer again. Once again there is not a lot to report on motorsport , our roving reporter Nigel Cowling attended the Camel Vale trial on October the 18th which had a good entry and was well run, with thanks to those involved in running it. Congratulations to Darren Ruby and family on his class 3 win, classes 1,2,3, were put in one class, Darren had also won his class on a recent Exmoor trial, there’s no stopping him!

The recent bulletin from Motorsports UK has confirmed that all Non-elite motorsport is postponed until early December, no surprises there, it won’t affect me as I know all too well that I am not a member of the “Elite” establishment. For motorcyclists the ACU has released a similar bulletin.

The MCC Exeter Trial in early January has reached its full entry list anyone wanting an entry will now be put on the reserve list. M.A.C. will be hosting the Clee Hills Trial on Sunday the 24th of January, the event will be open to competitors on 2,3 and 4 wheels. Covid 19 rules/restrictions will apply , all cars must have a passenger.


So now over to our club President Robin Moore

Alvis and the other lady in my life part 6

The jubilee tour took us as far North as Dundee, where provisions had been made for a two night stay at the Salutation Hotel. This was arranged in order to give the 34 full car participants a break, and to celebrate with a number of seats who had by this time joined up with us. A Gala Dinner had been arranged for the second evening of our stay, after having had a free day. The free day saw people heading out in different directions. Some headed for the highlands in search of snow, but for ourselves, we decided to explore the “Road to the Isles” as immortalised by Harry Lander’s recording . I remember it being a particularly hot day and we quenched our thirst at the inn at the head of Loch Rannoch before resting in the shade of the pine trees lining the shore, before returning to Dundee.

The Gala Dinner was quite something, continuing into the early hours following midnight. The wine flowed freely and yours truly was not alone in being somewhat inebriated. After breakfasting the next morning, I think most of us were not fully alert. I recall driving to the official BP filling station to refuel and receive our daily 5 gallons of free spirit before returning to the hotel to collect our ladies. I headed back but lost my direction and found that I was at the approach to the bridge over the Firth of Tay, and heading out of town, and impossible to turn around. Stopping at the toll I explained to the jovial Scot on duty that I didn’t wish to cross the bridge just yet as I needed to collect my wife first. His reply was “That’s what they’ve all said”. And with a broad grin on his face moved the cones separating the traffic lane and invited me to do a U turn.

This jubilee event was to finish at the home of Alvis in Coventry and we headed southwards via Cumbria and the coastal road as far as Ravenglass where I turned inland to follow the line of the narrow gauge steam railway which follows the Eskdale Valley. Continuing further along the very narrow road one comes to the very steep (2.5 in 1) Hardnott Pass on the seaward side of the Furness Fells. Some years earlier I had tackled the Wrynose Pass that begins at Shelwith Bridge not far from Ambleside, and rises from Little Langdale to the same summit. In those far off days those minor roads were quite rough in parts and consisted purely of broken stone and gravel and only rarely used by motor vehicles. I had previously driven the Wrynose Pass , against local advice, with my 1938 series 3 Morris, rough yes, but the gradient not too severe. But Hardnott is a different “kettle of fish”. I remember breathing a sigh of relief when reaching the top in my Alvis that I had not been or forced to make a restart. Marjorie and I stopped for a while on the fells after making the climb, and were later joined by two or three others who chose to follow the same road. And I thought we were alone in this vast wilderness. I must admit we were very pleased to see them, none of us at the time had the means of modern communication which we all take for granted these days, should we have had a problem and needed emergency assistance.

We eventually found ourselves at the penultimate day of this tour as we headed for Hereford, the last overnight stop of this marathon of an event. By this time we had been joined by a large number of Alvis from the Midland and Southern areas of the club, and the two Trust Houses in Hereford had been reserved to accommodate everyone. The Green Dragon and the City Arms, the former having a large secure underground parking facility for our exclusive use, and what a sight that was. Someone remarked that he hoped adequate insurance was in place, but we were sure that all individual owners would have been fully covered by their own policies. After all, every car was in a secure locked building, and security, and security personnel on site whilst we were there.
RHTM to be continued

Information Request – I received this from Richard Kinver together with some photos below seeking information on his father’s Dellow:-

Hi I’m wondering if you can help! My father, John Kinver, competed in NCMC events in the early sixties, I have replica trophies of his, including a Fulford Cup tankard from 1962. He has always said he had and competed in Dellow, but I‘ve since established it wasn’t a Standard Dellow, if a Dellow at all! I’m keen to find out if there are any archives for the NCMC which may list Dad and the car he entered in, do you know, or know anyone might know please? To add to the story I have recently tracked down, what I believe is, Dad’s car and bought it back with the plan to recommission it and competed in it (at present I competed in an X90 and did the President’s Trial today) and need to establish some facts around Dad’s car to get its registration back. Many thanks and kind regards, Richard Kinver.


I think I have to concede (concede, word of the week) that Lockdown has finally got to me, last night I found myself repairing a puncture on a wheelbarrow of all things. We seem to have somehow collected a larger than average quantity of them, five to be precise. It’s not all my fault, we have a very large garden so it’s quite common to be using more than one at the same time but how we actually got to five I’m not sure, they seem to just keep turning up, a bit like stray kittens, little notes on them, please look after this wheelbarrow. One of them is a rebel, it’s not painted green like the rest but finished in galvanise grey.

Anyway I quickly remove the offending wheel and take it to the garage workbench, get the tyre levers out of the Dellow and commence battle. At first things seem to go ok, let the last remnants of air out of the tube, then lever one side of the tyre off , attempt to extricate inner tube, valve stuck, remove other side of tyre and finally its off. Once the tyre is cleaned of all debris I decide the best plan is to fit a new tube, I have several scooter ones but on inspection these are all too big, scooter tube 10 inch, wheelbarrow tube 8 inch. Check old tube for leak in bowl of water, no bubbles so maybe it was just the valve after all, treat it to a new valve, yes looks promising, all I have to do now is refit tyre and tube to rim.

ALL, ALL ? have you ever tried it, it’s like herding eels. For a start it won’t keep still so you chase it around the bench attempting to lever the first part of the tyre over the rim, after various other items on the bench have made a break for freedom onto the floor, the first side is done. So next it’s fit tube inside without damaging it, this fit is more snug than a baby Koala in its mother’s pouch, trying to get both my hands inside the tyre to direct the tube in place with the valve in its hole seemed to take forever, but once the skin is removed from all my knuckles it’s there. So now I have to gently ??? Fit the other side of the tyre onto the rim without puncturing the inner tube, I have three tyre levers but only two hands, it’s Sunday night and the Octopus has the night off, shame, eight hands would have been useful. After a few failed attempts I work out that if I stand on an up turned bucket I can hold one of the levers in place with my belt buckle (still around my waist) giving me two hands free, this did look as if it might work until the lever held in place by my buckle gave way under the strain, taking a downward trajectory, its impact with my lower region causing me to fall off the bucket, when I got back to my feet all swearing was done three octaves higher !

Eventually the b***** thing was fitted and pumped up, I retired to the house and vowed that next time I would buy one of the non puncturing £15 alternatives on that well known auction site, fortunately this morning it was still holding air.

In future I’ll stick to the trials car and scooters.

All for this month J.T.


Pat Gomm wanted to pass on that there is to be an hours program on the Bloodhound car called ‘Building the World’s Fastest Car’. It is to be shown on Saturday 14 November at 6pm on Channel 4. Pat though the readers of this newsletter might be interested.

Please feel free to contribute

Newsletter October 2020

We have a bit of a bumper edition for you this month, reading time could be extended to five minutes instead of the usual two although as I’m a slow reader I could easily extend it to ten. There seems to be a two steps forward and three back approach to our pastime, last month I mentioned possible light at the end of the tunnel, this turned out to be a pool of water giving reflection to the torch. Don’t get me wrong there are a few things happening in motorsport which are of a positive nature but generally speaking it’s not getting any easier. Perhaps we should all be looking at it as a chance to get that vehicle properly ready for an event as opposed to in some cases treating the event as a “work in progress”
Our Chairman Pete Cooper has been busy so I will now hand you over to him……..
……….I hope that everybody is keeping safe and well. Just had reports that there are some cases of Covid-19 in the Launceston area today.
It does seem that this Covid – 19 has put a stop to almost all events. I have attended two hill climbs at Wiscombe Park for Torbay Motor Club. It’s very strange not to have any public. The rules were very strict, only two persons at each point. These two events were run before the face mask requirements. The events were very well supported by competitors which was surprising as the cost of entry with less than 4 minutes on the hill had been raised to help pay for all the additional paperwork that was required.
A couple of weeks ago I attended an Autocross at Kilmington for Torbay Motor Club which was run on the new face mask regulations. The two day event was excellent and well supported by the competitors. The only problem was the dust. By lunch time they reduced it only two cars on the track as we could not see the cars at the finish line. Even with only two cars on the track with the speed of the specials they were catching up their own dust.
With the dust it was a good excuse for a few beers in the evening to wash it down.
The Sunday morning began with plenty of sunshine but a very sharp frost on the ground. The Clerk of the Course, Nick Fielding, and the Motorsport Steward decided to move the track at the Finish and one other corner. This did help for a
short while as only two cars were on the track at any one time. The dust soon appeared and with a light wind did not disperse very quickly. The Doctor took pity on me as I was on the Finish Flag. She said that I kept disappearing the in the dust cloud. She then presented me with a special NHS face mask, much better.
Torbay Motor Club have the last Autocross of the season on the 17th/ 18th October. This time it will be the mud I expect with the present weather conditions.
A few clubs have run limited trials on a single venue basis, with only cars. The single venues have given rise to driver only competitor’s which may be helping the entries.
All the classic trials have been cancelled. The MCC Exeter Trial is running but through the night only to deter the public!!!!!
I think that we must be looking to run the Launceston Trial in March. As it is a single venue then we should not have problems as long as we can get marshals all signed on electronically well before the event. We will have time to prepare all the other paperwork. I am against the trail becoming a Classic as this would lower the standards of the true Classic. I would look at the idea that if ACTC setup a single venue Classic Trials Championship, just a subject to think about?
We will have to look at all our other events later in the year. May be we could run some evening trials in 2021 especially sporting trials, say four hills run 5 times.
I am afraid that our sport like all other events will be still under the control of the Government for 2021 and we can only be guided by them as to how we run our events. Let’s hope we can make 2021 better for sport.
As I am involved with Agricultural Shows things are not looking good for these events. Already two big events have been cancelled one in September 2021 as they are afraid that they may have to cancel at the last moment with very high outlays.
We have managed to take a five day holiday in the New Forest. Whilst we were there the big boat show at Southampton was cancelled by the council the night before it was due to open. The cost to Princess Yachts was millions. Such a shame as it stopped me buying a new cabin cruiser for my retirement.
A large fairground was also stopped just prior to opening. I think these cancellations will continue at least into the first part 2021.
I have been out with Phil Tucker MCC today looking at Hills as they are preparing to run a three day event on the last week of June to celebrate 120 years on the MCC. We may have four hills in our area. When more details become available I will let you know.
Please all keep safe and well.
Pete Cooper Chairman
Our Richard Simpson has kindly done an article for the newsletter and I would like to congratulate him and better half Kate on recently tying the knot , and although it wasn’t their intention getting married with only six in total certainly keeps the costs down.
I was a works rider once.
Yes, just the once. And, actually, more of a passenger than a rider. But none-the-less, I took part in a motorsport event in a vehicle entered by the company which made it. And I was paid.

It was early in 1987, and as staff writer on Classic Bike magazine, one of my duties was to pick up the phone when it rang. You could never be sure what you were going to get on the other end: calls ranged from a guy wanting you to talk him through resetting the valve-timing on a BSA M20, to a very drunk New Zealander who launched into a racist tirade because we were carrying advertising from Kawasaki. How could we, after what ‘The Japs’ had done in WWII?

We had some fun with that one, passing him around the office from extension to extension to ‘escalate his complaint to the highest level’ (same people putting on progressively posher voices until he thought he was speaking to the managing director). His phone bill must have been enormous!
This time, the caller introduced himself as “Tony Divey” and asked if anyone would be interested in passengering a Triking in the Lands End Trial that Easter.
I knew what a Triking was. Almost 10 years previously I’d been working at Moto Guzzi dealer Three Cross Motorcycles when a customer came in brandishing a copy of Motorcycle Mechanics, featuring an article on what looked like a replica of a Morgan three-wheeler, but with the driveline from a Moto Guzzi Le Mans. This was the first prototype Triking.

He thought it would be great because he could drive it wearing a WWII flying helmet…but to be honest I thought it was a bit of a waste of a good motorcycle. I assured him that, if he got one, we could help him with parts and servicing, but I don’t think that he ever did.
The Guzzi connection was enough to make Tony’s invitation attractive for me though. Tony invited me over to the Triking works in rural Norfolk to familiarise myself with the product the next weekend.
What a man he was; an impatient visionary. What was important was very important, and anything else was an irritating detail.
Before inventing the Triking (designing doesn’t really seem to be an adequate verb) he had worked for Colin Chapman at Lotus. He described Chapman as “Very annoying, because he could always do anything better than anyone else,” which I realised was a compliment of the highest order in Tony’s rather unusual world view.
I was introduced to the mount we would use in the trial: registration CNG415T, which rang a bell. Yes, this was the original Triking as featured in Motorcycle Mechanics. But little was left of the original vehicle. The 850 Le Mans engine was replaced with one from a 1000cc Spada, and the Guzzi gearbox had been ditched in favour of a five-speed unit from a Toyota car, which had wider ratios and the convenience of a reverse. Undergoing trial in the Trial would be some lightweight front mudguards and Hagon shock-absorbers.
Tony asked for my help in checking speed calibration. In vain, I pointed out that the speedo on my personal Moto Morini 500 wasn’t renowned for its accuracy, but I soon ascertained that what was really being checked was my courage. Self-styled “middle-aged hooligan” Tony took off in the Triking down Norfolk roads that he knew well and I knew not at all. My Morini was not a powerful bike, but handled exceptionally well for a motorcycle of its time. I was scraping footrests through bends as Tony kept up to what he estimated was 60 mph. I began to realise that, just maybe, the Triking wasn’t a complete waste of a good engine.
That induction over, Tony then let me loosen my own in a customer’s vehicle. It was a hilarious experience which must have been about as close as you could get to piloting a First World War fighter plane without leaving the ground. The hilarity came to an abrupt end when the clutch went soggy. Investigation revealed that correct clutch cable adjustment was one of Tony’s irritating details. There was so much free-play on the thing that the nipple had fallen out of the pedal. Putting it back involved a roadside head-first dive into the narrow confines of the Triking’s footwell.
Returning to the ‘factory’ in Marlingford, I agreed to meet Tony at what seemed to be a suspiciously early time on Good Friday morning. We are due to start from an airfield near Basingstoke at 10 pm. Surely, it won’t take us all day to get there?
It will, in Tony time. First, we stop at Snetterton race circuit to have a coffee with his girlfriend…if I recall correctly, her family actually owned the circuit! Then, Tony revealed, we needed to visit a customer in Surrey who was having problems with his Triking before making our way to the start.
Getting there involved a character-testing drive on the M25. Tony maintained that the best way to avoid being stopped for speeding was to keep in the nearside lane until the last minute, then swerve out and back in again. Oh, what fun, with what seemed to be an endless succession of 22.5 inch truck wheels whistling past my left ear.

Eventually, we arrived at a splendid property in the heart of the stockbroker belt, to a friendly greeting from the Triking owner and his wife. We attended to a minor issue with the Guzzi engine (my Three Cross Motorcycles experience coming in handy), and prior to departure the stockbroker gent took me to one side and said: “You know, Tony really is a lovely chap but he really shouldn’t be allowed to sell anything to anyone.”
Conscious that time was passing and daylight fading, we press on for the start. Darkness falls. The Triking has close-mounted Cibe Oscar headlamps which cast a searing light down the M3. It also has a new, slight misfire, which rapidly develops via some coughing and banging, into an engine stop.
I look at Tony.
“We’ve run out of petrol,” he says. “I didn’t bother to connect the fuel gauge,” he adds.
Obviously an irritating detail.
I’m speechless
“Not to worry” he adds. “There’s a tin of petrol behind your seat.”
Indeed there is. It’s a tin that once held a whole litre of brake fluid. It gets us as far as the next exit where we just make it onto the hard shoulder. What happens next is one of those bizarre incidents that happen on the road at night. A convoy of big black Mercedes cars come flying down the off ramp, stop amid much screeching and shouting at the roundabout at its foot, then reverse back onto the motorway. I notice they have CD diplomatic plates. Weird!
All this is very interesting, but won’t get us to the start. I can see the yellow light of a Shell station in the far distance, so clamber down the embankment and start running towards it, clutching the petrol tin.
A car pulls up beside me and a Glaswegian voice asks “Are ye OK there, son?”
Inside the car are three of the toughest looking blokes I’ve ever seen, all bare muscled arms, tattoos and lived-in faces.
Gangster hit men? No, paratroopers, and bless them, they drop me off at the petrol station, where I squeeze 48p worth of four-star into Tony’s tin and run back to the Triking. One lung-bursting ascent of the embankment later, and we’ve got just enough fuel to get us to the Shell station, where we fill up and head of for the start point.
By now we are rather more than fashionably late, rush through scrutineering, and Tony tells me that we are not just competitors, but he is also a travelling marshal.
This means that we are the last ‘motorcycle’ away (the Triking is a motorcycle as it has fewer than four wheels), and we have to try to shepherd any waifs and strays from the two and three-wheel entry that we may encounter during the drive. We are also both knackered and already short of sleep.
The actual event has been mostly obscured from my memory. Lack of sleep does that to you! It runs through the night, taking competitors across Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall before ending not at Lands End, but in a tacky resort in Penzance on Easter Saturday, taking in a number of observed sections along the way, the earliest of which are done at night. Snapshots remain in my memory: passing Stonehenge by moonlight, helping a sidecar crew with a puncture by the light of a phone box, a giant sheep on a wet Exmoor road (a hallucination, I think), and being launched from the passenger compartment of the Triking when Tony simultaneously advised me to shift my handholds and dropped the clutch at 6000 rpm during a restart test on the first section.
A rutted track revealed two serious deficiencies in the Triking as a cross-country vehicle. One is a lack of ground clearance and the other is that for all Tony’s efforts with the steering, the back wheel will inevitably fall into one rut or another and stop the trike in its tracks. Fuelled by the desperation of the situation I dismount and find the strength to lift the back of the 780 lb Triking and its inventor up by the exhaust-pipes, like a giant wheelbarrow. I can only push so it far though, and we end up extricating it by both dismounting and turning the front wheels by hand!
Daylight made things a little easier, but dawn coincided with the notorious one-in-three incline Beggars Roost section, where a constant stream of pea-gravel rolling under the rear Avon Mudplugger motorcycle trials tyre created a traction-free zone for the compulsory restart.
As the morning progressed, we had a front-wheel puncture which put us out of time for a trophy, but we were actually cleaning sections without mishap. Our greatest triumph was Blue Hills Mine, a path up a Cornish cliff, which is so tough that a winch is installed at the top to drag failed competitors up and out of the way. And that was the final section of the trial, conquered in fine style with the cheers of a crowd echoing in our ears.
With that moment of unearned glory, my career as a works rider was at an end. We made our way to the finish, signed off, and…
What then followed was another ordeal. Prebooking somewhere to stay in Cornwall on the Easter holiday had been another one of Tony’s irritating details. There was no room at the inn, not the Jamacia Inn, or any other inn. We headed off for my parent’s place in Dorset, but fortunately found a pub with rooms and dinner on the way. Another hilarious high-speed drive back to Norfolk followed the next morning, then I mounted my faithful Morini and headed back west to Peterborough, home and bed.
I met up with Tony a week later to ‘fake’ some pictures for the Classic Bike feature, then we lost touch. I saw him race the Triking a few times at tarmac hill climbs, although we never really spoke again. But when I read his obituary in October 2013, I still felt a sense of loss.
Middle-aged hooligan, inventor, engineer and so much more.
Perhaps the most fitting tribute to him was Morgan relaunching its own three-wheeled ‘cyclecar’, complete with a ‘not a Harley-Davidson’ motorcycle engine from S&S Performance. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!
Richard Simpson
So now over to our Club President Robin Moore

Alvis and the other lady in my life, Part 5
Our own involvement in the Golden Jubilee event added an additional 500 miles to the 2,000 mile tour, as we of course had to drive to London for the start and return home from the Midlands at the end. And so it was that we set forth from Camelford the day before in order to stay with friends at Walton-on-Thames and be near the city and have an easy run to the start venue the following morning, – The National Science Museum in South Kensington. It was here that we first met up with the other Alvis crews, who like us were in it for the whole tour, the majority of whom we had never met before. It was a privilege to meet the legendary pre-war racing driver SCH (Sammy Davis) who was the start marshal and flagged us away when it was our turn to leave.
So we headed North on the first day, I think it fair to say that we felt truly excited in being part of this historic occasion,- a one off never to be repeated. It’s what memories are made of and lasting friendships made. The full story is too much to recount in an article such as this, so I’ll just highlight some of the anecdotal and amusing incidents that took place.I remember we were blessed with beautiful weather throughout, the only time we experienced any moisture for a very short while was in the Borders, which is quite usual in that area of Scotland. Many places of interest were detailed in our route instructions, which one was free to visit or not. It was all very flexible except for where special arrangements had been made, not that these were in any way compulsory.
I recall the first special gathering was the day we were scheduled to arrive in Keighley, Yorkshire, where the mayor had arranged a civic reception and we received a very warm welcome from the large crowd that turned out to greet us.
Marjorie and I in our Alvis Grey Lady entered Scotland at Canter Bar and made on towards Edinburgh. It was here that provision had been made for us to park together in a reserved area near Princess Street and in view of the Castle. We were scheduled to have a couple of hours here and savour its fabled thoroughfare and the wonderful municipal flower gardens. It was a memorable day for many reasons, and as we arrived and parked up, – and it was purely coincidental, a 21 gun salute was fired from the Castle in honour of the Queen’s Birthday.
I don’t recall how many of us were together at this stage , but about a couple of dozen or so Alvis arrived more or less together at the toll bridge to cross the Firth of Forth, and faced with the queue our chaps in the Speed 20 Alvis who were responsible for keeping everything running smoothly throughout the tour sprung into action and did a special deal with the man in the toll booth which allowed us all to cross in convoy without stopping,- a magic moment , never to be repeated,- a historical moment for sure.
RHTM to be continued
And finally ………. I am currently reading the book by Roy Calley titled The World Water Speed Record. I used to think that motorsport could be dangerous enough until I read this, achieving great speeds on water is evidently much more dangerous, the lives lost are quite staggering. The name Campbell is synonymous with both land and water speed records, but I didn’t know that Malcolm Campbell (father of Donald) was an MCC member, in 1906 he entered the Lands End Trial and won a Gold award three years in a row. ( However, according to the MCC website the first L E was 1908, whatever ?) So this could be a case of throwing down the gauntlet to many a multiple Gold award winners and certainly those winners of Triple’s . Are there any members out there fancying their hand at becoming holders of both Land and Water speed records at the same time. To say you need deep pockets is an under statement, the money spent on winning these coveted trophies is eye watering Along with in many cases the shortened life expectancy.
I have had to rule myself out of ever joining this elite band, the housekeeping budget would need to be severely stretched, although I can’t complain too much regarding medals won (and stupidly lost) but it also brings to mind the happenings of events some 20 or more years ago when it was decided that three of us from LNCMC would enter a team in the Lands End Trial. A catchy name was dreamt up , “All Bent and “ . The other two members of the team being Warin Kelly and Joe Caudle, two Austin Sevens and a class 8 Torum. The kiss of death was firmly blown our way, I don’t think we ever managed to get all three cars to the actual start line, at one point I only made it to the end of my lane, Joe’s car developed an array of both mechanical and electrical faults , Warin from memory spent a considerable time doing battle with windscreen wipers in heavy rain to no avail, there was even talk of my car being exorcised, even that would have had to be carried out in the garage in case it didn’t turn up for the ceremony. And to be honest nothing has really changed. Hey ho.
All for this month J.T.
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This publication comes with the usual disclaimer.

Newsletter September 2020

If I’m not careful this will get labelled as the “dreckly” newsletter , the days have slipped away and I find I am rather late with my offering. There has been a small glimmer of light shining on our sport . On Sunday the 6th of September Minehead MC ran their Exmoor Clouds trial as a single venue event, the reports all congratulate Minehead on running a very good event, the videos of it showed lots of happy faces and plenty of mud, it was interesting to see cars competing without a passenger (not all), this could be the shape of things to come, although self navigating on a road trial could be interesting for those not having done it before. Camel Vale MC are planning to run their President’s Trial on the 18th of October, again as a single venue event, passengers are not required but if you do have a passenger who is not from your household you will be required to wear face masks. There is going to be a limited entry for this event so if you want to have a go get in touch with them.

Keith Johnston has given an update on plans for the MCC Exeter trial on the 8th & 9th of January 2021. As Keith says we have to accept compromises for the time being, the plan is to have three separate start venues, Tiverton starting at 19.30pm followed by Cirencester and Popham and converging on Haynes, after leaving Haynes it seems that all the sections will be attempted in the dark, with the first vehicle finishing at Crealy at 05.30 am. A little bit different to what we have been used to but it’s certainly imaginative and maybe this is how future events will run.

Our own committee had a “proper” distanced meeting on the 19th of August at Kelly house, items under discussion focused mainly on when we might be able to actually run an event, although we have a large expanse of private land available to use for running a single venue event such as the Tamar Trial the problem is that it is intersected with public footpaths which we would have great difficulty in marshalling to protect members of the public and competitors in regard to Covid 19. The whole Covid thing is changing all the time, I for one am very confused (no comments please) in what we can and can’t do, such as Yes send your children to school, average class size 25-30, fine, send them to an after school party with more than 6 attending from the

same class, not fine.??? Hopefully by the time of our next meeting there will be some clarity, or am I just being naive.


And so over to our Club President Robin Moore

Alvis and the other lady in my life , Part 4

I think it is fair to say that the Golden Jubilee of Alvis celebrated nationally was an event that cemented many friendships in the Alvis fraternity. It was certainly a milestone in my motoring life that is indelibly printed in my memory.

This celebration of all things Alvis took place over ten days at the end of May and the first week of June 1970. It was blessed with glorious weather throughout this 2,000 mile tour of Britain. Supported by Alvis and Trust Houses, and sponsored by BP it was a grand occasion and a roaring success.

The format of the support we received will give a better picture of the event and all that was involved if I explain. The route was designed to cover all areas of membership and with the option of doing the whole run, or just joining in for the parts that came closest to where one lived. In theory every member had a chance to be involved to a greater or lesser degree. A basic route card was provided, but one was free to deviate or choose your own and visit places of interest en route as you wished. There was no time schedule, the only thing absolute was that you reached the official accommodation hotel each night in time for dinner. This was exclusively at Trust Houses where special arrangements had been made, and a courier was on hand throughout the tour. To make sure no one got lost during the day we had a couple of guys in a Speed 20 who kept their eyes on us as best they could, no mean task as there were 34 cars doing the complete tour.

The Alvis Co provided each of the participants doing the full run, with a small pack of essential and useful spares appropriate to the model entered, that would enable minor problems to be overcome and so to be able to continue. I remember my pack contained a couple of new valve springs, (inner and outer). There was no charge up front for this support and one would only pay for anything used, or return everything at the finish which was the Alvis works in Coventry.

My Grey Lady did not require anything from the pack, the only item that stopped working was on the very first day as we headed north from London, and that was the drive cable to the speedometer. I wouldn’t have bothered about that anyway, it was just annoying. BP’s sponsorship was 5 gallons of fuel each day, and a quart of oil each day should you need it. I don’t remember any oil burners on the trip, but we all made sure we could take on the fuel each morning, when after breakfast we would queue at the designated BP filling station.

RHTM to be continued.


There was a little bit of good news at the recent ACTC meeting for drivers of Buckler and Dellow cars. There have been moves to get these cars reclassified as to which classes they run in, basically standard sidevalve type’s will now be eligible to run in class 2 with all the other oldie’s, modified cars will run in class 5 . Only the highly modified cars will need to run in class 7 or 8. This class change does throw up a curious question which I struggle to get my head around. Cars in class 2 are not allowed to run with an alternator, it has to be a dynamo. I did wonder if this was so that drivers could enjoy their lights going dim every time they took their foot off the throttle, a sort of “period” curiosity. I can see no other reason, alternators basically enable your car’s electrics to work more efficiently, surely that is a good thing, to see where you are going in the dark ? Check out the full details from the ACTC website.

On one Exeter trial I followed an Austin Seven for several miles and noticed his brake lights weren’t working, when we came to a halt I advised the driver of this malfunction, no malfunction, he advised me that when his car was built they didn’t have brake lights, he was obviously looking forward to the day when someone drove into the back of him, I didn’t share his views.

All for this month. J.T.

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Please note views expressed in this newsletter are those of the editor, not the club.