Ron Beer Trial 2022 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for The Ron Beer Trial 2022 are now available to download below.

Ron Beer 2022 Regulations (1998 downloads) Ron Beer 2022 Entry Form Word Format (1783 downloads) Ron Beer 2022 Entry Form PDF (1944 downloads)

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We won’t be making use of the online entry system for this event so please send your paper entries to Pam Wevill The Manor House Lifton Devon PL160BJ.

Entries close on 7th December 2022 with no entries on the day.

The trial will take place on Sunday 11th December 2022 at Ashley Farm, Lifton (MR201/395842) by kind permission of Paul Webber.

Newsletter October 2022

So another month has shot past me and it’s back to the keyboard to try and conjure up something interesting for you. Our recent David Ayers Sporting Trial held at Marshgate by kind permission of David Langley was well attended, the weather was also suitably organised, rain was not on the menu so the waterproofs were left well alone, I will give you a run down on the event later.

Our recent committee meeting was well attended with various items being discussed, Andrew Rippon gave us a résumé of the recent ACTC meeting, interestingly there is no official tyre list, the general principle is that tyres used in classic trials should not have a gap wider than 8mm, anyone not sure on their tyre eligibility should consult the ACTC website.
There is concern over the possible movement of dates for the 2023 season, in particular, the date of the Tamar Trial is under threat, hopefully, this can be avoided.

One item that has been discussed at the committee many times is first aid, we have on two occasions booked someone from an organisation to be responsible for this and both times they have failed to appear on the day. With this in mind we are attempting to get some of the committee members trained in the hope that we will at least have someone at an event with some knowledge of first aid. We cannot however guarantee that in the event of mouth to mouth resuscitation being required that the person administering it will have shaved that day.!

Should and members feel they want to attend a committee meeting they are very welcome to sit in, there is even a Bar, our next meeting is on Thursday the 6th October 7.30pm at Tresmeer Village Hall.


No Chairman’s Chat this month unfortunately so here is a newspaper cutting of our esteemed chairman from 2001 at the water splash Knighton.


Going back to our visit to Prescott in July, during the lunch break we visited the on-site Bugatti Museum . Although the museum is not huge it showcases a lovely range of the “Bugatti Products” , not just cars but all sorts of innovative engineering ideas which would not normally spring to mind when the word “Bugatti” is mentioned. The price tags are eye watering, several noughts follow a number but the cars themselves are both exquisite and possibly somewhat ostentatious, if one drove down any high street it could be the cause of several neck injuries as people turned in surprise at what was passing them, dream on.



Forthcoming Events

POSTPONED. Our touring assembly booked for the 2nd of October has been postponed until the spring, unfortunately, it clashed with another one on the same day which was also being held locally, but at least the route planning is done so our chairman and secretary can sit back and wait until next year to enjoy.

7th & 8th October many of our members will be travelling north to take part in the MCC Edinburgh Trial, good luck and hope it all goes well for you.

16th of October we have our Pete Cooper Memorial Tamar Classic Trial, entries are already coming in for this so if you don’t want to miss out get yours in. The organising committee are working hard to make this a great event so please give it your support, yes, we need marshals so if you are available please contact any committee member or myself.

11th of December is the date for the Ron Beer Sporting trial to be held at Ashleigh Lifton, more on this in the November news

Text Box: 						From the Archives

Back in 2000 Vivien and myself along with a trusty band of volunteers used to run the Launceston Trial as a full road going trial. Knighton was used as a special test, always a bit of an unknown element until the day of the trial as you could never be sure of the river level. It wasn’t unusual to see someone get out of their car in the middle of the river (Clive Calber, Sticker Martin?) and remove all their spark plugs in order to pump the water back out of the engine cylinders, motorcycle riders could also be dumped unceremoniously in the river after hitting a hidden boulder.

The photo below was produced in the Western Morning News , (photo by Peter Sentance) in 2000, Adrian Dommett and Judy Philps,  pictured in the water splash at Knighton, Judy is already preparing herself for a dousing.

David Ayers Sporting Trial

With an entry of 14 on the day we all assembled before the start of the trial for a 2 minutes silence in honour of the passing of our Queen. Following this Warin Kelly gave a quick briefing to all congregated and then it was off to the hills on the lower side of David Langley’s farm at Marshgate. We were to complete four hills in the morning three times and a repeat of that but a different set of hills in the afternoon.

I was given the pleasure of passengering Andy Prosser, the car had recently had a change of ignition system which was proving far more reliable than the old one so it was a case of “all guns blazing”, or is it all ribs bruising? Section 1 wasn’t too bad with all the twists and turns expected on this type of event, sections 2 & 3 were like climbing grassy stairs with a loop around some gorse bushes and repeat, not only did you have to be quite quick to change positioning in order to get the best weight distribution but somehow manage to keep a grip or risk being thrown out, as luck would have it I did manage to stay with the car although on the last attempt of section 1 the only contact I had with the car was my backside , legs and arms were flailing helplessly before I managed anything that resembled the composure of a proper passenger. I once heard it termed as being an old man’s sport, to some extent this is true, if you aren’t at the beginning of the day you feel pretty much like it by the end of the day.

When lunchtime arrived we all travelled back up to the car park for a bite to eat and a chat and a chance to add more padding . Back down to the slopes, the afternoon hills were much more hidden whereas the morning ones were open to be seen much easier, I can’t remember an awful lot about the afternoon round with the exception of going up a hill leaning out as far as possible and realising I was staring into the lens of the MSUK photographer who had been despatched to the depths of Cornwall to cover the two day sporting trial festival jointly held with Camel Vale Motor Club.
Somehow I survived the full day even if I walked like a Robot for three days after. When the results were read out Andy and I had won one of the classes , well done Andy, all worth it.

David Ayers trophy                                                            Thomas Bricknell
First Class award                                                                Andy Wilks
Blue Class award                                                                Jason Daniel
Frank Ayers trophy                                                            Andy Prosser

So it was a very enjoyable day, held in lovely weather and a great relaxed atmosphere, well done to all, organisers, competitors and of course a big thanks to all the marshals who without you we would be struggling to run these events and to David Langley who as landowner we are very grateful.                                                                                       J.T.

So not much more to tell you, I managed on the 3rd attempt this year to attend a big scooter gathering over the last weekend but it’s alright I won’t bore you with that (yet). In a few days Vivien and I will be travelling North for a well earned break although I have been given the privilege by the MCC to take time out of it and be out on section at 4.00am for a marshalling stint on Middleton Moor, wherever that is!

All for this month J.T.                                    
Newsletter contributions to

September Newsletter 2022

Panic, Emergency meeting. At a recent visit with the club treasurer and secretary to Prescott Hillclimb we were all admiring the beautiful cars on display, I turned my back to talk to someone and on turning around again I caught the Treasurer and Secretary writing out a club cheque for a large amount of money for the car pictured below.

Ok so the purchase didn’t come to fruition, it was valued at much more than what is in the club account and it also wouldn’t fit on Mike’s trailer but I have to admit it would have been fun using it on the testing trial.

The Prescott meeting was held in beautiful sunshine which had me running for the shade, I like to see the sun but I’m rubbish at actually being in it, if the school careers advisor had said “Turner why don’t you become an explorer” I certainly would not have chosen the Jungle, more likely the Arctic. Enough digressing the theme of the day was for people to drive their own car up the hill {not timed} so Mike very kindly took Andy and myself for a ride up the hill in his MG and after lunch Mike actually let me drive it up the hill, it was a tentative drive with me thinking, no heroics, this thing is worth too much, but I can now say I’ve driven Prescott, thanks Mike.

Off the Hill
Andy Passengering the Invisible Man

Chairman’s Chat

Since the last newsletter 25 of our members competed in the August Testing Trial. The rain on previous days had dampened the ground sufficiently to allay fears of fire risk. The day was enjoyed by all who took part and thanks must go to the officials and marshals for putting on another good event.

It is my turn to organise a social event and so I have been working out a route exploring the highways and byways of East Cornwall and West Devon. It will provide the opportunity to ride or drive along some in-teresting roads and visit some landmarks and places of interest along the way.

This will be a Touring Assembly on Sunday October 2nd and will start at Race Hill Car Park in Launceston at 2.00pm and should take about 2 hours to complete with the incentive of the opportunity to purchase re-freshments including a cream tea at the Strawberry Fields finish venue. (Jam first)

The overall distance is approximately 50 miles and is all on tarmac county roads. It is suitable for all vehi-cles from classic cars and motorcycles, family cars, motorcycles etc (not commercial vehicles) so come and enjoy a non-competitive Sunday afternoon drive and the opportunity to socialise.

The entry is open to all, not just club members and although you could just turn up on the day advance notice would be appreciated so we have enough directions etc for all. Initially there will be a limit of 20 entries. That may be increased if there is sufficient demand. Please click my chairman’s email link on the club website, message the club via our Facebook page Facebook or send a text to me – 07495 358904

The entry fee is £10.00 to raise money for Launceston Voluntary First-Aid Service.

To receive more details about this event please look for updates on the club website or Facebook.

Joe Caudle

Past Event, August Testing Trial

Results :
Overall car              J Sandercock       Novice             J Cobbledick
Best FWD              A Seward          Class win              J Moores
Overall bike            M Bowden       1st Class award       R Baker
Under 12 award       H Baker Over      12 award               Z Ruby

Once again well done to the Gregory/Cowling team for organising this well supported event and thanks to David Langley at Marshgate for the use of his land.

Next event David Ayers Sporting Trial

We return to Trevilla, Marshgate on the 9th of September for the David Ayers Sporting Tri-al, this is one of our flagship sporting Trials events with a chance of seeing some of the top drivers in the country along with an assortment of very interesting and unique cars. Once again we will be needing marshals to enable the smooth running of this popular event. If you are able to help please contact Mike Wevill 01566 784451

See website for regs and entry form.

Tamar Classic Road Trial

On October the 16th we run what has become our biggest event, in honour of our past chairman and club stalwart it will this year be named the Pete Cooper Memorial, Tamar Classic Trial, the event is also a round of the ASWMC & ACTC so points to collect Plan-ning is at fever pitch, that’s approximately two levels above “dreckly” and all is set for what is hoped is a cracking event, hopefully by then there should even be a drop of rain to soften up the ground, and yes you’ve guessed it we need a large amount of marshals please do give it some thought, no marshals = no event.

Testing Trial Photos
Courtesy of Jonathan Kelly

A bit serious 🙂

Looking determined

Going for it !

Mind that pole !

The two pictures above are what I took at the centenary celebrations in the Town Square August 2021, what a difference a year makes. Last year we were all tuck-ing into pasties and hot tea and coffee to try and keep warm and dry, had it been this year it would have been ice creams and cold drinks. One thing is for certain you can never be quite sure of the weather despite all the best laid plans, alt-hough it was wet we still made a success of it (dry would have been nicer though).

Last month I put in a plea for correspondence about your summer travels, I can only assume that none of you have been anywhere worth mentioning, if you did why don’t I know about it?

All for this month J.T.

Contributions to

David Ayers 2022 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for The David Ayers Trial 2022 are now available to download below.

David Ayers 2022 Regs (1382 downloads) David Ayers 2022 Entry Form (1514 downloads)

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The trial will take place at Trevilla Farm, Marshgate, Camelford, Cornwall, PL32 9YN on
Sunday 11 September 2022.

Map Ref. 190 145911.What3Words Lane Entrance –

We will also be needing marshalls for this even so if you would like to volunteer please email Mike Wevill at

Entries close on Tuesday 6th September 2022.

We are only accepting paper entries for this event so the online entry system won’t be used.

Newsletter August 2022

Yes frightening isn’t it, August ! Well it’s been a bit of a busy year one way or another and I’ve not even started the Christmas shopping, to be honest being a bloke I’m not supposed to give  it any thought until Christmas eve. Anyway it’s still Summer so make the most of it, what would be really good is if someone could write a piece about any long distance journeys they have done this year, (I went from Lanson to Exeter last week but I don’t think it really counts) so come on put your fingers to the keyboard and let us know what you’ve been up to.
The following account should have been in last month’s newsletter but somehow computer skulduggery lost it so here it is now.

Sporting Trial Festival 21st May 2022

It was pleasant to be mentioned by Mike Wevill in the last newsletter as an attendee at the Sporting Trial Festival held at Long Compton in May, I’m not sure if Mike was being diplomatic or did not know about our woes! I have been on Martyn Halliday’s radar since he started the Historic Trials thing, I had originally intended to use the Coates Special in their events but having prepared it with MCC and ACTC events in mind it had become too heavy to be competitive, in addition whilst I have all the cables etc forthe fiddle brake there was limited room for the operating levers in the car.

When the Heritage class was announced I was straight in there, feeling the Coates was just what it was all about.

We entered the first event, a glossy programme was printed and we had submitted a short resume of the car and a couple of photographs, as I recall the trial was scheduled to take place at Crewkerne.

Sadly, we then all suffered the onslaught of Covid and the event was postponed, we do have a glossy programme though.

Post Covid the postponed event was promoted just after the John Aley Trial, my entry went straight in and a three night stay at the Hollies Hotel was booked for Ruth and I, unfortunately after gaining a silver in the JA the little car expired on the return to Tavistock.

A couple of pistons had melted and an engine overhaul was required, it became apparent that we would not be ready in time for the trial, we utilised the booking went to the trial and gossiped, then spent some time looking at the surrounding area and relaxing.

Those of you who are aware of my exploits in the Coates will know that the little beast has been performing well since the relaxation of the Covid rules, three MCC golds and the resulting Triple, a number of successful entries in ACTC events with a view to undertaking as many as possible championship rounds, and no “Did not Finish” in any event, it was looking good.

I was aware of the Long Compton Trial but had not entered as 2022 was intended to be focused on MCC and ACTC championship events, then I realised the little car was going well and there was nothing on until September, I discussed it with Ruth and we knew we could do the trip and back in a day (we have a pony and a number of cats, so for both of us to be away overnight requires some planning), a single site event so minimal car mileage, let’s do it.

Ruth and I are both hoarders, both our late Mums were hoarders, the result being we have a house full of “stuff”, we are hoping to move to the South West and to downsize and to this end have tried being ruthless, with varying degrees of success. One of the “heirlooms” was my grandmothers bone china tea service, probably dating from 1900, beautiful but not used since our ownership and has been in a display cabinet for the last 20 years.

Too good to chuck out but who would want it, I then thought of a cousin whose daughter is getting into the family history thing, a call was made and she was delighted to be the next custodian of the artefacts. They live in the Milton Keynes area, could they make it to Long Compton, they have no idea what a trial is, just something their strange relative has done for some years, so come and have a day out.

The day arrives we leave on time, M20, M25 and M40 all go well and we are there on time, car unloaded, starts well, Ruth gets us breakfast from the burger bar, we see Nigel Hilling and some other West Country stalwarts, chat to all sorts of people, all is well.

Then the drivers briefing, all ok accept we are required to carry a pen and mark a score card, we drive back to the truck to get a pen, as we pull up the car dies, it never does that!

A quick check, we have fuel at the carb, must be the spark, I change the trigger unit in the distributor, still nothing, then it appears to be flooding, it will start on choke but not run without it, we run it with the fuel pump switched off with Ruth switching it back on intermittently, all of sudden it is ok.

Keeping in number order for some reason is of great importance, having lost some time getting it going we are now out of sequence and get criticised for it, we explain and this seems to pacify the official. On the first of our sections I get the route wrong and lose 6, the marshall takes the mickey, “you’re not on a classic trial now, no need to blast about”, I recognise him as a regular official from most of our other events, on the second section I think we lose 1 or 2 but spin out in some reeds, this definitely needs more thought. On the third section I watch the others and identify the turn where they are all failing, Ruth and I agree our proposed route and all goes to plan, we just have the climb out where it appears no one else has got to. Early in the day it is still damp and we cannot make the last climb but pass the 2 marker of the section, we roll back to get out and to cut a long story short, unbeknown to us something solid in the undergrowth gets caught under the nearside front wheel, turns back with the wheel, gets locked up with the mudguard bracket, totally trashes it and rips out the hydraulic brake pipe!

We clear the section and now only have (the very effective) handbrake, we make the decision that it’s not feasible to continue, take the car back to the trailer, load it up, get a tea and go to watch the sections.

To say we are disappointed is an understatement, all those events where the little trooper has been flogged mercilessly, covered hundreds of miles and never missed and we get stuffed in a field, oh well that’s motor sport! We then spy Cousin and daughter looking for the truck, we go to meet them, show them the now defunct car, get out the chairs we have bought, pass over the china (she is delighted), more teas and we go through a number of old family photos I have that I want Alice to have, the wonderful thing is that they already have some photos and I am able to identify some of the relatives they cannot.

We spend a wonderful sunny afternoon relaxing in the countryside and just talking about family stuff, we have not all met up for possibly a year prior to Covid, we eventually leave when everybody else does and have a good journey home, but it was a long expensive 3 sections.

We seem to be fated in these events; will we do the next one? Almost certainly, as was remarked it is the Goodwood of Trials!

And what is next? Well as I write this, I am working on the ex-Stuart Highwood Marlin that I have entered the MCC 3-day trial with, I am aware that the Launceston Club is playing a big part in officiating at this event and I am very appreciative of the work you all do.

I should also like to thank those in the club who supported the suggestion to put cars like the Coates into class 2.

My normal passengers (is that an oxymoron) are not available so have convinced an old motorcycle friend to accompany me, he is very competitive and in going through the format of the event and instructions he is spurring me on to really go for it, my own thoughts are that more emphasis needs to keep the car going for 3 days! By the time you read this I expect the event will have passed and we will see who was correct.

Best wishes
Roger Ashby.


Motor Traders Trial results held 05/07/2022

Motor Traders Trophy  Phil Thomas
Class awards to Nigel Shute, David Robinson, Calvin Moores.
Novice award   Liam Hartley
U18 award  Patrick Warren.
Many thanks to John Werring for the use of his land.

Our next event is the Testing Trial to be held at  Trevilla Farm Marshgate by kind permission of David Langley. Reg’s for this are on the club website and can also be found on the club facebook page.

We will be back at Trevilla again on the 11th of September for the David Ayers Sporting Trial.  

As always both events can only run if we have marshal’s so if you are able to help it would be very much appreciated, no experience needed, you get them at the events. (:

Tamar Trial.
Nifty Nigel and the gang are well on their way with the preparations for this years Tamar Classic Road trial in October, mutterings were heard of “new sections” and a change of route so watch this space.


Our club were invited to have a stand at this year’s Launceston Show, the weather on the day was hot and sunny so the crowds were out in force. We were lucky enough to have a superb line up of cars and Phil Ridgeman brought his Honda motorcycle along  to add to the interest. Our roving reporter/cameraman Andy Prosser managed to take some snaps in between talking to the many interested visitors to the stand, well done all the club members who gave up their time on the day.

 Chairman’s Chat

The Motor Traders Car Trial was our last event, held at Waterloo Farm.  It attracted a good entry including two members of the Hartley family driving Simon Oates’s Torum Special and the Liege.  Liam Hartley winning a novice award in Torum.  Simon was also busy running the event so special thanks to him for all his support and hard work.

Everyone seemed to enjoy competing and congratulations to Phil Thomas who won the Motor Traders Trophy.  It was good to see a MK2 Escort in competition, particularly in a very period colour.  Patrick Stewart took the under 18 award in it too.

Our next event is a Testing Trial for the Invitation Trophy at a familiar venue that is new for this event.  Thanks to the Langley family it is at Trevilla Farm.  That will be a familiar place to many as we also hold the David Ayers Sporting Trial there and there are one or two sections each year in the Tamar Trial – Langleys is the best known of these.   Entries are now being taken for this event so get yours in now.

Simon Oates was also very busy organizing our stand at the Launceston Show.  Thanks to a last minute demand on my time to provide a family taxi service and carry out modifications to my daughter’s camper van I was in Bovey Tracey so was unable to attend as planned.  I look forward to hearing all about it.  There has also been a recent meeting of the Tamar Committee, Nigel Cowling, Simon Riddle and their team are well on task planning our round in the ACTC championship to be held in October. 

I am still contemplating whether to organize a social run in the early autumn,  Having received no positive feedback I await interest.  It is also pending information from MSUK to determine what, if any, permit is required.

I hope to see you at the Testing Trial later this month, in the meantime stay cool in the unusually hot and dry weather.

Joe Caudle

Tail piece.

The garage is fairly quiet at the moment with only minor tinkering with the Dellow and various scooters, so nothing to report (fingers crossed)
All for this month  J.T. don’t forget those contributions

August Testing Trial 2022 Regs & Entry

The Regs and Entry Forms for the August Testing Trial are available to download below. The Online entry is open for this event.

Please note there are additional supplementary regs which cover both cars and motorcycles, thus apply to all entrants.

August Testing Trial 2022 Car Regs (2002 downloads) August Testing Trial 2022 Motorcycle Regs (1874 downloads) August Testing Trial 2022 Suplementary Regs (1827 downloads) August Testing Trial 2022 Car Entry Form (1722 downloads) August Testing Trial 2022 Motor Cycle Entry Form (2386 downloads)

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The event is taking place on Sunday the 21st of August 2022 at Trevilla Farm Marshgate Camelford Cornwall PL329YN. What three words- STILTED.CURTAINS.DIGNITY and will consist of a number of observed tests. Marks will be awarded for completion of each test or section correctly as well as times taken where appropriate. There will be a number of tests and rounds dependent on time and size of entry.

Entries are open immediately and close finally on Wednesday 17th August 2022.

Newsletter July 2022

So we are now officially into the second half of the year and in terms of motorsport what an improvement over the last two years, last month was a particularly busy month, our own club was involved in running three events and many members were also busy doing their bit for the Jubilee celebrations so in all a busy time.

Chairmans Chat

I hope all our members are having a good summer, although today feels more like autumn.  The recent Spry Trophy Trial took place at a new venue at Broadwoodwidger, thanks to Alan Murton for facilitating this new venue.

 Last weekend many of us were involved in the MCC Dick Peachey 120th Anniversary 3 Day Trial.  Many were officiating and marshalling on local hills and all seems to have gone smoothly. 

Your Chairman was Chief Official at the lunch halt and time control at Race Hill car park in Launceston.  Thanks to the support of the Town Council employees and an excellent team supporting me all went well.  There were a lot of spectators to see the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town Crier giving the competitors a good send off.  Our club literally flew the flags and it was another opportunity to publicise our existence.  I enjoyed meeting many old friends old and making new acquaintances.

Many spectators were also present to see the sights of a wide variety of vintage and modern motorcycles and cars both at the car park and as they passed through Launceston.  Local cafes and purveyors of refreshments did good business throughout the afternoon so the local economy benefited.

It did feel slightly incongruous to see a classic reliability trial taking place in the middle of the summer.  However those competitors I spoke to were enjoying the event.  I think that Clerk of Course Dave Middleditch and the MCC are pleased with this innovation.I

Now we look forward to the Motor Traders Car Trial and the second Testing Trial of the summer.  Both are enjoyable and sociable occasions and I look forward to seeing you there.  Watch this space as it is hoped to have more news about a social event later this summer.

Joe Caudle


The “Dreckly” Testing Trial  As Nigel named it.

Smithson farm at Kelly proved a superb venue for this event, it’s all very low key and laid back with the emphasis on enjoyment. Once again there was a very good Junior entry with a varying age range and great to see kids being allowed to give it all they’ve got on the field, all helps to improve the riding skills.

In the adult (old folks) class the entry was quite diverse from the usual trials machines, to the Step Through squad, to Pete Turner on his recently acquired Greeves Trials bike.  The cars also were at their most competitive, particularly with Kath Shute and daughter Emily competing with each other in the little hatchback. Calvin Moore was doing his best to scare his passenger/mother in the J2 MG, it’s ok though as he’s since passed his test, congratulations Calvin.

On the section that I was marshalling I was the start marshal, a little lad pulled up beside me on his bike  with his dad keeping an eye on him, I explained to the  little fella what he had to do and then said if you start your engine  I will count you down, at this point dad intervened and said “it’s ok it’s electric” , it raised a good laugh anyway and with a twist of the throttle he silently shot off around the course.  

Overall winner John Sandercock – Carr Cup.  Luke Fry –  Motorcycle Trophy

Well done to Nigel and the team for yet another enjoyable event, particular thanks to Lisa Gregory on her debut as entry taker.



Spry Trial – Sunday 19th June – by Andy Prosser our Roving Reporter

Sunday the 19th June saw the annual Spry sporting trial being held at Higher Frankaborough Farm near Lifton for the first time, by kind permission of the Harvey family.  The arrangements had been made thanks to club member Alan Murton who lives locally and a few of us joined him on the Saturday to lay out the sections.  With steep grass fields and rain showers in prospect for the Sunday there was general concern about how difficult the trial could prove to be, how wrong we were on several counts!  A total of 11 competitors competed on the day with three sections being run four times in the morning and a further three, four times in the afternoon.

It soon became obvious that due to no significant rain overnight that the mornings sections were going to be a lot easier than we thought, so the tyre pressures were upped from 5psi on leaving the paddock to 8psi before the first hill was attempted and the sections were significantly tightened. Despite this Duncan Stephens, double driving Jerome Fack’s MSR, was clean over the mornings 12 attempts with several others only picking up low single figures scores. 

After a break for lunch it was decided to leave pressures as they were and see what the afternoon would bring – one thing was still no rain.  It was amazing how little grip there was on the second part of the field compared to the first with many bemused faces wondering what had happened!  Jason Daniel had a good morning only dropping four but really came in to his own in the afternoon, showing everyone else the way in his Crossle, with a final score at the end of the day of 28, the next nearest being Jerome on 40.  What makes this particularly special is that Jason was being passengered by his daughter Grace for the first time and it was her 14th birthday that very day (this is the youngest you are allowed to be a passenger in a sporting trials car) – what a brilliant effort and result by the both of them.  The club was also very grateful to Jason’s son Toby for helping marshal on the day.  

Jason and Grace Daniel heading for another clean.

The novice award was won by Nigel Shute, very ably passengered by his wife Kath – as regular club competitors it was nice to see them pick up an award too.  Several competitors had come down from as far away as the Forest of Dean which was great to see and everyone involved thoroughly enjoyed the day, with the added pleasure of everyone sharing Grace’s birthday cake at the end – a great event all round. 

Nigel and Kath Shute on their way to winning the novice award.


Future Events

10th July Motor Traders car trial at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin by kind permission of John Werrin. Regs are on the website, car drivers of 14 years and above.

21st August Testing Trial, Marshgate TBC regs to follow.

An Invitation from Minehead Motor Club   4th September

Minehead Motor Club would like to invite members of Launceston & North Cornwall MC to the 51st running of the Derek Merson Exmoor Clouds Classic Trial, being held on the 4th of September. Following the successful 50th running of the event last year, in Headon & Periton Woods, we are delighted to announce that the Exmoor Clouds returns to a full road trial this year, open to entries on 2, 3 and 4 wheels. After the landmark event last year, a new organising team has come forward, ready to take the Exmoor Clouds into its next 50 years.

The event will return to its base at The Rest & Be Thankful Inn, at Wheddon Cross, from where competitors will head out on a route of approximately 75 miles across West Somerset and Exmoor, taking in around 15 sections and 2 Special Tests. The new team have worked hard to bring together a mix of new sections, while reviving some classic hills that were once cornerstones of the Exmoor Clouds in years gone by.  

Entries can be made on the appropriate form and be either posted or emailed. Alternatively, if you would like a set of regs sent in the post, contact Event Secretary Norton Selwood on 07949 926621. 

We hope you can come and join us for a day’s motorsport in the September sunshine! 

(Regs will be available on the ACTC website from the 6th of July. )



 As chairman Joe mentioned our latest marshalling outing was for the MCC 3 Day Trial, with many club members out doing their bit and running hills, the Saturday of the 3 days was very much in our area so it was no mean feat to get volunteers to run all the hills. Thanks to everyone who supported and gave up their time for  this significant event.

I was elected (by myself) to run Ruses Mill our motley crew arrived at the Mill around 10.00am  to be greeted by other volunteers including one team from Barbrook ! They had left home at 6.30 am to get there, now there’s keen.

Once we had done all the deliberations as to who was manning which end it was down to getting familiar with operating the radios, somehow Dad’s Army came to mind, I think I was probably Captain Mannering although nobody said don’t panic to me.  To my surprise the radio system worked very well with only a couple of minor hiccups. The competitors came through in a somewhat irregular fashion as it was a break from the norm in that cars and bikes were interspersed so you never knew what was going to arrive next, although it was a little later than expected by the time the course closing vehicle came through to close the hill.

Once we had picked up everything it was back home and open up the Trials App Live on the phone to enter all the scores, with Vivien reading them out and me inputting,   this actually didn’t take as long as I feared it might and about an hour later it was all done and dusted.

  J.T.      All for this month         Don’t forget contributions to

Motor Traders 2022 Regs and Entry Form

The regulations and entry form for the Motor Traders Car Trial 2022 are now available to download below. You can also use the online entry section of the website to submit your entry.

Motor Traders 2022 Entry Form (1407 downloads) Motor Traders 2022 Regs (1657 downloads)

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The trial will take place on Sunday 10th July 2022 by kind permission of John Werren and family at Waterloo Farm, North Petherwin, Nr. Launceston, PL15 8LL (MR 190/285880).

Entries Close on Wednesday the 6th of July 2022.

Newsletter June 2022

I don’t know how many of you are really thinking of motorsport or jobs to do in the garage, at the moment there is a big focus on the Jubilee Celebrations with village halls buzzing and street parties taking over neighbourhoods, perhaps it gives people time to reflect and enjoy what they have, away from our little island there is more than enough turmoil to contend with.

The club recently had a stand at the Launceston Steam & Vintage Rally, an ideal showcase for us to show the general public what we are all about, we had a good variety of machines present 2,3,&4 wheeled varieties and several members on hand to talk to anyone interested to know more, thanks to all the committee members for giving up their time, in particular Andrew and Lorraine Rippon for coordinating everything and taking charge, well, except for the erecting of the gazebos which was confusing as always but Lisa sorted it out by reading the instructions, we men aren’t big on reading instructions.

Chairman’s Chat

I hope you are all enjoying the spring weather although the temperature outside today is more conducive to writing this contribution than some fettling in the garage.

Our last event was the Northgate Trophy Sporting Trial and this was unfortunately curtailed due to Roy Hartley having a heart attack.  Thanks particularly to Andy Prosser and other club members for their assistance for Roy and to the ambulance crew for helping them gain access down across the field and difficult terrain.   The ambulance took Roy post haste to Exeter where he underwent  expert care and treatment.  Following his treatment Andy collected him from hospital and reports that Roy is now recovering with his family.  We all wish him well and look forward to seeing him in the not-too-distant future.

 The club is assisting the MCC to run a number of sections local to us and I am liaising with Launceston Town Council and Cornwall Council to arrange the lunch halt.  The competitors will be in the Cornwall Council Race Hill car park from 11.30am onwards.  Pat Gomm is officiating at the time controls in the car park and would appreciate offers of help.  They are then due to pass though Launceston town centre to be waved off by a dignitary.  Hopefully this will give Launceston a view of classic trials vehicles and help to promote our sport.

We are now looking forward to the summer events on our calendar and I hope to see as many of you as possible at those.  There may be more news of social events as well soon.

Joe Caudle  Chairman


The Midland Trials Car Club announced plans to run a festival to cover Heritage ,Historic, Post-Historic & Modern cars & it seemed like a good idea to take part. However, because it was scheduled for a Saturday , when Nigel normally works ,the plan was shelved. I think we have all become a little ‘can I be bothered ‘ over  the last 2 years & the thought of  a three & half hour trip was  off putting .  Then with just over a week to go Nigel comes back with’ I have the day off’, so we are going.

Up at 4.30 & left home by 5.00.   Overtaken by Murt’s van between Taunton & Bristol. Stop at Gloucester services & there was Murt ,Gill & Nigel Hosken at the counter . We took a brief stop for a bacon bap & expresso.

On crossing the car park  I heard ‘ that brings back memories’, so got talking ‘did you compete’, answer ‘No but my family did, named Penhale ‘ . Is that from Holsworthy ?  Yes my Dad was Allin Penhale. Reply –‘ I competed with your brother Richard in Sporting Trials in the 1980’s ‘   What a small world. For course Allin Penhale will be remembered  by members of my age and older as a very successful regular competitor in Classic trials winning many of our Trophies .Richard is now living in Denver having been in  the USA for many years. Photos  of  me & car were  taken to send to Denver .

We then set off for Long Compton with Murt in pursuit & arrived on site at 8.45 where a large number of competitors were already parked. There were many familiar faces ,some from the classic car world & others not seen for a good many years.
The format  was-    3 Trials

HERITAGE ( entry 28)

Basically, 1950’s road going without fiddle brakes& including 11 Dellows & an Allard.
These tackled 6 sections on  the lower slopes  3 times. Familiar faces included Dave & Anna Robinson, Pete Tudor & Roger Ashby


Historics are NTF cars from 1953 to early 1970’s with fiddle brakes & there were 30 side valve Cannons plus  other specials. These guys appear to have an emphasis on having a jolly good time & often dress in period attire –namely flat cap, tweeds & tie. Also look to have a good picnic.Definitely from another era.
Post Historics are NTF cars from early 1970’s to 1978 with mainly BMC A series , Imp ,Renault 16 & Ford crossflow engines & drum brakes.
Again these  classes tackled 6 sections 3 times on the medium slopes

MODERN ( entry 34)

This was the Jacobean Trial  being a round of the BTRDA Championship.
We tackled 6 sections 3 times on the steepest terrain & we ran on 8 psi.

There was a good local contingent  comprising  Murt ,Stewart Stamp, Jason Daniel, Duncan Stephens, Thomas Bricknell, Jerome Fack & myself.

I had 2 bogey  hills which keep my score unnecessarily high but still kept in close contention with Murt & Jason ending just 5 points adrift but well down the field.

 For the record the winners were-
Heritage           Martyn Halliday          Lotus
Historic            Ian Wright                   Cannon
Post Historic     Simon Kingsley          Kincraft
Modern             Thomas Bricknell        Crossle

It was a privilege to take part in such a truly  extraordinary event (117 entries) which was superbly organised by  Josh & Elaine  Veale  & the MTCC team.

It was a pity that with simultaneous running we did not really have  much  opportunity  to watch the older cars in action but I don’t think it could have been any other way.

All that remained was to load up after assisting a transporter  beached on the corrugations of the field & start the long journey home followed by Murt . It was touch & go whether we could make home( 380  mile round trip )on a single tank so stopped for top up & expresso to keep awake  Don’t  know how we would manage such a trip  in the future with an electric tow car  ?
Someone said it was like a Goodwood for Sporting Trials & that was a fair observation . I will probably look to go again another year after all it’s the taking part that matters.

 As usual many thanks to my long suffering bouncer Nigel as without his enthusiasm I would probably have stayed at home.
Mike Wevill.

GasGas 250cc Pampera Mk III For Sale

A rare opportunity to acquire a GasGas Pampera Mk III…recognised as one of the best long-distance trials bikes ever made.  This bike is genuine one owner from new, and has recorded just over 3000 km. The original rear-wheel sprocket is still in place. It is one of the last two Pampera MkIIIs imported to the UK, and was purchased new from BVM of Stroud.

It is all original, except for Renthal trials bars and grips, nearly-new Pirelli trials tyres, security bolts, KTM handguards, and an Iris O-ring chain. Even the original speedo and indicators are still fitted and working. There is a good quantity of spare parts and consumables with the bike, including original type Vee-Rubber enduro tyres. All documentation is present, including the original bill of sale, handbook, sales brochure, and an information pack.

I’m selling because a Beta X-Trainer has replaced both it and my four-stroke trail bike. There is a small ‘ding’ in the front wheel rim (not a problem at MoT-time), and a small hole in the seat cover over the base. Apart from that, just a few little scrapes and scratches.

These machines only rarely come onto the market now.

Offers around £3000. Call Richard on 07812 402021

Future Events
12/06/2022 Testing / Production Trial at Smithson Farm Kelly.

Lisa Gregory is the entry taker and can be contacted through our facebook community page or you can enter online via the club website .

19/06/2022 Spry Sporting Trial. We have a new venue for this, Higher Frankborough Farm, Broadwoodwidger.  Mike Wevill is your contact 01566 784451. Email

10/07/2022 Motor Traders Trial at Waterloo Farm North Petherwin.

MCC 3 Day Trial 24/25/26 June Our club is running hills on Day 2 of this event and as always any offers of marshalling help would be most welcome , contact myself on 07971 249783.

Anyone at a loose end on the 19th of June may want to come along to the Tresmeer Village Hall family  treasure hunt. Starting at 2.00pm at the hall, all clues are done using the What 3 Words app, on completion return to the hall for tea and cakes.

So as you can see we are busy planning events for you the members to enjoy, in particular the Testing Trial is one that caters for all age groups in whatever form of vehicle you have, preferably not an electric one (only joking) as one of our Vice President’s Les Connect is yet to be convinced of the concept. Unfortunately his application to the local Council to turn his garage into a giant fuel store was refused, Les was last seen at a hardware shop in Newton Abott buying a pick and shovel with plans to excavate an underground fuel store under the veg plot in the garden.

All for this month, don’t forget to send contributions to