Motor Traders 2019 Results

The results for the Motor Traders Trial can now be downloaded below.

Motor Traders 2019 Results (1295 downloads)

A heart felt thank you all for attending the Trial and we hope that you had an enjoyable day despite the breakdowns!!

Those that couldn’t attend for various reasons will have their entry fees returned.

A special “thank you” to all Marshals and helpers for their free time and enthusiasm as without them there would be no trials.

Due to no Championship contenders, all classes were amalgamated and handicapping done by different tyre pressures as per results.

Third         Alan Selwood      34 points

Second    Gareth White      27 points

First          Jason Daniel         21 points


July 2019 Newsletter

So we are into the second half of the year and as I write this the sun is shining so I am wondering what on earth am I doing indoors sat at the keyboard, but the reality is that if I don’t apply myself to this task it’ll never get done, and I realize everyone out there would be incredibly disappointed at not getting their monthly fix! Perhaps not.
On Saturday the 7th of June we ran the Summer Sporting Trial at Ashleigh, this was a very pleasant low key event and although the turn out wasn’t big it remained competitive, I was passenger for Andy Prosser and managed to avoid any bruises, Andy came a very creditable 4th the event being won by George Watson on just 2 points.
At our recent committee meeting Mike Wevill brought along the awards that he managed to secure at auction in Liskeard. Whilst these are replicas and quite small they are still an important part of the jig saw in the club’s history.
This coming Sunday the 7th we have the Motor Traders Trial at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin, the weather forecast looks OK so as I said last month bring the sun bloc. We already have a handful of entries and if you intend to enter on the day please arrive in plenty of time to get the necessary paperwork sorted, it just makes it that little bit easier for the organizers.
The Testing Production Trial follows next on the 11th of August, the venue is all booked at Cannaframe , this is between Plusha and Bolventor, just off the A30.
On the 15th of September we have the David Ayers Sporting Trial, in the sporting trial calendar this is one of our big events so marshals will be needed please, and Yes I will be reminding you again next month!
You may remember that in last month’s offering I mentioned a couple of club outings, the first to the Prescott Hillclimb Championship on the 8th of September and a possible trip to the Morgan factory for a guided tour. Well Andy has booked the minibus for the Prescott outing, the bus will leave at 7.00am with a view to arriving at around 10.00am so that we don’t miss too much of the action. There are still some seats available so if you were thinking of going get in touch with Andy, tel, 07511 072724 or e mail Prescott is a superb venue and it’s a great chance to see some of the top hillclimb drivers in action.
Invitation, Tresmeer Village Hall PL15 8QT are running a navigational scatter for anything with two or more wheels. The event is on Saturday the 13th of July starting at 5.00pm. There is no set route, you just follow clues with a time limit of approximately two hours, finish back at the hall around 7.00pm . There will be cheesy chips and hot dogs available on your return along with the bar being open. Entry is just £2.00 per crew.
Having now got the Dellow up and running with a whole twelve miles on it I just need to try and get out and use it more. Having done all the work on it I feel I should make some attempt to run it in properly which is easier said than done. I have to say though it’s a long time since I heard a sidevalve sounding quite so sweet, just hope it lasts.
All for now

June 2019 Newsletter

Here we are in June, not sure where the last month went, all a bit of a blurr, must have been enjoying myself but the trouble is as you get older you forget what you did yesterday let alone last month, look on the bright side, if you’ve forgotten it then it doesn’t matter if you do it again.

The Reg’s are out for the Motor Traders Trial on the 7th of July at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin, by kind permission of John Werring. These can be downloaded from the website. In the past we have had cracking weather for this event so bring the sun tan lotion, yes I realise that if it rains I will probably get the blame.

Motor Traders Regs –

Motor Traders Entry Form –

This coming Saturday the 8th we are planning to run an afternoon Sporting Trial at Ashleigh, Lifton, if you have a bit of free time on your hands and able to marshal it would be very much appreciated.

Summer Trial Regs –

Summer Trial  Entry Form –

The 11th of August is the date set for the Testing Production Trial at Cannaframe, this usually caters for cars and bikes and is a very relaxed day out whilst competitive there is an emphasis on enjoying the event and socialising.

Our club secretary Andy Prosser is looking to organise some club outings.

Prescott, British Hillclimb Championship, 8th September, Cost approximately £30.00 per head

Morgan Car Factory, Factory tour, Date tba, costs approximately £40.00 per head. The costs will depend on the amount of people wanting to go as this affects the size of bus, the more that wish to go the cheaper it becomes. Please contact Andy on 07511 072724 or email

A recent auction at Liskeard included some historical club items, namely three NCDMC annual awards dating back to 1935, 1938 and 1953. Fortunately Mike Wevill was able to attend the auction and bought the lot for £24.20, I can only assume that Silver is at a low scrap value as I thought they would have been worth more. Well done Mike, a little bit more of the club’s history preserved.

Things in the garage have been going at a bit of a snail’s pace but I have now rebuilt a spare 100E engine ready to drop into the Dellow, but on taking out the old engine I decided several things in the engine bay needed altering. These things always take longer than planned, hopefully the next couple of weeks will see it all up and running again, back to the running in, oh joy of joys.

I know it’s got nothing to do with motoring or motorsport but it was good to see the Cornwall Rugby team at Twickenham win the County championship Bill Beaumont Cup, unfortunately I was only there in spirit.

All for now but do please send in anything that might be of interest.


E mail


Motor Traders Car Trial 2019 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for the Motor Traders Car Trial 2019 are now available to download below.

Motor Traders 2019 Regs (1946 downloads) Motor Traders 2019 Entry Form (2068 downloads)


The trial will take place on Sunday 7th July 2019 by kind permission of John Werren and family at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin, Nr. Launceston, PL15 8LL (MR 190/285880).

Entries Close on Wednesday the 3rd of July 2019.

Summer Trial 08-06-19 Regs & Entry Form

We’re pleased to announce a new event that isn’t on our calendar. We are organising a sporting trial on the 8th of June at Ashley Farm, Lifton (MR201/395842) by kind permission of Paul Webber. Ashley Farm is the same site that was used for the Northgate Trial in March.

Summer Trial 2019 Entry Form (1842 downloads) Summer Trial 2019 Regs (1875 downloads)

Scrutineering starts at 1pm and the first car starts at 2pm. The event has a late start to assist people who are travelling down from up country.


May 2019 Newsletter

Once again a new month appears and I have to think of how to fill the space on the page especially as there is a bit of a lull in the competition events within the club. As I am sat here typing this I have my nestbox camera monitor switched on and looking at four newly hatched baby Sparrows, yep it’s Spring, the babies have barely hatched and the parents are already feeding.

Club Annual General Meeting, this was held at Tresmeer Village Hall on the 4th of April, it would be nice to say that we were bursting at the seams with volunteers for all the posts of office but no one would believe me anyway. We did however manage to vote in a new Chairman and Secretary so that was a bit of a result. Peter Cooper is now the new chairman and Andy Prosser is the new secretary, contact details for them can be found on the club website. Thanks to both of them for stepping forward.

The club owes a big thanks for outgoing Chairman Warin Kelly and to the outgoing Secretary Pat Gomm, these two people have been the mainstay of the club for more years than they probably wish to admit, to say that we are grateful for all their years of hard work is an understatement. So once again Thankyou to both of you!

The Motor Traders Trial is due to be held on July the 7th at Waterloo Farm , North Petherwin. Regulations for this should be out soon, I will probably have more details for you in the June newsletter.

Thoughts and pre-planning is under way for this year’s Tamar Trial in October, it seems a while off but it will probably come around all too soon, and there will be other events in the meantime.

I attended the Dellow Register AGM last weekend so we gave the camper van a wash and made a weekend of it in the Cotswolds, a very lovely area of which to be honest I knew little of so it was good to have a look around, one of the things I gleaned was that I can’t afford to move there. Whilst away the home rugby team the Cornish All Blacks were in a play-off match for promotion to the next league. Nigel Cowling sent me a text at half time of the score, we were losing 0 to 19, then he sent me another at full time and we’ve won 33 to 22, I would love to have heard the mid match team talk !!

In the garage I have added to my collection of scooters with another Lambretta, this time a model Lui, this boasts an earth shattering 50 cc’s and three gears to choose from, not that it shattered much riding around my yard.

Over the Easter Weekend Mike Wevill and I did the Lands End Trial in the Dellow, to say it was a contrast to the previous year is an understatement, last year we drove through heavy rain, snow covered hedges and flooded roads.

This year we were followed by a beautiful full moon on the night run and glorious sun in the daytime, I’ve never done the Lands End in such warm temperatures, you would think we would be grateful but it brought its own problems with intermittent fuel vaporisation. When we got to Perranporth Roger Bricknell suggested putting a wedge under the rear of the bonnet to increase air flow. Top man, this actually made a difference and we romped up Bluehills 2.

When we got to the finish Mike and I were congratulating ourselves in that we had a clean sheet barring one possible misdemeanour, just over a week later we got the results and we are relegated to the “also rans”, you know what they say about counting chickens. On the positive side the supercharger worked well.

Our Club President Robin Moore wrote a very interesting article (see attachment) on Ruses Mill which was printed in the letters column of the Cornish & Devon Post newspaper, a real piece of motoring history, well done Robin.

Some of the notable results of the event

Class C Dave Craddock, Best in class
Class D winner Simon Urell/Julie Williams
Class 7 Winner Peter Tudor
Class 4 Winner Dennis Greenslade
Class 3 Winner Andrew Martin
Class R Gold Ray & Rosemary Goodright
Class R Silver Andy Smith & Joe Caudle
Class R Silver Simon Oates & John Werren
Class O winner Motorcycle Phil Hingley, despite breaking down three times on the way to the start. His brother Ian had the misfortune of breaking down at Barbrook at silly o’clock in the morning and had to wait 12 hours for recovery.!! Although the kind people in the filling station did look after him with cups of tea and a comfortable chair to sit in.

Not quite the same hospitality at the start venue car park at Plusha! I was somewhat disturbed to hear that some competitors who parked their vehicles overnight were hit with heavy fines/penalties. It seems that these were picked up on the security cameras and dealt with somewhat harshly.

I suppose it is a question of were they warned of this in the final instructions, the galling thing is that they most probably spent money in one or other of the two establishments there.

All for now J.T.
E mail

Hill climbs at Ruses Mill From Robin H T Moore: THE Post, dated March 21 printed an image of a Bugatti climbing the hill at Ruses Mill in Launceston, whilst taking part in a competitive event. So much has changed over the last 90 years, that at a glance 1 questioned where or not the photo depicted was actually of Ruses Mill, for I have known this place for over 60 years, and in my time has always had a metalled surface.

I contacted Barrie Kiuton, archivist of The Motor Cycling Club (MCC was founded 1901) and also checked records from my own collection, and I am able to confirm the venue as Ruses Mill, first used by the MCC as part of the Land’s End Trial of 1930 when the picture was taken.

Ninety years ago the surface of the hill was nothing more than a rough muddy track making it difficult for motorised vehicles to find enough grip to maintain forward motion, This caused a problem for many competitors taking part in this 1930 event. Failing to maintain forward motion on a nonstop ascent incurred a penalty.

Competitor number 365 as depicted was one of the those that failed Ruses on that event: The car appears to be a Type 44 Bugatti entered by Col 1.M Giles of the Bugatti Games club, Col Giles was a regular competitor in the MCC events, including their timed high speed trials held on the outer circuit at Brooklands, where he averaged 84.41 mph in the 1931 event, In one such competitors, Giles actually beat Lt Col, Goidle Gardener of At one time Col Giles became interested in the 1913 chain-driven five litre Bugatti which Miss Guy Cummings had driven in sprints. This famous car known as “Black Bess” is persevered to this day.

The Motor Cycling Club’s three long distance reliability trials, The Exeter to Edinburgh Land’s End, (classic trials as they are now known) still take place annually, attracting large entries. The Lands’ End taking place this Easter will once again see Ruses Mill included in the route for some of the classes to tackle, maintaining tradition and the heritage of this event.

The Motor Cycling Club have always enjoyed the goodwill and support of the residents, family community and the parish council of this annual invasion of motor sport enthusiasts, maintaining the history and containing enjoyment of many persons, particularly those taking part. In conclusion, readers may be interested to know that for the 1930 Land’s End, Ruses Mill was the first hill to be tackled after the Launceston time check, and where competitors were allowed a one and a half hour lunch break, having parked their vehicles in the Guildhail Square, the first competitor being due at 10am. The route car stated: Proceed without waiting to Guildhall Square. Park as directed. Sign and lunch at Town Hall. Control from timing point to start after lunch. Well there’s food for thought.


April 2019 Newsletter

It’s April and here we go again with another action packed newsletter, or just my usual drivel!

On the 29th of March we held our Annual Awards Presentation at Trethorne, there was a good attendance and awards officer Nigel managed to off load a quantity of the club’s silverware including a new award in the form of the LNCMC “Triple”. This was awarded to Ben Tonkin for class wins on 2, 3, and 4 wheels, well done Ben, I can’t imagine we will be giving out too many of these for such a notable achievement.

On Sunday the 31st of March we held the Northgate Sporting Trial at Ashleigh Farm, Lifton. There was a good entry of 13 competitors on what is a fairly new venue for us, it is a superb site and we have by no means used this to its full potential with a lot of unexplored ground available. Conditions for the event were dry and with sunshine virtually all day it made for a very enjoyable event. Unfortunately almost at the end of the day Jon Fack sustained a very unpleasant injury to his hand needing hospital treatment, this is a reminder that as the signs say “motorsport is dangerous” and whilst we see the signs it is only when something goes wrong that we really take heed of it. On behalf of the Club we wish Jon a speedy recovery.

The event was won by Alan Baker from Gloucester, a full view of the results can be seen on the club website here

Next up is the Club Annual General Meeting to be held on April the 4th at Tresmeer Village Hall, PL15 8QT at 8.00pm. There will be the usual election of officers and most important two very long standing committee members wish to stand down, so we need two candidates for the role of Chairman and Secretary. These are both fundamental positions for the general running of the club, please give it serious consideration.

The bar in the hall will be open and there will be nibbles.

The next event on the calendar is the Motor Traders Trial on the 7th of July, regs for this will be posted on the website a little nearer to the time of the event.

As we approach Summer there are thoughts of rallies etc, if you know of or are involved in one please get in touch with me and I can give it a mention to demonstrate motoring experiences in the round. I spent last Saturday giving the Lammie a run out to the Teignmouth Scooter rally, with a round trip of just under 150 miles it was a very enjoyable ride, with one exception, the padding on my seat is no longer sufficient so I am now shopping for a more comfortable saddle.

I have been back in the garage doing battle with the supercharger on the Dellow, it is now all up and running I merely have to get in some road miles to do the last bit fettling which mainly comes down to which carburettor spring works best. Looking back at the project the bit that was the most challenging was getting a belt tensioning wheel in place which was easy enough to adjust without fouling up other workings around the engine. On the third attempt I think I have it sorted (for now) but we shall see.

With just over two weeks to go before the Land’s End Trial I would like to think I can be confident in getting to the finish, but it’s tricky driving with your fingers crossed.



E mail

March 2019 Newsletter

Yet another month whizzes by and I find myself back at the keyboard trying to think of interesting things to tell you of what’s been happening in the club and wider. February the 10th saw the annual Launceston Trial ably put on by Nigel and team.  Myself and Andy Prosser went out to marshal and somehow managed to do three hills with only one minor incident (well minor to us as it wasn’t Andy or me who collided with a tree) fortunately the unlucky rider wasn’t too badly hurt but it will probably a couple of weeks before he is back on the hot seat again. The event had a very good entry of 48, with a nice mix of 2, 3 and 4 wheeled vehicles. The Club is very lucky in having such a large area of woods to use and as always are very grateful to Mr Newman for allowing us the use of it. Well done to all the organising committee for putting on a first class event, and allowing me to get home in time to watch the second half of the England rugby match : enough said.

Launceston Trial 2019 Final Resuls –

On the 28th of last month we held the Special Meeting at Trethorne with a very good turnout of 46 people from far and wide. It was encouraging to see such a turn out with delegates from various clubs and organisations, all sharing a common concern for grass roots motorsports, I will leave it to our chairman Warin Kelly to give you the full overview.

On the 29th of this month we will be holding our Annual Presentation of Awards and (free) buffet at Trethorne. This is a very sociable evening and hopefully award winners will make the effort to attend which all helps to make the evening more enjoyable for the organisers as well as the winners of various coveted trophies.

The club AGM will take place on the 4th of April , this is your chance to come along and voice your opinion on how the club is run, someone could even take over the job of writing the monthly newsletter  if they so desire,(caution : pigs flying) or maybe stand for a job on the committee.

Meanwhile in the garage things have not been moving at the planned pace, the engine is still out of the Dellow, and whilst the supercharger is actually bolted to the engine after much faffing at making brackets etc. that’s about as far as it has got due to a series of unplanned absences from the garage, but I am now hoping to get back in there and get things moving.  My entry for the Lands End Trial is in so by hook or by crook I have to get the project finished and maybe even tested, could be a bit of an eleventh hour job mate.


Points Raised in the Open Meeting on 28th Feb 2019
The meeting was well attended by nearly 50 people,from at least 10 clubs as well as representatives from Motorsport UK, ASWMC,and ACTC. Discussions covered a wide range as the notes below indicate

Current Concerns
It was agreed that entry numbers are dropping except in a few areas such as Autocross and Quads.
Financially entry fees are not a problem but vehicle upkeep and repairs are.
More clashes of dates with different disciplines and clubs.
The sport is not seen as P C.
There are more people working at weekends.
Cooperation between Clubs and Associations
ASWMC are no longer holding their dates meeting as there had been such poor attendance.
 There is no control over what dates clubs use.
 Clubs and Disciplines need to work together on this to reduce clashes.
Time needs to be built into the Calendar to allow for repairs and rests between events.
Regs vary from Club to Club and Trial to Trial. This makes it difficult especially for new competitors.
Clubs could work together to co-organise events. This is common with hillclimbs and rallies.
There are too many rules and regulation and they need updating and simplifying.  Class structure needs modernising e.g. for sidecars and quads.

MOTs should be necessary for all vehicles even in off road events.  This helps to take the onus off the club and onto the competitor to present the vehicle in a safe condition. Some insurance companies are now requiring exempt vehicles to be MOT’d.  A show of hands at the meeting indicated that this should be put to Motorsport UK.

There is a lack of marketing and profile of the sport.

We need to get youngsters attracted to the sport so they will become spectators and then competitors.

Competitors want to be able to make late entries to events as happens with bike events- this involves more paperwork being carried out at signing on.

Better deals are needed with Insurance Companies.

Make events more friendly for modern cars e.g. SUVs, traction, slip diffs and front wheel drives. 

It was not thought there was a future for electric cars in our sport at present due to expense of vehicles, and the cost and number of batteries required for a road event .

New Types of Events
Evening Events e.g. grass auto tests
Inter-club competitions
Camping Events.  Saturday afternoon, camping overnight, and continuing on Sunday
Touring Assemblies
Taster Events (I event per year per discipline)
Treasure Hunts.

 It was a useful meeting though there was little interest at the end in forming an informal group to take matters forward. However it was agreed hold an open follow up meeting on Thursday  23rd May 2019.  at Trethorne Leisure Centre  7.30pm.for 8.00 pm by which time people will have had the chance to report back to their own clubs and get further thoughts.
If you will be coming to the meeting please ring me Warin Kelly on 01822 870393, or Pat Gomm on 01566 784348,so that we can get an idea of numbers.
In the meantime please feel free to post any ideas on our club face book page.
Or send them to John Turner at who will be happy to include them in our monthly newsletter.

Our AGM on the 4th of April will be held at Tresmeer Village Hall. At 8.00pm.

  • Having served in their respective posts for many years Warin Kelly and Pat Gomm here by give notice that they will not be standing for re-election.
  • Also needed is a Motor Cycle Rep as no one on the present committee is an expert on this part of our sport.

With the Club coming up to its 100th anniversary next year it will be good if younger members.