The popular Launceston Classic Reliability Trial takes place in and around Eastcott Down in West Devon. Following recent difficulties in North devon we have been assured by the landowner that there is no current problem with using this forestry.
This event is closed to club but as a year of family membership is only £10 can you afford to miss it?
The latest Cann Medland league positions can also be found in the results page of this site. They will be final after the resulst of the Launceston Trial have been factored in.
Spry Trophy Trial Regs, Newsletter & Gallery
Happy New Year from L&NCMC! The regulations and entry form for the Spry Trophy on 27th of January can now be downloaded from this site.
The January Newsletter is also available to download.
We have also added a gallery devoted to the Late Pete Moores
September Newsletter
The September Newsletter can now be downloaded from this site. Don\’t forget that the Tamar Trial regs and entry form are also still available. The new additional Club Championship for the Cann Medland Trophy is well under way the current positions can be seen in the results section of this site. The explanation of the scoring system is in the newsletter section of this site.
Motor Traders Trial Results
The Motor Traders Trial on Sunday September 2nd was once again won by David Robinson. The results can be downloaded from this site.
David Ayers National Championship Trial
The Regs and Entry Form forthis event can now be downloaded from this site. Marshals are needed so if you can come and help please let us Mike Wevill know.
Motor Traders Trial 2nd September
The regs and entry form for the Motor Traders Car Trial are now available to download.
At our last event the Carr Cup was won by Dave Haizelden, Steve Moir won the Car Class and Tristan Barnicoat the combinations. Results can be downloaded.
Simon Oates wins the Testing Trial
Simon Oates driving his Torum Special just managed to win the Testing Trial. The car had overheating problems at the end but still managed to finish and set FTD. Thanks to C of C Simon Riddle for organising the event & the Craddock families for the admin and barbeque.
June Results available & July regs to download
The results for the last testing trial are now on this website.
This year we a running the Carr Cup Autotest as a Testing Trial type of event. The timed sections will be on level grass and will be suitable for all vehicles including road, trials and autotest cars; bikes, outfits and any NTF cars. The tests will be a test of driving skill rather than memory or how modified your machine is. There will be a barbeque that will be available before and during the event. This is intended to be a fun with a competitive edge – we hope to see you there – regs and entry form can be can be downloaded from this site.
Autotest/Testing Trial Regs now available
This year we are running the Carr Cup Autotest as a Testing Trial type of event. The timed sections will be on level grass and will be suitable for all vehicles including road, trials and autotest cars; bikes, outfits and any NTF cars. The tests will be a test of driving skill rather than memory or how modified your machine is. There will be a barbeque that will be available before and during the event. This is intended to be a fun with a competitive edge – we hope to see you there – regs and entry form can be can be downloaded from this site.
Testing Trial & Barbeque
Come and have a fun day with non-damaging competion at the Testing Trial. Suitable for all bikes, combinations, cars – including non modified road cars. Regs can now be downloaded.
Barbeque lunch in aid of the club charity.