Website and new results and regs

We are sorry that there have been recent problems with this site – unfortunately it was hacked and corrupted. We are still working to improve the site and hope to re-launch soon. Meanwhile results of the recent Tamar Trial and regs for the upcoming Ron Beer and Spry Sporting Trials can now be downloaded. Thank you for your patience.

Awards & Social Evening etc

Don’t miss the FREE Social Evening and presentation of awards on 12 April again at Eagle House Hotel at 8pm. There is a FREE buffet and donations taken for our charity. Please remind any others you may see about this evening as the more the merrier. However we would apreciate if you could let me know if you are coming so we can advise the hotel about numbers.
Pat Gomm 01566 784348
Windwhistle Motor Club:- Bovey Down Trial:- This is a single venue event being held on 28th April 2013 – MR:192/203913 which includes Normans Hump, Marilyn and Clinton, used in the MCC Exeter Trial.
Windwhistle Motor Club:- Bovey Down Trial:-
They will be needing at least 30 marshals for this event, so if you are interested and want to help with a good day’s sport, make up a car full and bring some friends…
Please contact – Anna Robinson – on or 07780787529 or Jon Chick (Chief Marshal on the day) he will also be happy to hear from you at any time at

Launceston Trial regs can now be downloaded

The popular Launceston Classic Reliability Trial takes place in and around Eastcott Down in West Devon. Following recent difficulties in North devon we have been assured by the landowner that there is no current problem with using this forestry.
This event is closed to club but as a year of family membership is only £10 can you afford to miss it?
The latest Cann Medland league positions can also be found in the results page of this site. They will be final after the resulst of the Launceston Trial have been factored in.

September Newsletter

The September Newsletter can now be downloaded from this site. Don\’t forget that the Tamar Trial regs and entry form are also still available. The new additional Club Championship for the Cann Medland Trophy is well under way the current positions can be seen in the results section of this site. The explanation of the scoring system is in the newsletter section of this site.