May 2020 Newsletter

Well, here we are again, with even less to write about than last month, in terms of motorsport anyway. As I said last month my list of jobs around home have been quite mind boggling, you name it I’ve done it, if I’m not careful I shall be taking up gardening, perhaps not, as that would necessitate management approval, and we’re very clear on that topic. The Sparrows in the camera nest box that were making a new nest last month have hatched four young and all are virtually ready to flee the nest, country entertainment!!

With everything on hold all planning for the club’s centenary is shelved for the moment, you never know it might be a celebration for 101 years, I’m sure we will be able to party at some time. Committee meetings are also non-existent but you never know we might end up doing virtual meetings by Zoom, if its good enough for the government it’s gotta be good enough for us mere mortals.
Fortunately our club President and stalwart contributor has some more historical notes for you so over to Robin.
Historical Notes (part 8)

As I pen these notes continuing the history of our motor club, gems of information keep surfacing enabling me to further expand the story, and hopefully in the end, to have a more complete record. As I research I come across scraps of information that I had noted in the past and then filed away and forgotten. One such piece recently came to light when I was going through one of my filing cabinets. It was a scrap of paper from a notebook with a hand written note that had been handed to me at some time in the past, under which I had written, – Charlie Walters/ Warin. It refers to a piece printed in the Cornish & Devon Post Thursday September 6th 2001 and I quote,- 80 years ago Sept 10th 1921 a large number of motorists and others gathered at Lifton on Wednesday to witness a hillclimb for motorcycles and motorcars arranged by Dunheved Launceston and District Motor Club, the President of which is a Mr F.A. Blake, followed by a word (longhand) which I am unable to decipher. The report goes on to say ,- Mr R Prout, Ford with specially built aluminium racing body in competition with Mr (Haskins ? ) Hurstman attracted much attention.

Hurstman cars of which one or two survive were manufactured in Bath between 1914 and 1929 and had a fine reputation for reliability and performance , and is recorded as the first British car to be fitted with a supercharger. Returning to Mr F.A. Blake and the date, it can be established that he became the first President of our motorclub, and Mr Leslie Major whom I have mentioned earlier in this series most likely succeeded Mr Blake.

I am indebted to Barrie Kirton , Archivist of the M.C.C. with whom I have consulted about the 1930 Land’s End Trial, as Launceston itself was very much a part of this annual event for many years. In 1930 competitors had a time check at Netherbridge before entering the town and parking in the square and walking to the Town Hall to partake of lunch. The route card states” Proceed without waiting to Guildhall Square. Park as directed. Sign and lunch at Town Hall. Caterer, E. Reed, Supplies, Wooldridges, Control from timing point to re-start after lunch.”

There was an entry of 400 , of which 259 were cars derived into 4 classes according to engine capacity. Class 1V (d) , cars exceeding 1,500 cc numbered 336 to 400 listed no’s 349 – 350 and 351 as – RGT Bear driving a Mark 4 MG of 1,802 cc 4(cyl) and W.P Uglow and L. Major with 18/80 M G ‘s of 2,468cc (6 cyl).

This information is particularly interesting for two reasons, first it leads me to question the name Bear. There exists a small plaque with the inscription Ron Beer secretary 1936 . I have reason to believe it is one and the same person but the inscription is incorrect. Second , L.Major can only be Leslie Major of Polapitt Tamar mentioned earlier in this narrative and who by this time may have become President ? These three competitors running consecutively were in good company with the likes of H E Symons, Agnes Gripper, W M Couper & R J W Appletonton name but a few of the well known personalities who entered these events of the time. Frank Allott, 747cc Austin was also a competitor in this 1930 L’ End. His son Clive was a member of LNCMC in the 1990’s when he was a near neighbour of mine farming Trevilla , Camelford. I remember him as a bit of a wild character competing in events with a Morgan.
To be continued RHTM
Yours truly garage stuff has been somewhat curious to say the least, the Dellow is covered in dustsheets, ironically I took the spare engine block down to Wadebridge a week prior to lockdown for a rebore and crank regrind and that’s where it still sits, all the scooters have been fettled to within an inch of their life so my attention has been focused on the Fergie tractor.

Ever since buying it (nearly seven years ago) I have complained that the clutch is difficult to operate, often needing to stand on it to change gear , after a two hour tractor grass cutting stint I had a right leg like that of Roy Chubby Brown and a left leg more like Bradley Wiggins, walking was interesting to say the least. After talking to Andy Prosser our local “all things Fergie” guru I decided to take matters to hand. With the tractor stripped down it was obvious the clutch was in need of some tlc so a quick call to local specialists DPR to check they were open, YES, and I have to say a very impressive turn around of the job I now have a fully reconditioned clutch which is featherweight to operate.

As with all these jobs one always leads to another, the tin worms were doing their level best to make me a lightweight bonnet, which to be honest I didn’t really want, so after a good wire brushing and a couple of coats of Hydrate 80 of which I am a bit of a fan, the rust according to their blurb will be stopped, personally I would be happy if it was just slowed down in line with the local speed limits. Then followed a bit of welding and filling and a lick of paint, the tractor is now somewhat rejuvenated. I can start looking for the next job now.

All for this month but please, please do feel free to contribute.
E mail

April 2020 Newsletter

As I sit here typing this I have my camera unit running watching the Sparrows embroiled in making a new nest totally oblivious to the Pandemic that has swept the world causing the human population to make drastic changes to how we go about our daily lives. I briefly mentioned in last month’s offering that the virus could have an effect on our sport, I think that was a bit of an understatement.

The club were very lucky in that it managed to run the Launceston Trial on the 15th of March, the weather was good on the day, the marshals turned out in force, to which we are extremely grateful, all in all it was a bit of a mud bath, but judging by the looks on the competitors faces they were loving it. Marshals were given a Club Beanie hat and a Coaster as a token of our thanks.

Well done to Nigel , Pete and the rest of the team for all the hard work they put in.

Results summary : The Cycle Bowl was won by Graham Airey.

Novice Award Josh Knight. The Newman Cup Alan Keat.

The Fulford Cup Craig Allen. The full results will be on the club website.

This photo doesn’t do it justice but this is what you end up with after an event, the plan was to meet up a few days later to clean it all up and neatly sort it, ah well, won’t be using it for a while, have to have a word with the “mud fairies”.

And now it’s over to our Club President Robin Moore.

Historical Notes Part 7

Although we are celebrating the Centenary of the LNCMC this year (2020) and everything is geared up for a big celebration in Launceston on the 1st of August, together with a major exhibition of archive material at the Lawrence House Museum, it is established that the club formally came into existence on the 20th of August 1919 (see part 2).

The youngest motor club in the Duchy is the Camel Vale Motor Club, and I mention this for two reasons. First, because CVMC is our nearest motor club neighbour, and second, because there are certain similarities in the developments and working practices. Camel Vale was originally a well established motor cycle club. It was on the demise of the old Wadebridge & District Light Car Club in the late 1950’s that a void and a need for the four wheel brigade to be catered for in mid Cornwall. Camel Vale echoed the North Cornwall club, expanding to cater for cars, but each section having its own competition secretary etc.

The late Evan Holman became Camel Vale’s competition secretary and became very active in promoting all kinds of events. I myself became very involved with Evan as he was lodging in Camelford at the time and became a frequent visitor to Trefrew. Our many escapades are stories in themselves. Evan, having studied navigation during his National Service in the R.A.F. was particularly keen on rallying and even set up small evening classes on map reading and the various equipment required.

I recall this because it led to co-operation and competition between us, co-promoting many events and ultimately expanding with the advent of Cornish Capers, a major interclub timed driving test event held for a number of years at the old W.W2 airfield, – R.A.F Davidstow Moor, 1942-1945.

My original navigator on events was ex navy Peter Stedman of Boscastle who became treasurer for Camel Vale M.C. There were a number of ties that brought our two club together. I was a member of Camel Vale at the time and attended their annual meetings. Likewise Camel Vale would be represented at Lanson’s A.G.M. As today, many were members of both clubs, I well remember

Evan Holman with his Singer Roadster taking me to the North Cornwall M.C. annual meeting on a January night, with snow showers adding to the excitement of the journey from Camelford in the Singer. The meeting that year was held in the Ambulance Hall, – another person present on that night was the late Graham Brazier who at that time had recently purchased the ex- Syd Broad Lotus MG . I have a vivid memory of Graham roaring away into the night to drive home in the deteriorating weather conditions.

To be continued RHTM

So now that we are all confined to barracks it’s a matter of keeping one’s self occupied, I’ve painted a couple of doors that were otherwise well down the list, chopped a load of wood ready for next Winter, brushed the flue, and if I’m not careful I will be catching up with things in the garage, now there’s worrying. For those of you who enjoy a good read there’s a couple of books I can recommend.

The first is “Rice & Dirt, Across Africa on a Vespa by Alexandra Fefopoupou & Stergios Gogos. Don’t worry there isn’t that much talk of the scooter its more of a travel book and the things that happen when you are trying to travel from top to bottom of a huge continent. The corruption at border controls is mind boggling, but balanced by the kindness of strangers on the journey, even the offer of a bride!!

The second book Frank & Stan’s Bucket List, the TT Races. Frank’s had better days….. The doctor gave him the news he didn’t want and Frank’s discovered the worst kept secret in Liverpool ; that his wife’s fitness instructor is providing her services that extend beyond the gym. Fans of the I.O.Man TT will love it, so will those who aren’t. You can get either book from that well known online bookstore so no need to even go outside.

All for this month J.T. email

LNCMC March 2020 Newsletter

Life seems to be going by at quite a pace at the moment, first, we had Brexit which seemed to go on forever we then moved into the storm season, each consecutive one seems to have a more indecipherable name than the last one, then before you know it we have a virus sweeping the world, I’m finding it a bit difficult to keep up. So what’s all this got to do with motorsport? Well the Launceston trial and a few others became victim of the storms and unless the current virus is containable it too will possibly have an effect, it’s a case of keep your fingers crossed and be prepared to adapt, I’m supposedly going on a two wheeled foray to Belgium at the beginning of June but to be honest it’s not looking good, it may end up with a tour of the Southwest, not all bad, we have pasties the Belgian’s don’t.
Friday the 28th of February saw the club and supporters converging on Trethorne Leisure Centre for our annual sit down buffet and presentation of awards, thanks go to Nigel in particular for the organising of the event which went very well and the meal seemed to be very good value for money. We seemed to have more than the usual amount of speeches this year but that’s probably because as we are celebrating our centenary we feel we have something to shout about.

Lots of awards were given out, in particular it was good to see a couple of junior awards being presented to Ashley and Zak Ruby, always good to encourage youngsters into the sport. After the formalities footage was shown of club events gone by in the fifties and sixties, it was interesting to see the dress code of that period, with the ladies wearing a good variety of head scarves, many of the men in flat caps and wearing a tie, one of my favourite bits of the film was seeing a Messerschmit “Bubble Car” attempting Sims hill, not something you are likely to see again.
And now it’s time to hand over to our Club President Robin Moore
Historical notes part 6

I’m sure that in the fullness of time the complete history of Cornish Motor Clubs will be chronicled, for it’s a story that needs recording for posterity. The fact that our Lanson club is now involved with celebrating it’s centenary has rather galvanised the mind on these matters. Our Launceston Club has always been to the fore in promoting a variety of motorsport competition and has produced some outstanding drivers wearing the club colours, competing nationally as well as in local events. Before the second World War , mainly as a form of advertising car manufacturers were keen for their products to do well in competition, especially so as a team,- sometimes formally entered as a works team, whilst others had generous works support. There was great rivalry between teams such as Austin, MG and Singer. To a lesser extent this practice continued post war. Entering as a team adds a new dimension with the team captain requiring a certain discipline & tact at times to keep things together, but also the determination to do well. I personally found myself in a different “mindset” when team effort was required and a greater determination to succeed. It adds another dimension, for one doesn’t want to let team mates down.

The “Shades of Crackers” team that I was involved with for a number of years was always a mixed team of different makes of car, but one constant was Norman McKee’s ex Toulmin Cream Cracker car, the MGTA reg ABL 962, it was always part of the team. Norman was the “joker” in the team and could do a wonderful impersonation of Benny Hill. On the MCC Norman was always “ hell bent” on our team beating the Morgan works team on Times in the Special tests . I seem to recall we usually did come out on top!
From time to time some of our club members formed teams of one make cars. In the early 1930’s it was Phil Uglow and the Biscombe brothers of Callington who ran a team of Hillman Aero Minx, whilst post war the team of Dellows ,- George Edwards, Bob and Mary Parsons were very successful. The team who called themselves the “ Union Jacks” was the formidable Morgans of George Edwards, Alin Penhale and Ted Dennis. Painted Red, White and Blue respectively. Ted’s car – the Blue one, was a four seater, a plus 4 with the

Standard Vanguard 2 Litre engine and with his 16 stone ex Navy mechanic and navigator astern they would take some stopping. Happy days and a lot of fun with many wonderful memories.
(to be continued) RHTM

Club Regalia. At the awards evening, the committee members were all wearing the new club Regalia in colours to reflect our centenary.

Items available :

Beanie Hat  – £4.95 + vat
Tee Shirt  – £8.95 = vat
Polo Shirt  – £12.95 + vat
Sweatshirt – £13.95 + vat

These are all available from the suppliers, Protekt Safety Wear.

Telephone 07894 057498 Speak to Mark Doey


Once ordered you can either collect from their premises at Callington, or delivered by courier for £7.95 (this fee might possibly include more than one item) speak to Mark.

Forthcoming Events

Launceston Trial 15th of March As mentioned in last month’s edition, the team will be out there next week ensuring all is well for the event, if you haven’t entered you really need to get in quick.

The Northgate Sporting Trial is on the 29th of March at Ashleigh Lifton.

Both of these events need Marshals or they will not run so please contact Mike Wevill on 01566 784451 or email

On the 2nd of April, we have our club AGM which will be held at the Blue Lion, Lewdown at 8.00pm. Please make an effort to attend, you never know it might actually be interesting especially if our 3 months of centenary plans are divulged.
I have often wondered what is the first thing that people see when they arrive at a motorsport event. Most probably it’s an interesting vehicle, or maybe they see someone they haven’t seen for a while and a chance to catch up. How many of you see the Motorsport is Dangerous sign, let alone give it a second thought, after all it isn’t for you is it! Very few people taking part in our chosen sport give it much thought, most thoughts are either achieving fastest time of the day, or being the only one to clear a particular hill.

Unfortunately, accidents do actually happen and it’s at that particular moment the mind is suddenly focused on the less attractive side of the sport. Over the years that I have been involved I have been close to or even witnessed an incident when someone has been injured (ok so you are now making a mental
note to avoid me), I know accidents happen in all sports but most likely few people consider it, if they did there would probably be less of us taking part.

This leads me on to wondering how many of you are blood donors, yes the dreaded needle, I can see some of you fainting now. Be honest lots of us need an extra drop of it at some time in our lives, yes the head is burying deeper in the sand. Some people not only donate blood, but platelets and plasma, you know the sort of thing that is sometimes required during transplants, or when blue babies are born. Dare I even mention carrying a donor card, yes morbid isn’t it, but real ! I would love to get some feedback but probably I won’t, but if you managed to read this to the end it might just set you thinking.

All for this month J.T. e mail

Northgate Trial 2020 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for the Northgate Trial 2020 are now available to download below.

Northgate Trial 2020 Entry Form (1739 downloads) Northgate Trial 2020 Regs (1751 downloads)

The Trial will take place on Sunday 29th of March at Ashley Farm, Lifton (MR201/395842) by kind permission of Paul Webber.

Launceston Trial 2020 Marshalls needed

We are in need of Marshalls for this years Launceston Trial 2020 which takes place on Sunday 15th March. If you would like to Marshall please contact Mike Wevill by calling 01566 784451 or send an email to

Launceston Trial 2020 Updated Regs and Entry Forms

The regulations and entry forms for the Launceston Trial 2020 have been updated to reflect the new date of the 15th of March.

Launceston Trial 2020 Car Entry Form (2323 downloads) Launceston Trial 2020 Motorcycle Entry Form (2190 downloads)

Launceston Trial 2020 Car Regs (2160 downloads) Launceston Trial 2020 Motorcycle Regs (2078 downloads)

The online entry system has also been reponed and can be accessed here Postal entries are still welcomed.

Entries now close on TUESDAY 10th March 2020. (No entries will be accepted on the day.)

This single venue classic trial for both motorcycles and cars is held in Lew & Eastcott Woods, Near Lewdown (approx. 10 miles from Launceston) and will take place on Sunday the 15th of March.

LNCMC February 2020 Newsletter

I hadn’t expected a lay-on in bed this morning but that was the case as the Launceston Trial has had to be postponed due to storm Ciara, never thought I could have been grateful to a storm. In view of the potential dangers of standing in a woods with large trees swaying in the wind the club had to make a decision and let’s face it no one wants be put in a dangerous position , marshals are hard enough to get as it is without any extra concerns of trees landing on them or on the competitors. The date has now been moved to the 15th of March so anyone who was for whatever reason unable to compete or marshal now has a second opportunity.

Now it’s time for me to hand you over to our President Robin Moore

Historical Notes (Part 5)

The very early days of club activities would have taken the form of organised social runs. Those seeking a greater challenge may well have been attracted to timed speed trials which were often held on the public highway in the 1920’s, before being banned following a fatal accident to a spectator at Kop Hill Climb, near Princes Risborough in Buckinghamshire.

The nearest to Launceston for this type of event was a venue close to Brentor Church, as there is a stretch of road that proved ideal for the purpose. If the memory of these speed trials held there on what was called the Brentmor Straight has faded, it is the complete opposite for the familiar landmark of Brentor Church. Built-in isolation atop a high pinnacle of Dartmoor granite it is visible for miles from all points of the compass and was indeed a bearing for ancient mariners as they set a course to enter Plymouth Sound.

Just half a mile to the south of the church, the road runs dead straight for two miles in a southerly direction to Tavistock, and it is this stretch of the highway that the events were held. It is reputed the last speed event ever to have taken place on a public highway in this country actually took place at this venue.

If you drive this stretch of road today it is not difficult to imagine the thrill derived from these intrepid pioneers taking part, or for that matter the inherent danger. The road surface would have been very much inferior 100 years ago to the standards of today, and machines much more of a handful to keep in a straight line at speed, heroes and heroines come to mind.- but true pioneers of our sport,- definitely.

100 years later we are gearing up to celebrate the centenary of our club and diligent research is revealing a vast amount of history. Who knows, but it would be great if something came to light regarding the speed trials at Brentor, and maybe a record of one of our members of that era having taken part.
RHTM (to be continued)

Centenary Year 2020 Events Calendar

  • Presentation of Awards with Hot Buffet and Films 7.00 for 7.30pm start     Trethorne     28/02/2020
  • Launceston Trial Classic     Lewdown Area     15/03/2020     C
  • Northgate Sporting Trial ASWMC Round     Ashleigh, Lifton     29/03/2020     C
  • AGM 8.00pm     Blue Lion, Lewdown     02/04/2020
  • Spry Sporting Trial     Trevilla Farm, Marshgate     06/06/2020     C
  • Motor Traders Car Trial     Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin     05/07/2020     C
  • Centenary Parade     Launceston Castle Green     01/08/2020
  • Testing Production Trial     Cannaframe     09/08/2020     C
  • David Ayers Sporting Trial MSUK, ASWMC & BTRDA Round     Trevilla Farm, Marshgate     13/09/2020     C
  • Tamar Classic Trial, ASWMC & ACTC Round     East Cornwall, West Devon     18/10/2020     C
  • Ron Beer Sporting Trial     Ashleigh, Lifton     22/11/2020     C

One of the forthcoming events coming up soon is the Club AGM which as already listed is at The Blue Lion, Lewdown. This is your chance to see and have a say at what goes on in the club, what with all the planned activities to celebrate our centenary you might just be privy to knowing what these plans are, you never know you might just want to get involved in them.

Planet Gears No this is not some inter galactic constellation but what hides in your back axle (assuming you have one). You may have read in the last newsletter that I managed to break these in the Dellow, I have been looking into getting some of these re-manufactured. Bearing in mind any used ones available will be at least sixty years old and of questionable quality and that as they really are getting harder to find it seems the logical thing to do.

If any of you out there run a “Ford Pop” or any of the specials derived around their running gear i.e. Buckler, Dellow, Fairthorpe, Canon or just homebrew special this should be of interest. Cost is not going to be cheap, but the more people wanting some the price falls, at the moment the price is somewhere in the region of £325.00 a set (2), but as I say a bigger quantity order would reduce the price.
Whilst on the subject of re-manufactured parts I know of at least one other person looking at getting half shafts made and someone else investigating Crown Wheel and Pinions, all for the above-mentioned vehicles, so if this is of interest get in touch with me.

All for this month J.T. Contributions to

Launceston Trial 2020 Postponed

We’re sorry to say that the Launceston Trial 2020 has been postponed until the 15th of March. This is due to the forecast bad weather on the 9th of February.

If you have entered using the online entry system and can’t compete on the new date then please email and we will refund your entry.

We will be reopening the online entry again shortly for new entries. We’re also happy to start recieving entries by post again too.

Launceston Trial 2020 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry forms for the Launceston Trial 2020 are now available to download below.

Launceston Trial 2020 Car Entry Form (2323 downloads) Launceston Trial 2020 Motorcycle Entry Form (2190 downloads)

Launceston Trial 2020 Car Regs (2160 downloads) Launceston Trial 2020 Motorcycle Regs (2078 downloads)

As with last year, the online entry system is available for this event and can be accessed here Postal entries are still welcomed.

This single venue classic trial for both motorcycles and cars is held in Lew & Eastcott Woods, Near Lewdown (approx. 10 miles from Launceston) and will take place on Sunday the 9th of February.

January Newsletter

Our latest Newsletter can be read here

LNCMC December 2019 Newsletter

It’s a bit like history repeating itself, I started last month’s newsletter complaining about the weather and what a surprise it’s still raining, even my ducks look a little fed up with it now.

Our dear governing body MSUK or what ever they call themselves this week have managed to put a bit of a spanner in the works by decreeing that all competitors and passengers have to have a competition licence, this means that after January 1st 2020 no matter what event you wish to compete in, even closed to club, the driver and passenger/navigator will have to have a RS Clubman licence, this will mean you are fully insured if your vehicle is involved in an incident. Motorcycle competitors are not affected by this new ruling. The new ruling has caused lots of reaction on social media with its implications to drivers trying to find passengers at short notice, and then making sure that person has a licence. Irrespective of whether they ever take an active role in motorsport or even drive a vehicle after that particular event, ah well MSUK will be able to gather lots of new data from it.

The Ron Beer sporting trial held at Ashley Farm, Lifton in November had an entry of 12 cars which is a good entry considering it was brought forward at short notice from its original date at the end of December. Overall winner of the Ron Beer Trophy was John Cole, 2nd place was George Watson, and 3rd place with a First Class award was Andy Prosser. Andy’s placing was very commendable given that his is one of a small number of home built cars competing on the trials circuit, and actually built by Andy.

February the 9th is the date for the Launceston Trial as usual this will be held in Lee/Lew Woods by kind permission of Mr Peter Newman, it is a single venue event but with such a large area of woods to use it’s almost like entering a full road event, regulations for the event should be out soon.

And now its time for me to pass you over to our club President Robin Moore.

Historical Notes Part 3.

My own involvement with our club commenced in the 1950’s when having witnessed the MCC Lands End at the historic section of New Mills, Boscastle. I knew that I wanted to take part myself , but it had to be a pre-war sports car.

I initially sought the advice of a very dear friend, Ted Dennis, who gave loyal support to our club over many years, He started competing very soon after the 2nd World War and went on to serve as President in the period immediately before myself. His advice to me was to buy a “blown” MG PB, but this never happened, and it was fate that led me to purchasing the complete wreck of a 1932 Wolseley Hornet. I started to write the story of MV 2713 for the M.C.C. Triple magazine, but since writing the introduction I have not progressed the article.

However to continue with these historic notes, it was early 1958 before my Wolseley project was ready to take to the road once more. When I first became involved with North Cornwall Motor Club, as it was then called, the President was Mr Leslie Major of Polapit Tamar, a fine country house near Lady Cross. Mr & Mrs Major on occasions would extend hospitality to club members by inviting us to their lovely home for a social evening, precluded by an unofficial speed test on the drive in front of the house. This was always great fun, and one just used whatever you had driven to Polapit, no comp. numbers or anything like that. It was all good light hearted fun. I have a lasting memory of watching Llewellyn Sandercock with his very smart grey MGTC . Llewellyn was usually to be seen accompanied by his sister driving a Ford Pop in local trials. He was a regular competitor at the time and lived in Week St Mary.

After having fun with our motors we tramped indoors to the ballroom, where light refreshments were provided, the gramophone wound up, a record placed on the turntable and you could take your partner for a dance. Serendipity !

RHTM to be continued ……


Britain’s ISDE Heroines!

British women surprised the world at the 2019 International Six Days Enduro. Club member Richard Simpson reports from Portugal

The nominations for BBC Sports Personality have closed, and it’s unlikely that the names Jane Daniels, Rosie Rowett or Nieve Holmes will feature among the front-runners.

Which is a shame. These three motorcycle racers made up the GB Women’s Trophy Team in the recent International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) in Portimao, Portugal. Not only was it the first time any of them had entered the event, which is known as the Olympics of Motorcycling, it was also the first time that there has been a British Women’s team in the ISDE, which dates back to 1913. Their entry was so late they were not even included in the event programme, and they were scratching around for funding until the last minute.

In spite of that, they finished third!

The ISDE fully deserves its reputation as one of the toughest sporting events in any discipline. Riders are expected to cover distances of up to 280 km a day, mostly cross-country, in periods of seven-and-a-half hours for five consecutive days. These marathon stints are conducted to a strict time schedule. Arrive at a checkpoint a minute early, and you are out of the competition. Arrive more than a minute late, and the penalties start. If the penalties total more than an hour over the event, you are out!

If that’s not tough enough, during the day you ride four special tests against the clock, with total times counting against you.

Jane Daniels cleared a part of the course that defeated all the other women and most of the men, only to see it struck from the results as being ‘too hard’!

And Nieve Holmes aggravated an early injury on day four, dislocating a shoulder… twice. Knowing that her retirement would put the British Women out of the competition, she battled on to finish.

Further down the field, riders from club teams from all over the world struggle with the terrain, fitness and mechanical defects. There was a standout British runner in this class, too. Bradley Mair of Witley MCC finished the event, riding a 1981 Maico 490.

Some rider, some bike!

Enjoy watching the Sports Personality of the Year, but bear in mind that those featured are not the only ones who excelled themselves in 2019.

At the end of each day you get just 15 minutes to change tyres and carry out any work required on the bike, with a further 10 minutes before you start the next day. No one else is allowed to touch your bike!

So, what happens on day six?

Well, you have a nice restful motocross race, bar-to-bar against 39 other racers!

How did the British riders do?

The much-fancied British Men’s Trophy team was cursed with bad luck and injury, but the British women rode beyond all expectations, coming from nowhere to hold second place in their class at one point against semi-professional opposition from Australia, Germany and the USA.

In the end, they were overtaken by the German team, while no one ever seriously challenged the American women. However, there were some standout performances from British bronze medallists.


Joe Caudle our Membership Secretary says that no-one responded to the call of paying their subs as per last month’s reminder. Please send your £10.00 to PM Wevill, The Manor House, Lifton, Devon, PL16 0BJ. Please make any cheques out to Launceston and North Cornwall Motor Club Ltd. Pay now whilst prices are still held at last years low price, There is no special offers or Black Friday bargains to be had. Those of you wishing to renew online can do so at and yes we can relieve you of your money this way, it doesn’t get much easier.

Camel Vale Motor Club are hosting a meeting on Tuesday the 3rd of December at the Victory Hall, Roche at 8.00pm. Topics for discussion include forestry, working parties and other topics to do with motor sport. I shall be travelling down with Andy Prosser, Andy has a six seater van so if anyone would like a lift get in touch with him on 01566 777122.

Things in the garage have been relatively quiet with my main objective being to get miles on the Dellow to run in the rebuilt engine in time for the Exeter Trial in January, it may seem a little way off but it will come around all too quick, especially as in my case I am what’s known as “date challenged” ( I don’t think it’s a true medical term) I just struggle to know what’s happening and when. Even my scooter jobs have been a little slow, mainly because I don’t get too excited at taking to two wheels when the weather has been throwing it down as it has been for the last month or more, must be getting soft in my old age.

All for now other than on behalf of the club to wish everyone a merry Christmas and Happy new year, enjoy.

J.T. for contributions please send to

Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the club, don’t shoot the committee, the editor is open to verbal written targets though.